Soon, more than an hour has passed.

The atmosphere in the banquet hall is getting more and more enthusiastic, almost exploding!

Many professionals in the antique industry have dispersed, admiring the national treasure porcelain placed in the bulletproof glass display cabinet, everyone's eyes are extremely hot and fascinated!

While appreciating, everyone is also discussing enthusiastically and exchanging opinions with each other! Comment on the national treasure porcelain in the showcase, and confirm it with the relevant knowledge you have mastered.

Of course, everyone is secretly estimating, setting a price range for their favorite national treasure porcelain, and preparing for tomorrow's auction.

During this process, no matter the famous experts in antique art appraisal, big collectors, or those personnel of the Forbidden City cultural museums, everyone was shocked! They were all secretly gasping for air.

None of the antique porcelain displayed in these bulletproof glass showcases is a high imitation, let alone a fake. The appearance of each piece of porcelain is very good, obviously the result of careful selection.

What's even more shocking is that all the appraisal conclusions given by this kid Ye Tian are extremely accurate, without any doubts, no loopholes can be found, almost impeccable!

His identification conclusions are even more professional, more specific, and more accurate than the identification conclusions given by the famous museums he mentioned, and they are irrefutable!

What a sharp eye and what a huge reserve of knowledge is required! It's just like a myth that someone can do this, it's unbelievable!

Originally, they didn't know Ye Tian very well, so they planned to criticize the experts.

After hearing his appraisal conclusions on each piece of porcelain and going forward to personally appraise them, he immediately gave up the idea of ​​picking pricks and died down!

These few knew in their hearts that they could never be sharper or stronger than this kid!

If you stand up to criticize and doubt his appraisal conclusion, you will probably be slapped in the face by this kid in public. That scene is not very good! With so many old guys present, I can't afford to lose that guy!

Where did such a monster come from? The eyes are so sharp! It was terrible!

Looking at Ye Tian who was standing in the exhibition area talking and talking, everyone in the scene was secretly moved!

After putting the last piece of porcelain 'Chenghua Doucai Gaoshi Cup' into the bulletproof glass showcase and introducing it emotionally, Ye Tian finished the work of setting up the porcelain exhibition.

At this time, all the antique porcelains have been placed in the display cabinets, shining brightly under the lights, radiating dazzling and charming light, making this banquet hall extraordinarily beautiful.

In front of these arranged bulletproof glass showcases, the police and security personnel quickly pulled up a cordon, and sent several people to guard, separating the display area from the audience.

This is the preparation for the preview in the afternoon. The number of people at that time must be much more than now. The number of people entering the exhibition area must be strictly controlled, otherwise some accidents may happen.

The cultural experts and collectors currently in the exhibition hall are not subject to this restriction. They can cross the cordon at will and appreciate those priceless national treasure porcelains to their heart's content.

There are not many of them and they will not cause crowding.

Moreover, these are real professionals who have been immersed in this industry for decades, and their subordinates know the seriousness and act very steadily, so Ye Tian is naturally at ease.

The antique porcelain has been arranged, it's time to arrange those top paintings and calligraphy works.

Don't even think about the next scene, it will definitely set off another wave and detonate this banquet hall again!

The floor of the exhibition area was cleaned up quickly, and the metal boxes that had been emptied were repacked into the trolley case and taken aside.

Ye Tian moved a few steps to the left, came to the left side of the exhibition area, and stopped in front of a bulletproof glass display case that was over one meter long.

Raymond and Walker followed with a luggage cart and stopped in front of the showcase.

This is part of the calligraphy and painting exhibition area, and the right side of the other side is also the calligraphy and painting exhibition area. The area is the same size as this side, which is very symmetrical.

In the middle of the two calligraphy and painting artwork display areas is the porcelain display area. The three areas together form a hemispherical display area.

The experts on antique art appraisal, famous collectors, and museum personnel from the Forbidden City also followed. Everyone was very excited and looked at Ye Tian with full expectation, expecting to witness the miracle again!

Especially those experts who are good at appraising ancient calligraphy and painting works of art, such as Jin Lao from the Forbidden City, were even more excited.

Even many security personnel, police officers, and Beijing hotel service staff who don't understand antiques and artworks are all watching this side eagerly, looking forward to another eye-opening! See priceless treasures!

After standing still in front of the display cabinet, Ye Tian immediately turned on the perspective secretly, and quickly took a look at the bulletproof glass display cabinets and display racks arranged in this display area, as well as the ground conditions.

He even looked through the floor to see what was going on in the room downstairs.

