Treasure Hunt all over the World

Chapter 981: The $200 Million Challenge

No matter whether he likes Ye Tian or hates him, no one can deny that this is an extremely tough guy. This octagonal cage duel was won extremely wonderfully, it can be called a classic!

So everyone was not stingy, and gave their applause one after another, although some people were bleeding!

The applause continued, still enthusiastically.

A UFC executive walked up to Ye Tian who raised his arms high, gritted his back molars and said in a low voice:

"Steven, your qualification as a fighter is only for one day, and it will be revoked tomorrow, and you will never be able to qualify as a fighter or participate in UFC fighting events again!

I know this is against the rules, but we have to do this, I hope you can understand, if you don't understand, then you can go to court and we can make some compensation!

UFC mixed martial arts is a sports competition, not a bloody killing field. We never want to see someone die in an octagonal cage. You are such a horrible guy, we can't afford to serve you! "

Hearing this, Ye Tian couldn't help laughing triumphantly.

"Just cancel it, it doesn't matter! For me, the fighter qualification is for this duel. The duel is over, so there is no need to continue to keep it!

As for the compensation, forget it, I don't need that little money! I have earned enough money this time, I can't be too greedy, but before that, I have one more thing to do! "

"Is there anything else to do? What?"

The UFC executive asked in surprise, with a very bad premonition.

Ye Tian didn't answer, but turned his head and said to William, the referee next to him:

"Mr. Referee, can you lend me the microphone? I have a few words to say!"


Although William was a little surprised, he still handed over the microphone.

After taking the microphone, Ye Tian immediately turned around and looked at the auditorium below the stage, and said loudly jokingly:

"James, Allen, thank you for the 100 million dollars! Sorry, I am the winner of this octagonal cage duel. I can only accept this windfall!"

Following his words,

The lighting engineer immediately focused the spotlight on the two Hell Angel bosses, and the live camera lens followed.

The next moment, these two famous bosses of Hell's Angels appeared on the big screen at the scene and appeared on all the live broadcast terminals.

At this time, their faces were dark and purple, and they were extremely ugly, as if their own father had died!

The eyes of both of them were full of despair, as well as endless anger and fear.

Being so humiliated in public, these two didn't immediately fight back, and didn't even give any response. They just sat there like walking dead!

Obviously, they haven't recovered from the heavy blow just now, or they don't want to believe what happened in front of them at all!

The other members of Hell's Angels who were on the scene couldn't bear such Chi Guoguo's humiliation, and the extremely angry cursing sounded like crazy.

"Steven, you are a fucking bastard, I'm going to kill you bastard!"

"Fuck U! Steven, don't get too complacent, I'm not done with you!"

For these crazy cursing and shouting, Ye Tian didn't even bother to answer.

I am standing here, can you still bite me?

After teasing the two Hells Angels bosses, he shifted his target again, looked at another area in the front row of the infield and said loudly:

"'Mouth***' Conor McGregor! When I played just now, you clamored to fight me and earn some dollars! You seemed to be full of confidence at that time!

My duel with Jon Jones is over, and the winner is me! To be honest, Jon Jones is too weak to be vulnerable! I haven't had a good time yet, not even a warm-up.

Now I can give you a chance to challenge me directly. If you can beat me in the octagon, you will get a huge bet of 200 million US dollars, which is more than the previous bet!

And the bet you pay is all your net worth, no matter how much I accept, even if your property is only one dollar, it doesn't matter, as long as you dare to step into the octagonal cage!

There is a premise here, before the game starts, you must sign a document, as long as you enter the octagonal cage to fight with me, and if you want to win a $200 million bet, then life and death are according to destiny!

My lawyer is on site, ready to draft legal documents at any time. Money is not a problem for me at all. I can have as much as I want. How about it? Do you want to earn 200 million dollars?

That is a huge fortune! Don't miss this opportunity, don't miss this opportunity, after tonight, you will not be qualified to challenge Lao Tzu, and neither will anyone else! "

Before the words fell, the scene and the live broadcast were already blown up, and the exclamation rang out crazily.

