Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 980 Who Can Match

In two or three steps, Mathis and the others rushed to Ye Tian's side and became alert.

"Well done, Steven, it's so straightforward! It's like chopping melons and vegetables, those few attacks are really exciting!"

Mattis whispered excitedly, beaming.

Cole, who was guarding the other side, and Jason and Anderson, who were standing behind, were equally excited, their eyes lit up, and they almost cheered.

Who wouldn't be excited about a large sum of dollars being credited right away?

At this moment, they were extremely restrained. When the referee announced the result of the game and returned to the penthouse upstairs, it was the time to celebrate and revel!

"I said before that there is no suspense in this duel, and the outcome will be decided in an instant. The facts are just as I expected. I can only say that the idiot Jon Jones is too weak to be vulnerable!"

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, his words were full of confidence.

"It's not that Jon Jones is too weak, but you are too strong. No matter who the fighting master standing in the octagonal cage is today, the result will definitely be the same, and he will definitely lose!"

Jason said with admiration, almost flying with excitement.

"The battle is over. After the referee announces the result of the match, let's go back to the upstairs suite. There is no need to stay here any longer. You don't need to watch the next fighting match!

Mattis, tell the other guys to be more vigilant, now is the most dangerous time, and celebrate after returning to the suite, don't be overwhelmed by some guys! "

"Okay, Steven, I'll let everyone know!"

Mattis responded in a low voice, and then began to arrange through the invisible earphones.

While talking, manager Downey also came to Ye Tian's side. This buddy was equally excited, and there was a bit of fear in his eyes!

After a burst of wild exclamation, many viewers on the live and live broadcast end remembered the bet they had placed on this octagonal cage duel.

In the next second, cheers sounded immediately, but it was more disappointing and even angry cursing.

"Hahaha! It's great! I knew it! Steven is a miracle worker. He is not sure of victory. How could he enter the octagonal cage and fight with others? As expected! I am rich!"

"Fack U! Steven,

You are a bloody devil! Falk U! Jon Jones, I'm so blind, I trust you idiot, I'm so sorry! "

Laugh out loud and celebrate! Naturally, it was the people who bet on Ye Tian's victory, including Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom, two Hollywood superstars.

Beating his chest, stamping his feet, cursing angrily! It was the unlucky bet on Jon Jones. There were too many of these people, accounting for almost 80 to 90%. Everyone's intestines were about to regret.

At the same time, the host of ESPN also expressed emotion in the live broadcast.

"It was bloody and brutal! I swear to God, this is the bloodiest mixed martial arts match I have ever seen. I hope God bless Jon Jones and hope he is still alive!"

"That's right! This is indeed an extremely bloody fighting match! Compared with that terrifying guy in Steven, Jon Jones is like a baby, without any resistance!

Rather than saying that this is a fighting match, it is better to say that it is a one-sided massacre! The two mixed martial arts fighters standing in the octagonal cage are not on the same level at all.

Jon Jones is 193 centimeters tall and weighs 205 pounds. He can be called a burly man, but such a strong man was swept away by Steven with a sweep of his legs.

It can be seen from this, how fierce and terrifying is Steven's leg sweep! Based on my experience, a guy who can kick such a deadly high sweep must squat over 500kg!

Is there a guy in MMA who squats over 500kg? I've never heard of it. Steven is probably the first person in history. Who can match such a terrifying guy?

Even though Jon Jones is the UFC light heavyweight champion, facing such a terrifying opponent, how can he have a half chance of winning! To be able to get out of the octagonal cage alive is already God bless him! "

For the sentiments expressed by the two ESPN hosts, every viewer on the live broadcast side recognized them very much and kept nodding their heads!

And they looked at Ye Tian, ​​still full of fear.

The medical team had already rushed into the octagonal cage and began to rescue Jon Jones urgently, somewhat flustered and flustered.

This medical team is well-informed, but they have seen fighters who have been injured like this, it's like being run over by a heavy truck, it's horrible!

