Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 969: The Challenge of Being Overwhelmed

As Ye Tian and the others walked forward, many people at the scene had already spotted them, and discussions arose immediately.

"Isn't that Steven and his gang! I heard people say that this guy is ransacking MGM in the casino, why did he come here?"

"Dude! The gambling game over there is over. Steven led many gamblers to loot MGM frantically, and then ruthlessly cheated those gamblers a few times, taking whatever they want!

In the end, he deliberately lost the millions of dollars in chips he had won, 7 out of the game, and left with only 10,000 dollars in principal, not a penny more! "

"I'm going! It's too exaggerated! Casino Robin Hood! It's a pity we found out too late, even if we rush to the casino, we won't be able to squeeze in. Otherwise, we should really go and have a look. It's a miracle!"

Amidst the discussion, Ye Tian and the others were laughing and chatting, while striding towards the center of the theater,

Their seats are in the first row and the second row, which are reserved in advance.

Ye Tian and the others turned a blind eye to the curious or envious eyes of the people on both sides of the aisle, as well as the enthusiastic discussions, and continued to move forward without being affected in any way.

Everyone has seen this kind of scene many times, and they have long been used to it!

Just now at the MGM Casino, and on the way from the casino to the Hollywood Theater, everyone has experienced it all the way!

In front of and behind Ye Tian and Betty, Cole and the others maintained a high level of alert, watching the surrounding situation vigilantly, ready to respond at any time.

On the way, people from the auditorium on both sides of the aisle kept shouting hello to Ye Tian, ​​with different contents.

"Hi! Steven, good evening, do you still plan to go to the casino these two days? I really hope to meet you in the casino, and let me follow you, the God of Gamblers, to make a fortune!"

He was greeted by an Asian buddy, obviously a gambler who came to Las Vegas to gamble.

This buddy must have heard about what happened in the casino just now, and he is very envious of those gamblers who followed Ye Tian's ass and made a lot of money, so he asked this question.

Ye Tian turned his head to look at the other party, then shrugged his shoulders regretfully, and said loudly pretending to be helpless:

"Man, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for this kind of opportunity! Just now, the person in charge of the MGM casino told me bluntly that I am not welcome to enter the MGM casino in the future!

Not only MGM,

All casinos across America should be the same! So, you have already missed the opportunity to follow me to make a fortune in the casino, and this opportunity will never come again!

But it doesn't matter, isn't there an octagonal cage duel between Jon Jones and I, this is also a good opportunity to make a fortune, don't miss it again, otherwise I can't help you! "

Before the words fell, there were exclamations from both sides of the aisle.

"Did I hear you right? Steven has been blacklisted by the casino, which is too fast! Only one shot! How terrifying is this guy? He actually terrified MGM like this!"

"Did you hear what he meant? This guy is so confident in the octagonal cage duel on the 15th, he doesn't pay attention to Jon Jones at all! I don't know where his strong self-confidence comes from?"

Regarding Ye Tian's confidence that he can easily defeat Jon Jones, some people obviously have different opinions.

As soon as his voice fell, a black buddy jumped up from the auditorium on the right side of the aisle, and shouted loudly:

"Victorious against 'Bone' Jon Jones? Don't dream, Steven, that's impossible! Jon is recognized as one of the most outstanding MMA fighters! He is extremely powerful!

what about you? Steven, you have never fought in an official mixed martial arts competition. Even your qualification as a fighter is probably paid for by money! Why win? "

Obviously, this person is either a fanatical fan of Jon Jones, or he bet heavily on Jon Jones, that's why he reacted so violently like a cat whose tail was stepped on!

Ye Tian glanced at this black buddy, then said with a confident smile:

"Why win? Just because I am Steven! Is this reason strong enough? No matter whether the opponent is Jon Jones or anyone else, the only thing waiting for them is failure, there is no other possibility!

Dude, I can see that you should bet a lot of dollars on Jon Jones, and here, I can only tell you with great regret, sorry, the money must have been wasted! "

"Hey! This guy is full of confidence! Could it be that he is really as powerful as he said?"

There was another exclamation at the scene, many people were startled by Ye Tian's words, and they all looked at him in amazement.

Suddenly, a strong black man with a height of nearly two meters stood up, pointed at Ye Tian and said loudly:

"Steven, don't talk about Jon Jones, I'm afraid you are not my opponent! How about we play a game? My requirements are not high, a bet of 10 million dollars is enough, and I will make a lot of money!"

At the same time as the challenge was issued, the buddy's eyes also had a greedy light, which was the same color as the dollar, and there was no way to hide it.

"That's right! Play a game with Max, and I'll bet on Max to win!"

"Steven, don't be cowardly! Compared to Jon Jones, Big Max is still very gentle. He will only beat you with a black nose and a swollen face, and he will not beat you flat. After all, he has to take money out of your pocket, right? !"

