Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 970 Preparations before the match

March 15th, game day.

It was already afternoon, and Ye Tian and David were sitting in the living room of the penthouse on the twentieth floor of the hotel, discussing the octagonal cage duel that was about to start at night, and making some corresponding preparations.

In the past two days or so, everyone has been silent, and it is very easy to appear in public.

During the day, Ye Tian basically stayed in this villa, doing some strength training in the gym, and frequently sparring with Mathis and the others in the boxing ring to perfect his fighting skills!

In his spare time while exercising, he watched a lot of Jon Jones fighting videos to gain a deeper understanding of the opponent he was about to face and find out his weaknesses.

Although Ye Tian is extremely confident and doesn't think that Jon Jones can pose a threat to him at all, but he knows himself and the enemy, and he is invincible in a hundred battles! This is always true, the necessary preparations still need to be done!

At night, it's entertainment time!

After enjoying the delicious food prepared by Uncle Li, he will accompany Betty to watch the famous live performances of MGM and enjoy the brilliant nightlife of Las Vegas.

On the first night, it was an exciting heavyweight mixed martial arts competition; on the second night, it was a super show that MGM spent a lot of money on, the capital of entertainment!

By the third night, another new project awaited them, a jaw-dropping, screaming live magic show by renowned magician David Copperfield!

As for going to the casino to sweep the fortune again, of course there is no way!

As long as Ye Tian and the others leave the penthouse on the twentieth floor, the security personnel of the MGM Grand Hotel will immediately follow and follow closely.

In the next period of time, Ye Tian and the others can go wherever they want and see any performances they want, except that they can't enter the casino, or even get close to it!

As soon as they approached the casino, the management of the MGM casino felt terrified, and the security personnel would come forward to stop them immediately!

Three days passed in a flash, and it was the game day in a blink of an eye.

Same as the previous few days, from waking up until now, Ye Tian has been staying in this penthouse, doing strength training and sparring, and has never left here.

He didn't even attend the media meeting held in the morning. Instead, David and his agent Downey came forward to deal with it.

The fight between him and Jon Jones was just a match,

Informal competitions, although the influence has surpassed official competitions, but he does not participate in the media press conference, UFC officials have nothing to do with him!

It was already past three o'clock in the afternoon, and nearly five hours later, the much-anticipated duel in the octagonal cage would officially begin.

Sitting in front of Ye Tian at this time were Mathis, David, Kenny, and Jason, all of whom were his own.

The armed security personnel of Raytheon Security Company, as well as the agent Downey and his team, are not allowed to enter this penthouse for the time being, and are not eligible to participate in the current discussion.

"Steven, we have established good communication with the security department of the MGM Grand Hotel, and under their guidance and supervision, we thoroughly inspected the Hollywood Theater.

During the inspection, we took the opportunity to deploy several pinhole cameras in some sensitive locations to monitor all these places in case someone launches an attack from these places.

Looking down from these positions, you can just see the octagonal cage, so you have to guard against it! From the moment you walk into a Hollywood theater, these locations will become key surveillance targets!

Regarding the specific location of these sensitive positions, you can ask Kenny to show you. During the game, you should pay more attention and be vigilant! "

With that said, Matisse raised his hand to Kenny.

Kenny immediately turned on the IPAD he was carrying, and began to show Ye Tian the location of those sensitive locations, as well as the arrangement of the pinhole cameras.

As the picture changed, the ceiling, lamp stands, central air-conditioning vents, and other hidden corners in the Hollywood theater were presented to Ye Tian one by one, and the picture was very clear.

Without exception, these sensitive locations are all located on the upper floor of the theater, where you can overlook the entire octagonal cage from a high position, which is an excellent sniping point!

While Kenny showed these sensitive positions, Mattis continued to tell.

"Before the game starts, Raymond and Peter will sneak into the Hollywood theater with sniper rifles in advance, and secretly monitor these sensitive locations in case something unexpected happens!"

"This arrangement is very good. When I kill Jon Jones neatly in the octagonal cage, God knows if the Hell's Angels and those scumbags will jump over the wall in a hurry and use some dirty tricks!

In this doomed gamble, what the Hell's Angels will lose is not only the huge bet of 100 million US dollars on the surface, it may be hundreds of millions of dollars, or even more!

And I bet that the money may not all belong to the Hells Angels, most of it should be borrowed from here and there, and even bear a lot of interest, they absolutely can't afford to lose! "

Ye Tian nodded appreciatively, then said with a sneer.

Matisse nodded and continued:

"That's right! I think so too. The Hell's Angels are a loosely structured gang organization. Unlike the Mafia, they can never have so much cash and use it for gambling.

In addition to the monitoring measures and Raymond, there are several other aspects that should be paid attention to. From now on, you should try to avoid contact with outsiders, including Downey and his team, just in case!

Jason and Anderson will be responsible for your drinking water, towels, gloves, mouthguards, and other game supplies during the pre-match preparations and during the game, and no one else can touch them.

During the game, Cole and I will be responsible for the guidance on the sidelines and your safety, preventing anyone from approaching you, approaching the corner where you rest, and preventing any accidents from happening! "

"As for these issues, I will also pay attention to them myself, and I will never leave any chance for anyone with ulterior motives to secretly use some dirty tricks!

Even if they wanted to use outside tricks, they might not have time. Once this fighting match starts, the winner will be decided in an instant, and the time will never exceed thirty seconds! "

Ye Tian smiled lightly and nodded, and said confidently, with a firm tone.

Of course he is confident that under the perspective ability of his eyes, any tricks of ghosts and monsters will be invisible and will be exposed under his eyes.

Under his unpredictable predictions and in the face of a powerful force close to the limit of human beings, Jon Jones has no chance of winning at all, and can only accept the fate of failure.

Whether he can even get out of the octagonal cage alive is a matter of two opinions, and it depends on Jon Jones' luck!

Next, Matisse introduced some other arrangements, which can be described as comprehensive and without omission!

They even made plans for how to quickly evacuate the MGM Grand Hotel and Las Vegas after encountering uncontrollable emergencies.

At an unnamed private airport outside Las Vegas, two helicopters and a small private jet are already on standby.

As soon as the order is received, the two helicopters will take off immediately, fly directly to the top floor of the MGM Hotel, pick up Ye Tian and the others immediately, and send them to the private airport.

When they arrive at the private airport, Ye Tian and the others will immediately transfer to that small private plane, quickly evacuate Las Vegas, and disappear from everyone's sight.

Until then, they can go wherever they want!

Los Angeles, Phoenix, Tucson and other cities are all within an hour's flight, even if you go to San Francisco, it won't take much time!

Before I knew it, it was four o'clock in the afternoon.

The door of the villa opened, and Cole walked in with his agent Downey.

"Steven, it's time to get weighed!"

Walking closer, Downey spoke, his voice sounded quite excited.

After getting along with each other for the past few days, Donnie already has a good understanding of Ye Tian's fighting power!

At this moment, he knew very well that Jon Jones was definitely not Ye Tian's opponent, and he might even be instantly killed in the octagonal cage! There is no suspense about the result of the game!

A lot of money and honors are about to fall from the sky and fall on his head, can Donnie not feel excited?

Ye Tian stood up from the sofa, nodded with a light smile and said:

"Although it is not necessary at all, this form still needs to go through again, let's go, let's go to weigh!"

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