Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 978: Tomahawk Sweeping Legs

Ye Tian, ​​who retreated to the corner, lightly jumped twice on the spot, then stood still on the ground, and looked at Jon Jones in the opposite corner, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and there was even a bit of pity.

Jon Jones was walking around in the opposite corner, looking very excited, and his eyes were always locked on Ye Tian, ​​his eyes were sinister and resentful!

William, the referee standing in the center of the octagon, raised his hand to look at his watch, then stretched out his hands to point at Ye Tian and Jon Jones respectively, and asked loudly:

"are you ready?"


Ye Tian sneered and nodded in response, indicating that he was ready.

The same is true for Jon Jones in the opposite corner, and he also gave a positive answer.

The referee William, who received the response, immediately put his hands together in the middle, swung his right hand down, and shouted loudly:

"Go to war!"

Immediately afterwards, William quickly backed away, all the way to the edge of the octagonal cage, leaving the center of the field, which was the fighting space.

Before the words were finished, Ye Tian had strode forward, heading straight for the center of the field, heading straight for Jon Jones, with endless murderous intent, going forward relentlessly!

The same was true for Jon Jones on the opposite side. He took big strides and rushed towards Ye Tian with a cruel smile on his face, as if he had won the battle.


Suddenly, a huge sound wave broke out from the auditorium, covering every corner of the theater, coming from more than 15,000 spectators.

The same is true for countless live broadcast terminals. People instantly become extremely excited and excited to the extreme.

"It's finally started! Which of these two bastards is better, we'll see soon!"

Everyone held their breath, staring at the two rapidly approaching figures in the octagonal cage, looking forward to a wonderful fighting match.

"Steven, today we not only want to avenge those dead brothers, save the face of the Hell Angels, but also make a lot of money from it. As for you damn bastard, go to hell!"

Sitting in the first row, the leader of the Hells Angels, James, cursed secretly, his eyes full of hatred.

At this time he,

It seemed that he had already seen the scene where Ye Tian was killed by Jon Jones in the octagonal cage and his revenge was avenged!

He also seemed to see green dollars flying in the sky! It was falling from the sky and flying towards the top of his head.

These pictures are so beautiful and intoxicating.

The other Hells Angels boss Alan sitting next to him, and all the Hells Angels members on the live and live broadcast, one by one, seemed to have seen the dawn of victory.

Some of them even had smug smiles on their faces.

Obviously, they were happy too early!

Although she didn't have any doubts about the result of the duel, looking at the scene in the octagonal cage, Betty secretly clenched her fists, held her breath, and stared at Ye Tian intently, her eyes full of concern.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, and the battle was imminent.

On the way forward, Ye Tian always maintained the authentic boxing posture, defending while attacking, observing the opponent through the gap between his arms, looking for opportunities to attack.

But this was only on the surface, the moment the referee William shouted, Ye Tian had secretly turned on the perspective and looked directly at the opponent.

In the blink of an eye, Jon Jones, who was charging aggressively, was completely seen by him!

Dark skin, explosive muscles, dense and solid bones, rushing blood flowing in blood vessels, internal organs, even every fiber, every cell, etc.

Everything inside and outside Jon Jones' body, every detail, is clearly presented in Ye Tian's eyes, without missing a single thing! It is also very real!

In his eyes at this moment, Jon Jones no longer has any secrets!

Through the information reflected by the bones, muscles, and other tissues of the body, Ye Tian can accurately predict Jon Jones' movements, so as to react in advance and pre-empt strikes! One hit kill!

There was no suspense in this duel, but Ye Tian still had to act as if he was facing an enemy, to do his part as an actor, and to perform as realistically as possible!

Not only was Jon Jones thoroughly seen by him, even the entire octagonal cage was completely under his control!

In this octagonal cage, Ye Tian is a god, who can take whatever he wants!

On the other hand, Jon Jones, who was approaching fiercely and quickly, did not tie the door tightly.

It can be seen from his slightly loose fist frame and pace that he obviously did not regard Ye Tian as an evenly matched opponent, and thought that he could easily kill Ye Tian and end the duel.

Seeing this, the murderous intent in Ye Tian's eyes suddenly became stronger.

"Idiot! You will soon pay the worst price for your underestimation and arrogance. This must be a lesson you will never forget. The premise is that you can get out of the octagonal cage alive!"

Apart from Ye Tian, ​​many people at the scene also discovered this.

"Jon Jones seems to underestimate the enemy, the defense is not tight enough, the door is a bit wide, I wonder if this will be discovered and used by Steven?

Let's look at Steven again. His boxing is very standard. While attacking, he is also prepared to defend. He is obviously prepared and has good strength! "

The host of ESPN spoke quickly and explained that his vision was very vicious and precise!

"The reason why Jon has such a performance is not surprising, you know, he is one of the best MMA fighters in the world today, and he is the king of light heavyweights.

As for that guy, Steven, he is purely a rookie in fighting. He has never fought in a formal fighting game, and his record is zero. It is difficult for people to regard him as a real opponent! "

Another host said quickly, obviously not optimistic about Ye Tian.

