Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 971 Weighing Site

In boxing matches and fighting matches, the pre-match weighing of participating boxers or fighters is a very important link.

With the development of media information means, the pre-match weighing ceremony has become more and more exciting, even surpassing boxing or fighting games themselves.

Many players will have some very weird performances during the weighing, and even in order to create gimmicks, hype, and gain more exposure opportunities, some guys will fight at the weighing site.

Because of this, the weighing ceremony also attracted a lot of attention.

Among them, not only a large number of media reporters, but also many boxing fans and fighting fans will come to the scene to witness the weighing ceremony!

Today's weighing ceremony was held at the Grand Ballroom on the first floor of the MGM Hotel. When Ye Tian and the others arrived here, the scene was already very lively.

On the stage in front of the banquet hall, UFC official staff and hotel staff are busy making preparations, and the work is nearing completion.

On both sides of the weighing platform, stood several heavyweight mixed martial arts fighters who will debut tonight, as well as their coaching staff and agent team.

Most of these heavyweight mixed martial arts fighters wear capes, deliberately creating a sense of mystery and part of the pre-match stunt.

While chatting in low voices with the people around them, they stared at the opponents they were going to face tonight, their eyes full of murderous intent and high fighting spirit.

Because of these guys full of hormones, the banquet hall is already full of gunpowder, and it seems that only one match can detonate the entire banquet hall.

In front of the weighing platform, many media reporters gathered. They had already set up their guns and short cannons, and all their cameras were facing the weighing platform, waiting for the weighing ceremony to begin.

In the audience area under the stage, there were one or two hundred fighting fans who were preparing to witness the weighing ceremony.

Although the weighing ceremony has not yet started, these guys are already excited.

Their eyes are almost growing on those beauties in bikinis who stand in front of the weighing platform and act as hostesses, eating ice cream one by one, drooling! It's about to turn into a wolf!

Of course, Ye Tian also saw his opponent who was going to duel with him in the octagonal cage, 'Bone' Jon Jones!

This fellow also wears a black cloak over his body,

The cloak is printed with a skull pattern, which looks rather gloomy and murderous.

Standing next to him were his agent, three members of the coaching staff, and several black bodyguards with big arms! The battle looks big!

The two bosses of Hell's Angels, James and Allen, and several of their subordinates are also in this banquet hall, very close to Jon Jones!

When Ye Tian saw Jon Jones, Jon Jones also saw him.

As soon as the eyes of the two collided in the air, sparks flashed immediately!

Immediately afterwards, Jon Jones raised his right hand, gesticulated viciously on his neck, and cut Ye Tian's throat! The eyes are full of hatred, but also kind of cruel!

Ye Tian naturally had no choice but to respond to this malicious provocation.

His response was simple and provocative! It's just two raised middle fingers, and contemptuous and dismissive eyes!

"Look at the back, everyone, Steven is coming to weigh you!"

Some media reporters found Ye Tian and the others and shouted excitedly.

"I'm going! This guy finally appeared! I haven't seen him in the Hollywood Theater for the past two days, and he didn't show up in the morning. I thought he didn't even plan to participate in the weighing ceremony!"

"Today's weighing ceremony may be a good show, but where the bastard Steven appears, there must be a good show, and he has never let everyone down!"

While discussing, several media reporters immediately took their cameras and rushed straight to Ye Tian and the others who had just walked into the gate of the banquet hall.

But it's a pity that before they rushed to the front, they were stopped by Cole and the people, and they were not allowed to advance!

Immediately afterwards, Ye Tian shook his head and rejected their question, which made these guys feel very depressed.

"Steven, let's go, the weighing ceremony will start soon!"

Donnie said in a low voice, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Okay! It's better to finish it sooner!"

Ye Tian nodded in response, and then walked to the weighing platform with everyone.

A few steps forward, a discordant voice suddenly came from the audience area next to it.