The people at the scene were booing one after another, all of them fearing that the world will not be chaotic, and watching the excitement is not a big deal, and there is no good person.

While booing loudly, some tough-looking guys also showed signs of being ready to move, obviously also thinking about challenging.

This bastard Steven is a new super rich man! Pockets full of money!

This bastard is willing to throw a huge bet of 100 million US dollars in just one fighting match. Who wouldn't be tempted to hear it? Don't want to try it, or even take Jon Jones instead, and play this game!

Not to mention a huge bet of 100 million US dollars, even if it is only 10 million US dollars, or even a 1 million US dollar bet, it can be done!

Ye Tian looked at the strong black man named Max, and then said in a disdainful tone:

"Challenge me? Do you have the qualifications? Let me not talk about the level of strength, let me ask you how much bad money you can have in your poor, leaky pocket? Can you scrape together $20,000?

Wanting to fight against me in the octagonal cage and grab money from my pocket is simply an unrealistic fantasy for a guy like you, and there is no possibility of realizing it at all!

The same goes for other guys who are booing and fighting. If you want to challenge me, it is not impossible. Stop dreaming! "

After finishing speaking, he took Betty and continued to walk forward, ignoring these idlers.

Behind him, Max, who was severely taunted, and everyone else cursed loudly in anger.

"Fuck U! Steven, you are a complete bastard and a coward!"

"Go to hell! You damned bastard, I hope you are beaten to the ground by Jon Jones in the octagonal cage. That scene must be a joy!"

Of course Ye Tian heard these angry curses.

The response he gave was a high, eye-catching middle finger! Let those guys behind be very angry, but helpless!

While talking, Ye Tian and the others had already walked to the first row of seats in the theater. This place is only two or three meters away from the octagonal cage, and it is the best place to watch the game.

At this time, their group has become the focus of the audience, and everyone is looking at this side.

Among them are a large number of gamblers and fighting fans, as well as heavyweight fighters who will debut in the next few days, as well as stars from the entertainment industry in Hollywood, celebrities in political and business circles, and so on.

Looking at Ye Tian standing in front of the octagonal cage, everyone had different eyes, including curiosity, envy, jealousy and greed, and of course hatred!

The two bosses of the Hells Angels and several subordinates, Jon Jones and his agent, are all in this luxurious theater, right in the front row on the other side of the octagonal cage.

"I swear! In the fighting match on the night of the 15th, I must kill this damn bastard and tear his stinky mouth!"

Gritting his teeth, Jon Jones cursed in a low voice, staring at Ye Tian on the other side of the octagonal cage, his eyes spewing fire!

"Don't worry, Jon! The 15th will be here soon, let the bloody bastard have two more days!"

The boss of the Hell's Angels next to him whispered, his eyes were full of hatred, the kind that is unforgettable!

The TV reporter who was broadcasting live at the scene quickly pointed the camera lens at Ye Tian, ​​and his image immediately appeared on the big TV screen in front of everyone's eyes.

As the TV screen changed, the Hollywood theater suddenly became noisier, and discussions arose everywhere.

At this moment, the protagonist of the Hollywood theater suddenly became Ye Tian, ​​not those heavyweight fighters who were about to fight in the octagonal cage!

Ye Tian didn't care about this kind of treatment at all.

He just waved to the camera lens, and then took Betty, found the reserved seat and sat down in the first row.

David and Jason's seats were also in the first row, located around Ye Tian and Betty respectively, separating them from the others.

Cole and the others were seated in the second row, right behind Ye Tian and Betty, like a human-shaped barrier, blocking the view from behind.

But Cole and the others did not take their seats right away, but stood in the aisle between the first row of seats and the octagonal cage, blocking the swarming media reporters.

Many media reporters who were stopped could only ask questions two or three meters away.

"Steven, I heard that you just made a killing at the MGM Casino and led hundreds of gamblers to rob MGM. Is this true? Can you tell everyone in detail?"

"Hello, Steven, I'm an ESPN reporter. What do you think of today's four heavyweight MMA fights? Who do you think will win? Can you tell us?"

Hearing the question, Ye Tian immediately turned his head to look at these media reporters, and replied with a smile:

"That's right! I did play a few dice games at the MGM Casino just now, and I won a few rounds, but it's far from killing the Quartet. It's not as exaggerated as the legend says!

As for the four heavyweight fighting matches tonight, to be honest, I can't predict, because I don't know the strength of these heavyweight fighting masters, so I can't open my eyes and talk nonsense!

All right! Just answer these two questions, everyone, wait and watch the game, I believe tonight's fighting game will be very exciting, and it will make everyone's blood boil! "

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at the octagonal cage, leaving those media reporters aside.

Seeing this situation, those media reporters had no choice but to leave angrily.

In the blink of an eye, it was already 8:30 in the evening, the lights in the theater gradually dimmed, but the spotlights covering the octagonal cage became brighter, as if it were daytime!

The game is about to start, and the curtain of the battle has been slowly opened!

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