Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 979 Fatal Attack

This is just the beginning! How did it end?

The referee William couldn't help being a little dazed, his eyes widened in disbelief, and the eyeballs almost flew out of their sockets.

Who is the UFC light heavyweight champion and a rare fighting genius? Who is the rookie in the fighting arena? What a mess!

The moment William was stunned, Ye Tian's right foot landed on the ground and stood firm!

Immediately afterwards, he kicked his right foot back vigorously, and his whole body rushed out like a fired shell, straight for Jon Jones.

At this time, Jon Jones was still flying in the air, with blood spurting wildly from his mouth, as if he didn't want money, it sprayed everywhere!

As for his body, he has completely lost control, the city gate is wide open, without the slightest defense, and he is completely in a situation waiting to be killed.

pain! The pain that tore his soul, and the madness eroded his body and mind, making him feel like he was in hell. It was good that he didn't pass out, so he didn't care about defense.

But he forgot that standing opposite was Ye Tian, ​​who had always been known for being ruthless, how could he be given a chance to breathe! Even a little bit!


The extremely shrill scream finally came from the octagonal cage, resounding through the entire Hollywood theater and all live broadcast terminals.

This was the first scream from Jon Jones, which woke up all the audience on the live and live broadcast, including the referee William in the octagonal cage.

It's a pity that the time for William to wake up is still a bit late.

Ye Tian, ​​who looked like a tiger coming out of its cage, rushed to Jon Jones in a blink of an eye.

A more terrifying and fierce second wave of blows followed, directly dragging Jon Jones into the abyss of hell!

Like the attack launched by Jon Jones before, Ye Tian also used the flying knee attack of Muay Thai. This move is fierce enough to finish off the opponent! It can also be regarded as giving back to him in the same way!

With the huge potential energy of the forward charge, his own extremely powerful strength, and his hard knees, Ye Tian leaped up into the air, and crazily slammed into Jon Jones' chest like an indestructible battering ram!

At the same time, he also raised his right elbow high,

Get ready to smash Jon Jones in the face or head and send the idiot straight to hell!

The difference from before is that when Jon Jones flew his knee to attack, Ye Tian was prepared, and made a prediction in advance through perspective, and launched a counterattack half a step ahead.

At this time, Jon Jones was simply a human target flying in the air, with the door wide open, without any defense, allowing Ye Tian to attack at will.


There was another muffled sound from inside the octagonal cage. The sound was so loud that everyone was terrified and shuddered!

Ye Tian's extremely ferocious flying knee attack hit the target accurately and hit Jon Jones' chest. It should be said that hitting the chest was more appropriate.

Under Ye Tian's terrifying power, coupled with the potential energy of rushing forward, even a piece of steel may be crushed by him, let alone a human chest!

The moment his knee hit his chest, Jon Jones' chest immediately collapsed, and was directly smashed by Ye Tian with his flying knee. The scene was very terrifying.


The sharp and ear-piercing sound of fractures came again, irritating everyone's eardrums, making people feel cold and almost crazy.

Immediately afterwards, there was another scream like a cuckoo crying blood.


The screams resounded throughout the theater and all live broadcast terminals, it was very painful to listen to!

It was poor Jon Jones, and it couldn't have been anyone else!

But he only had time to let out a scream before he passed out and became unknown, and no one knew whether he was dead or alive.

For him, this may be a good thing, at least he doesn't have to face the follow-up attacks, and he doesn't have to face the endless pain!

The flying knee attack worked! While falling, Ye Tian violently swung his right elbow, and ruthlessly smashed into Jon Jones' face, like lightning and thunder!


Ye Tian's right elbow hit the target with great precision, and it hit Jon Jones in the middle of the face, making a toothsome muffled sound.

Under this ferocious elbow strike, Jon Jones' face, which had been deformed in pain, was smashed to pieces! To make matters worse!

Blood rushed out! Like a flower of hell blooming coquettishly!