Jon Jones' coaching staff and agent also rushed into the octagon in panic, and quickly surrounded Jon Jones.

When they saw the miserable condition of Jon Jones and the blood that was still gushing out, they were stunned and stunned, their eyes were full of fear, and their bodies were trembling.

A moment later, Jon Jones' fighting coach was the first to wake up.

Immediately afterwards, the Brazilian in his forties immediately turned around and roared wildly at Ye Tian.

"Steven, you are a devil from hell, an inhuman executioner, you should go back to hell, there is your world!"

Although he was extremely angry and wanted to tear the bastard across from him, the Brazilian could only stand still and curse, or dare to stand there and curse.

He simply didn't have the guts to rush forward, trouble Ye Tian, ​​and avenge Jon Jones.

Because he clearly knew that he was no match for the devil on the other side, and if he rushed forward, he would die, there was absolutely no second possibility!

Ye Tian glanced at the other party contemptuously, sneered and said with disdain:

"He asked for it! No one can blame him. He shouldn't have accepted this deal in the first place, and he should have come out to fight me on behalf of the Hell Angels gang of scumbags!

He shouldn't provoke me wildly and touch my bottom line, that's tantamount to courting death! Some money can be earned, and some money cannot be earned. I hope you can learn a lesson! "

Jon Jones' coaching staff and agent were speechless, and they all froze in place.

yes! This duel was an agreement between Steven and the Hell's Angels, and it was their way of resolving their grievances. It had nothing to do with people like themselves!

People like myself just got involved because they saw the money, thinking they could make a lot of money, but who knew that they ran into the devil and got into the current situation, who is to blame?

More and more people entered the octagonal cage. Betty walked into the octagonal cage with four bodyguards, came to Ye Tian's side, and strengthened the security force around him.

The host of the scene, Michael Buffalo, several UFC executives, and several security personnel walked into the octagonal cage one after another.

In a blink of an eye, the octagonal cage seemed a little crowded.

Fortunately, the work efficiency of the medical team was pretty good, and they quickly put Jon Jones on a stretcher, lifted him out of the octagonal cage, and sent him to the nearest hospital for emergency treatment.

Jon Jones' coaching staff and agent, as well as two UFC executives left the octagonal cage, and the space suddenly became much more spacious.

The referee William, whose shirt was completely stained red with blood, strode towards Ye Tian, ​​looking as if he had been shot in the chest!

At the same time, a microphone slowly hung down from above the octagonal cage.

It's time to announce the results of the contest, and then it's time to storm the dollars and celebrate wildly!

"Steven, congratulations! You won this fighting competition. To be honest, I am very surprised by this result. I didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Walking closer, the referee William immediately lowered his voice and said.

At this time, his eyes were still full of shock, but also a bit of fear.

"Accident? It's normal for you to feel this way, it's human nature! But for me, this victory is already doomed. No matter who the opponent is or how powerful the opponent is, the result will be the same!"

Ye Tian chuckled and said in a low voice, his tone was firm and unquestionable!

Hearing this, William couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and the fear in his eyes became stronger.

But he didn't refute, and couldn't refute.

The result of the duel in front of him is the best proof that this bastard Steven is indeed extremely powerful, almost unrivaled!

Not to mention Jon Jones who was instantly killed, with his astonishing strength, those top heavyweight fighters may not be his opponents, or even escape the fate of being instantly killed!

William took a deep look at Ye Tian, ​​and then held the microphone hanging in front of him.

The next moment, he faced the microphone and began to announce the result of the game loudly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the mixed martial arts match has been decided, and the winner is the ultra-rich man from Manhattan, famous treasure hunter and top antique art expert, Steven!"

At the same time as he announced loudly, Ye Tian also raised his arms high, showing the attitude of a winner to all the audience on the live and live broadcast.

"clap clap"

Thunderous applause burst out, like a storm, instantly sweeping through the entire Hollywood theater and all live broadcast terminals.

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