Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 888: Ancient Painting on Silk

Outside the banquet hall, there was a lot of voices, and more and more people were blocked from the door!

That's it, there are still people who keep hearing the news!

Among the people at the door, there are not only the staff of various auction houses, but also many people from antique dealers, as well as many speculators who are mixed with antique dealers, and reporters from several media.

Without exception, there is anger in the eyes of everyone here, very depressed! But everyone looked expectantly at the door, which was blocked behind by security.

Everyone wants to enter the banquet hall in front of them to see what's going on inside. Is it really the same as the rumors that have been circulating in the antique market for the past two days? National treasure-level antiques and artworks are everywhere!

But it is a pity that the door of the banquet hall is still closed, and there is no sign of opening it for him.

The security personnel and police guarding the door were staring at people like myself, so that everyone didn't even dare to think of fishing in troubled waters.

The door of the banquet hall finally opened a crack, and the security leader who had just entered slipped out through the crack.

Everyone's eyes lit up immediately, and they all looked into the banquet hall.

Before everyone had time to glance at the situation inside the banquet hall, the two doors were quickly closed, cutting off everyone's sight.

In a few or two steps, the security team leader had already walked up to the three expectant guys, and said to the so-called antique art appraisal expert with a smile on his face:

"Gentlemen, I need to confirm again, do you have an invitation letter?"

The complexion of the so-called antique art appraiser in his forties changed immediately, as did the two businessmen standing beside him, their complexions became very ugly!

Fuck the invitation letter! If I had an invitation letter, would I still have to stand at the door and talk to you guys? I can't afford to lose that man!

"I haven't received the invitation letter. Ye Tian and I have never met before. If we knew each other, he would definitely send me an invitation letter. What did he say specifically?"

The so-called antique art appraisal expert said with embarrassment that this is a fact and he cannot deny it.

Of course, he didn't forget to add a few words to show his importance. There are so many people watching! Face is important!

The security team leader suppressed a smile,

Immediately repeat what Ye Tian said just now.

"Mr. Ye said that if you have an invitation card, you can go in. If you don't have an invitation card, then it is impossible for you to enter this banquet hall. It's cool to stay!"

When he said these words, the security team leader still had a look of disdain in his eyes.

Obviously, this is a guy who is afraid of chaos in the world! I don't mind giving Ye Tianduo a few enemies!

The three people on the opposite side were completely dumbfounded. They stared dumbfoundedly at the security captain and at the gate of the banquet hall, their eyes were instantly filled with anger!


There was a burst of laughter, and everyone on the scene burst into laughter.

While laughing loudly, everyone gloated and looked at the three guys with faces as dark as the bottom of a pot, and their eyes were also full of contempt.

We stood at the door for so long, but we couldn't find the slightest chance to enter the banquet hall and witness those priceless national treasure antique artworks with our own eyes!

You are special! Just wanted to go in! Isn't this wishful thinking!

have to! Get it back by that bastard Ye Tian! How does it taste? It must be very enjoyable!

Before the laughter fell, angry curses sounded from the three extremely embarrassing guys.

"I'm X! He's such a pure and stinking rogue! I don't know what her last name is if I have an antique in my hand! I don't know if it's true or not! The whole thing is one, two hundred and fifty!"

"That's right, our man can come here, it's to give him face, who would have thought that this guy is an idiot who doesn't know how to praise!"

Of course, they only dared to yell at the closed door of the banquet hall.

If Ye Tian was standing here at this moment, they would be silent like cicadas, they wouldn't even dare to fart!

After a few words of yelling and cursing, the three of them turned around and withdrew in desperation, walking fast!

They actually didn't want to withdraw, but they really couldn't stay any longer! How embarrassing! The face fell to the feet!

Ye Tian didn't know about this episode that happened at the entrance of the banquet hall, and he didn't bother to answer it.

At this moment, he had opened the trolley case placed on the carpet, took out a painting tube from it, and placed it gently on the carpet.

Immediately afterwards, he turned his head and said to those cultural and museum personnel of the Forbidden City:

"Come up with two people to help, preferably from the Ancient Painting and Calligraphy Department. This is an ancient painting, which is relatively old. You must be extremely careful during the entire process of taking it out for display!"