Jon Jones was bleeding from the smashed mouth, the smashed nose, the two eyes, and the two ears. The scene was horrible!

Among the spurted blood, there were more than a dozen broken teeth, quite eye-catching!

At the same time, Jon Jones, who was hit hard again, accelerated his body and slammed into the side net of the octagonal cage, like a tattered sack.

"Crash! Bang!"

Jon Jones' uncontrolled body first hit the side net of the octagonal cage, then slid down the side net, hit the floor of the octagonal cage, and slumped there.

Looking at Jon Jones at this time, the situation is so miserable that it is unbearable to witness!

His face was completely deformed by the smash, and the blood flowed profusely! The chest collapsed completely, like a big pit, and I couldn't even see if there were any ups and downs!

The same is true for the left rib, which is deeply sunken. God knows how many ribs have been broken. If there are one or two intact ribs left, it will be considered a fluke!

There is no doubt that this idiot is already at the gates of hell, close to death!

The reason why it is said that he is still alive and not far from death is because the blood bubbles constantly emerging from his mouth and nose indicate that he is still hanging on!

It is advisable to use the remaining courage to chase the poor! Get rid of evil!

Ye Tian, ​​who stood still on the ground, did not intend to stop here, and was about to step forward to end Jon Jones' life, and send this idiot directly to hell!

But the sober referee William stopped his action.

"Enough! Steven, it's all over! You win!"

William rushed over with a loud shout, and threw himself directly on Jon Jones, protecting Jon Jones with his body, lest Ye Tian continue to attack and kill him.

At the same time, he waved his arms wildly, announcing that the octagonal duel was over.

Everyone could hear that William's voice was trembling, full of fear, and it was impossible to hide it!

Why not others? Seeing such a tragic and bloody fighting scene, how many people can remain calm and not feel scared?

Seeing William throwing himself on Jon Jones and announcing loudly that the match was over, Ye Tian naturally couldn't do anything else, otherwise it would be murder!

He glanced contemptuously at Jon Jones, who was lying on the floor in an octagonal cage, and his life and death were uncertain, then he lowered his arms and stepped back.

When he retreated to the center of the octagonal cage, he immediately raised his arms high and spun around on the spot, showing himself in a victorious posture, wild, willful, and bewitching all beings!

At the same time, he also scanned the audience with fierce and murderous eyes, staring at the camera lens.

The scene at the Hollywood Theater and all live broadcast ends fell into silence, deathly silence!

Everyone was completely dumbfounded, staring at Ye Tian dumbfounded, their eyes were full of disbelief, madness, and fear in everyone's eyes.

Some timid viewers didn't even dare to look directly at Ye Tian, ​​even though there were many rows of seats across the octagonal cage, even across the TV screen.


There were cries from the theater scene and the live broadcast, from the female audience who had completely broken down.

“Emergency personnel! Where is the bloody medical team? Emergency care is needed here!”

The referee William shouted hoarsely, his voice was so shrill that his throat was almost split.

Following his shout, the Hollywood Theater and all the live broadcast terminals immediately exploded!

The medical team standing by on the sidelines finally came to their senses, and immediately rushed towards the octagonal cage with a medical kit.

At the same time, Jon Jones' coaching staff and his agent rushed towards the entrance of the octagonal cage.

Mathis and the others, who were waiting by the side of the octagonal cage, climbed over the guardrail, jumped into the octagonal cage first, quickly approached Ye Tian, ​​and raised their vigilance, ready to respond at any time!

And everyone else, whether they were at the scene or the live broadcast, had already stood up, put their heads in their hands, stared at Ye Tian standing in the center of the octagonal cage, and exclaimed frantically.

"Fack! The bastard Steven is too scary and crazy! This is not a human being, it's just a humanoid monster!"

"It's so ruthless to the extreme! One shot will kill you! If the referee didn't stop it in time, Jon Jones would definitely die! I'm afraid it's too bad now, but God bless that poor guy!"

"My God! This is a devil from hell, who is his opponent?"

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