"Wow! A huge bet of 200 million U.S. dollars, what a huge and tempting fortune! Steven, this bastard is so crazy! It's too big!"

"Oh my god! Two hundred million dollars! Did I hear you right? Does Conor McGregor dare to step into the octagon and challenge this terrifying guy like Steven?"

"That kind of situation is impossible to happen, unless the 'mouth*cannon' gets tired of living and wants to kill himself. Could it be that he is stronger than Jon Jones? How is that possible!"

While crazily exclaiming, people all looked at the 'talking gun' Conor McGregor, and the big screen and the live broadcast end also gave him a close-up shot at the right time.

The 'mouth*cannon' who instantly became the focus of the audience, blushed like a monkey's buttocks, was extremely embarrassing, and wished he could find a crack in the ground and get in directly.

But his eyes were full of anger and also full of fear.

"Connor, we are optimistic about you, go on stage and kill that bastard Steven! Dedicate a wonderful fighting match to everyone!"

"That's a 200 million dollar bet! 'Mouth cannon', you can't make that much money in a lifetime, don't miss this opportunity, to show support, I bet a dollar on you!"

There was booing everywhere, they were all guys who didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement.

Zui*pao's face became even uglier, and he almost couldn't sit still.

The faces of many UFC executives were also very ugly, all of them gritted their teeth and stared at Ye Tian, ​​wishing they could immediately rush into the octagonal cage, drag him out of it, and blast him out of the Hollywood theater!

Amidst bursts of booing, no matter how thick-skinned you are, you can't bear it any longer.

He stood up directly from his seat, waved his hand violently at Ye Tian in the octagonal cage, and then said loudly through gritted teeth:

"Go to hell, Steven! Only a fool and an idiot like Jon Jones will challenge you, a devil from hell, I haven't lived enough! I don't want to kill myself!"

Obviously, this guy still has some brains, knowing that he is not Ye Tian's opponent at all, and he didn't slap his face swollen to pretend to be fat.

The result of doing that, he knows better than anyone else, there is only one dead end!

"Hahaha, this is the famous 'talking gun' Conor McGregor, the UFC lightweight champion! However, this is really disappointing!

Didn’t you call me a ‘coward’ loudly just now? I’ll return this title to you now. In my opinion, you are the real ‘coward’ who has no courage”

Ye Tian laughed and said, humiliating the mouthpieces in the audience to his heart's content.

After finishing speaking, he returned the microphone to the referee William, then took a step back and chatted with Betty in a low voice.

As for Conor McGregor, who was furious in the audience and wanted to die of embarrassment, he didn't even bother to talk to him, he was just a clown.


The ear-piercing boos sounded crazily, almost lifting the ceiling of the Hollywood theater.

The result of the game has been announced, everything is settled, and it is time to evacuate.

After shaking hands with everyone on the stage one by one, Ye Tian took Betty, under the guard of Mathis and the others, left the octagonal cage and walked towards the entrance of the athletes.

As soon as he walked out of the octagonal cage, Ye Tian immediately lowered his voice and said to Mathis beside him:

"Matisse, tell all the guys to quietly withdraw from the Hollywood theater, and the real test will begin, so let everyone keep their spirits up and be vigilant.

Will the Hells Angels be willing to fail? I don't think so! And those famous gaming companies, as well as the major casinos in Las Vegas, also have to guard against it.

You should have seen the faces of those guys just now, all of them are extremely ugly. There is no doubt that they have lost a lot this time. "

"Hahaha, that's true, those faces that look like mourning concubines are so ugly! Don't even think about it, someone must be vomiting blood!

Don't worry, Steven, I've already arranged it, and no one can take advantage of us! Don't even think about ruining this wonderful evening! "

Matisse laughed and replied, with a murderous look in his words.

The rest of the people counted as one, and all of them had incomparably bright smiles on their faces, heartily!

While talking, the group of them had already walked out of the athlete's exit and disappeared from people's sight!

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