While speaking, both Ye Tian and Jon Jones were close to the center of the octagonal cage, reaching the optimal attack distance.

There was no temptation, no hesitation.

With the power of rushing forward, Jon Jones slammed back with his left foot, and instantly increased his speed to the extreme. He jumped up in the air and rushed straight at Ye Tian.

At the same time as his body soared into the air, he quickly raised his right knee, preparing to use flying knees, condescending to volley into Ye Tian's chest, which can be described as very ruthless!

This is a deadly knee technique derived from Muay Thai. Jon Jones often uses it in fighting and is very proficient. It is one of his trump cards!

In addition to the fierce flying knee, his left fist was also raised, ready to smash down at any time to launch a second wave of attacks.

At this time, Jon Jones was like a black lightning, with a strong breath of death, directly slashing at Ye Tian, ​​trying to kill him with one blow!

The huge potential energy of the fast forward, the powerful strength, the weight of more than 90 kilograms, and the extremely hard knees, this is indeed a very deadly attack!

Seeing Jon Jones' fierce and unusual flying knee attack, the hearts of all the audience on the live and live broadcast end were raised immediately.

Regardless of whether they know MMA or not, everyone can tell that this flying knee is powerful and lethal. If the attack works, it will definitely be the result of an instant KO!

As a rookie in the fighting arena, can Steven handle such a fierce attack? Can you escape from this flying knee?

Everyone held their breath and stared intently at the battle situation inside the octagonal cage without blinking their eyelids, for fear of missing any wonderful shots.

Mathis and the others standing on the edge of the octagonal cage, David sitting in the first row of the infield, and everyone who knew Ye Tian's true strength all had smiles on their faces.

Facing such a terrifying guy like Steven, he dared to jump up and attack in the air, how boring he is! It's pure suicide! God can't save such a fool!

Looking at Jon Jones who leaped into the air, Ye Tian couldn't help showing a contemptuous smile, and the murderous intent in his eyes became more intense.

In his eyes, the idiot in the air was full of flaws, the left half of his body was completely defenseless, and his abdomen, ribs, neck, and head were all parts that could be attacked.

In comparison, the abdomen and ribs have a larger area and are easier to attack. As long as they hit these two parts, Jon Jones will definitely be severely injured.

Ye Tian was extremely confident about his attack strength.

In the field of mixed martial arts, no fighter can surpass himself in absolute strength, including those top heavyweight masters!

No matter how powerful a fighter is, if he hits his weakness, he will suffer serious injuries, and even die on the spot!

The moment Jon Jones posed to attack, through perspective, Ye Tian had predicted his attack intention and direction, and launched a counterattack half a step ahead.

He took a step forward with his left foot like lightning, and instantly shifted his position like a shadow, turning sideways to face Jon Jones who was rushing in the air.

Just this one move allowed him to avoid Jon Jones' frontal attack and put himself in the best attacking position.

When Jon Jones vacated to the highest point, Ye Tian's counterattack started immediately.

Twist your waist and swing your legs, all in one go!

Ye Tian kicked a high sweep like lightning, and swung his right leg like a huge and sharp battle axe, hitting Jon Jones' ribs directly, with the breath of death!


Crazy exclamations sounded from the scene and the live broadcast. Everyone was frightened by the sudden change in the octagonal cage, and exclaimed involuntarily.

Jon Jones, who was leaping in the air, also had a look of fright in his eyes, even a little desperate!

But at this moment, he didn't have time to react, let alone defend, so he could only beg God to bless him!

In the blink of an eye, a ferocious attack came.

Unbiased, Ye Tian's fierce kick like a giant battle ax struck like lightning, and hit Jon Jones' left rib very accurately.


A muffled sound came from inside the octagonal cage, which made people feel terrified.

Immediately afterwards, there were several crisp sounds, the connection was very tight, almost in no particular order!

"Crack, click,..."

This is the sound of fractures, extremely scary!

There is no doubt that Jon Jones has suffered a serious injury. He does not know how many ribs were broken by kicking. Maybe all the left ribs have been reimbursed.

Look at Jon Jones, who was jumping in the air, was kicked out by this terrifying kick, and flew sideways to the edge of the octagonal cage.


Jon Jones, who was hit hard, spewed out a big mouthful of blood, staining the space he flew through and all the TV screens red!

Almost all the audience on the live and live broadcast were stunned, and they all stood there dumbstruck, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, and couldn't believe this scene that happened in the octagonal cage!

Some people even closed their eyes, not daring to look at this horrible and bloody picture again, for fear of leaving a serious psychological shadow or being haunted by nightmares forever!

The battle is over! Spike!

Jon Jones is so weak and vulnerable! This bastard Steven is really terrifying, he is simply a devil from hell!

No! This is not the end, just the beginning!

How could Ye Tian be willing to let the battle end here! Since the gate of hell has been opened, don't rush to close it!

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