"Steven, you will lose this fight tonight! I'm waiting to see you get beaten up in the octagonal cage until you look miserable with bruised nose and swollen face. That scene must be very exciting and enjoyable!

While having fun, I can also make a lot of money from you, what a beautiful thing that is! The best of both worlds! Just thinking about it makes me feel happy and hearty! "

Ye Tian stopped, turned to look at the white gambler who was speaking, and said with a sneer:

"Man, I don't know if you support the Hells Angels or Jon Jones, but whoever you support, I want to tell you that you are clearly thinking too much!

It is true that some people will be beaten up today, and they will not even be able to get out of the octagonal cage, but that person is definitely not me, but Jon Jones standing over there, wearing a cloak and pretending to be aggressive!

I don't know how many dollars you bet on Jon Jones, it must be a lot, and I have to say, this choice you made is the most stupid I have ever seen.

Not only can that idiot not bring you half a cent of profit, but it will also make you cry and make you lose everything. I hope you have saved enough money for the ticket, otherwise it will be troublesome! "

With that said, Ye Tian raised his hand and gestured towards Jon Jones, his tone and movements were full of contempt.

And when he said these words, his voice was so loud that almost everyone at the scene could hear him.

As soon as his voice fell, the scene immediately exploded.

"Fuck U! Steven, you vicious and vicious bastard, take care of your stinky mouth, or I don't mind tearing it up now!"

Jon Jones yelled and cursed loudly, with anger gushing in his eyes, he gritted his teeth in hatred.

At this moment, he wished he could rush forward immediately and beat Ye Tian with his old fist to relieve the hatred in his heart.

There were quite a few people with this idea, including several heavyweight MMA fighters.

Although they have no grudges against Ye Tian, ​​but Ye Tian's behavior is too hated, coupled with jealousy, so that these guys also want to beat Ye Tian up, let it out!

Ye Tian glanced at Jon Jones disdainfully, then said with a sneer:

"Idiot! Don't use your tongue. If you have the guts, just let it go. I don't mind killing you idiot now, so as to save you from having to make trouble again at night!"


There was a gasping sound at the scene, from many media reporters, as well as those who came here to watch the excitement and eat melons.

"Steven's tone is too big, he didn't take Jon Jones as a dish at all! Is he really as powerful as he said? It's unlikely, right?"

"This guy is really the ancestor who caused trouble! No matter where he goes, there will be non-stop. Today's weighing ceremony is really at the right time. Maybe we can catch a big news!"

While exclaiming unceasingly, many media reporters raised their cameras one after another, and kept snapping at Ye Tian and Jon Jones!

In the blink of an eye, the sound of the camera shutter clicked.

"Fake U! I swear, I will kill you, you damn bastard today!"

Jon Jones cursed angrily, stretched out his hand to lift off his cloak, and strode towards Ye Tian with a murderous look.

There are so many media reporters at the scene, and there are one or two hundred fighting fans, we must not lose!

Jon Jones understands this very well, and often uses this technique to hype and create gimmicks.

In fact, he really wanted to beat Ye Tian right away, and he didn't want to wait any longer!

However, some people do not want to see this conflict happen immediately.

The two bosses of the Hell's Angels reacted very quickly, and quickly stopped Jon Jones with their men.

"Jon! Be patient, it's not the time yet, bear with it for another five hours, and at night you can beat up that bastard Steven in the octagonal cage!

If we do it now, everything we have done before will be in vain, useless, and it will cause huge troubles, which you and I cannot bear!

More importantly, Steven and his gang never left their guns. If you rush up now, not only will you not gain any advantage, but it will be very dangerous! "

James said in a low voice, comforting the furious Jon Jones.

"Okay! I will endure another five hours and kill this damn bastard in the octagonal cage at night!"

Jon Jones stopped in his tracks and whispered sternly.

At that moment just now, Jon Jones couldn't help but see the video images of Ye Tian killing all directions in his mind, which made him sober up a lot in an instant, and he felt terrified!

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