Downstairs is a medium-sized meeting room, which is empty at this time, without a single figure, very quiet!

There is no problem with the bulletproof glass showcase and display rack, they are very strong and safe, and the floor and carpet are also no problem, so don't worry.

After confirming that there were no hidden dangers, he immediately withdrew his gaze and ended the perspective.

Immediately afterwards, he began to enter the password and fingerprints, opened the bulletproof glass showcase in front of him, and quickly adjusted the angle of the light.

After completing these tasks, Ye Tiancai removed a metal trolley case from the luggage cart and put it on the carpet, ready to start the exhibition.

At this moment, the door of the exhibition hall was suddenly opened from the outside, and the leader of the security personnel appeared at the door and walked straight to the exhibition area.

Don't ask, something unexpected must have happened at the door!

Ye Tian immediately stopped what he was doing, got up and took two steps forward, came to the edge of the exhibition area, and looked at the approaching security leader.

In a blink of an eye, the security team leader had already walked to the exhibition area and began to introduce the situation outside the door.

"Mr. Ye, three people came outside the door and wanted to enter the exhibition hall. One of them, a middle-aged man in his forties, claimed to be an expert in antique art appraisal and gave me a business card.

That one looks familiar. I seem to have seen it on that TV station's appreciating treasure program. The other two look like businessmen. They are about 40 or 50 years old. Can you let them in? "

With that said, the security team leader took out a business card and handed it to Ye Tian.

Ye Tian reached out to take the business card, put it in his pocket without even looking at it.

Then, he chuckled and said to the security leader:

"This problem is easy to solve. Do they have invitations? If so, then let them in. If not, then ignore them and let them stay cool!

After that, no matter who comes, do the same! This is a private auction, not open to the public, and the preview is the same, without an invitation, even the king of heaven and I will not even think of coming in!

Now in this world, there are all kinds of experts flying all over the sky, most of them are sticks dangling with a bottle full of half a bottle, and some of them don't even understand the fart at all!

I've seen a lot of people who pretend to be so-called experts and deceive people everywhere! The same goes for you, do your job well and don't be fooled by anyone's name! "

"Come on! If you say it, it will work, we know what to do!"

The security leader responded with a suppressed smile, and immediately turned and walked towards the gate of the exhibition hall.

After he left for a few steps, Ye Tian turned around and prepared to go back to set up the exhibition.

As a result, when he turned his head, he saw many old faces who couldn't laugh or cry, from those famous cultural experts, antique art appraisal experts, and collectors.

As for the Forbidden City cultural and museum personnel, many police and security personnel, and Beijing Hotel service staff who were also on the scene, they all suppressed laughter, and each of them was very hard.

"You kid, this mouth! It's really hurtful! You didn't even see it, and you didn't even look at the business card, so you ruined everyone's body. Did someone provoke you?

Is it possible that our old guys are the kind of sticks you mentioned, with a bottle full of half a bottle dangling? A bunch of cheating veterans! "

Shan Lao said pretending to be helpless, and he also tried his best to hold back his laughter, not to let himself laugh out loud.

The rest of the old men echoed a few words, with the intention of condemning Ye Tian.

"How can it be! Mr. Shan, whoever says you are a mallet, I will be in a hurry! Your bottle is absolutely full! It will overflow! No one can deny your achievements.

Of course, I don't know if you were a mallet when you were young! Who hasn't been young and frivolous yet? After all, it's all in the past, so don't worry about it! "

Ye Tian said jokingly, Nadan always made me feel bored.


There was a loud laugh, and everyone laughed.

Even Shan Lao himself laughed out loud, and kept pointing at Ye Tian with his fingers, not knowing what to say to him.

After the laughter subsided, Master Ma shook his head and said helplessly:

"It's too flimsy to just shut someone's door like this? You kid is not afraid of offending people! Maybe he really has real talents! It's just that he didn't receive your invitation card!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianman replied with a nonchalant smile:

"No! I sent out invitations to all the professionals and famous collectors in the antique industry that I recognized, and they were in Beijing. Those who didn't receive the invitations obviously didn't get my approval!

Even if one or two experts are missed, what does it matter? The showroom is so big, space is limited! I don't want this private auction to be like a vegetable market, with people coming and going!

Offend? It doesn't even matter, have I offended fewer people? It doesn't matter if there are more, it doesn't hurt, and besides, if you offend me, you will offend me. Who can bite me? "


There was another burst of laughter at the scene.

While laughing loudly, everyone couldn't help but secretly shuddered.

I almost forgot, this kid is still a devil incarnation who is not afraid of anything and doesn't hesitate to anyone!

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