While saying these words, he took out a pair of white gloves from his pants pocket and put them on his hands.

When admiring, authenticating or displaying antique ceramics, hands-on, no gloves, no gloves! This is to avoid accidents caused by hand slipping!

However, gloves must be worn when appreciating, appraising or displaying antique works of art such as ancient books, calligraphy and paintings.

This is to prevent sweat stains on hands from getting on ancient books, calligraphy and paintings, and erode such antique works of art that are not easy to preserve!

Seeing his action, many cultural experts and famous collectors at the scene nodded in approval.

"Okay! Mr. Ye"

Those cultural and museum personnel of the Forbidden City responded in unison, and everyone was very excited.

After a few words of discussion, two cultural and cultural personnel, a man and a woman, came out to assist Ye Tian.

As they marched, they quickly donned their gloves.

After the two came to stand beside him, Ye Tian opened the painting tube, and carefully took out a yellow scroll from inside!

This is an ancient painting on silk, the size is not small, and the scroll is made of red sandalwood. It is antique and elegant. It has a sense of age at first glance, and it is very valuable!

After taking out the scroll, Ye Tian immediately took half a step forward and stood in front of the bulletproof glass showcase, ready to display this antique calligraphy and painting artwork.

"This is an ancient silk scroll, 114 centimeters in length and 56 centimeters in width, which is quite large. This bulletproof glass showcase is only a little over one meter long, and the display area is only about 80 centimeters.

In other words, this ancient painting must not be displayed in its entirety, only the essence of it can be displayed, and the rest can only be scrolled, and we will find an opportunity to fully display it later.

After I unfold this ancient painting, you listen to my instructions and press the upper and lower ends of the ancient painting with the paperweights in the display cabinet to prevent the ancient painting from rolling up automatically, which will undoubtedly affect everyone's appreciation and appraisal

All actions must be extremely cautious, handle with care! Let me emphasize again, this is an ancient painting at the national treasure level, and it must not suffer any damage, no matter how small it is, understand? "

Ye Tian exhorted solemnly, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Understood! Mr. Ye, don't worry, we have come into contact with many top calligraphy and painting works of art in the Forbidden City, so keep your hands steady! There will never be any mistakes!"

The two Forbidden City cultural and museum personnel responded in unison, both very excited and curious, their eyes fixed on the scroll in Ye Tian's hand.

Not to mention those experts in the identification of antique works of art and famous collectors, they have already discussed it enthusiastically.

"An ancient painting on silk with a length of 114 cm and a width of 56 cm? The size is not small! Is it the one lost overseas? It's so exciting!"

"I basically guessed that it was the famous painting! If it is true, it would be great! There is no doubt that the famous painting must be a national first-class cultural relic, a real national treasure!"

Hearing the voices of people talking around, Old Shan in the crowd couldn't help laughing lightly, quite proud of himself!

At the scene, he was the only one who knew in his heart the identity and origin of the famous national treasure painting on silk that Ye Tian mentioned, and he also understood its value.

But it's a pity that Ye Tian asked to keep it secret, and he was not allowed to disclose the relevant information of this ancient painting to anyone, including other Forbidden City cultural and museum experts.

This makes Mr. Shan feel a little bit scratchy while being proud, what a pity!

If I announce the origin of this ancient painting in public, it will definitely become another focus here, and it will also be able to shine, so that all the limelight will not be taken away by the kid in front!

While speaking, Ye Tian had already started to open the ancient painting in the showcase, and his movements were very cautious, extremely careful.

The two Forbidden City cultural and museum staff lined up on the left and right, and they were also very cautious in assisting with breathless concentration.

Following Ye Tian's movements, a beautiful and moving ink painting scroll gradually appeared in front of everyone's eyes, instantly attracting everyone's attention and mind.

The painting is unfolded from top to bottom. After the upper part of the scroll, the two red collection seals appear first.

Seeing the collection seals of these two parties, all the Forbidden City cultural and museum experts and those museum personnel at the scene were stunned for an instant, with incredible expressions on their faces.

"Am I right? That's the collection seal of our Forbidden City! I've seen this square seal on many calligraphy and painting collections!"

"That's right! That's the collection seal of the Forbidden City in the early years of the Republic of China! Could it be that this is an old collection of the Forbidden City?"

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