"Steven, the scumbags from the Hell's Angels are about to rush out. A few guys in the back row are taking off their Kevlar body armor, and the rest of them are checking their guns!"

Kenny's voice came from the earphones, and he was quite excited to hear it.

"Understood! Obviously, they plan to hand over the body armor to the guys in charge of the charge, to increase their defensive capabilities and prevent them from being killed as soon as they come out. They still have some brains!"

Ye Tian said with a sneer, with murderous intent in his eyes.

The G36C assault rifle in his hand was always firmly locked on the door of the stairwell seven or eight meters away, and he was ready to kill wildly.

"Guys, be vigilant, the battle will begin soon! Show off the killing skills you have practiced on the battlefield, and send those scumbags to hell!"

Matisse's voice sounded in the earphones, issuing a battle command.


The rest of the people responded loudly, everyone was full of fighting spirit, and even a little impatient.

For Raytheon's armed security personnel, those hooded scumbags in the stairwell are all walking dollars, full of temptation, and must not be let go!

$300,000 Base Incentive! That's a lot of money, enough to make people crazy, and there are more possibilities, who would think that money is too hot?

Now or never!

Why don't you just shoot and kill? This is what I am best at. I don’t know how many times I have done and killed many people in Iraq and Afghanistan, and I am already familiar with it!

This time it's just a different location. What's the real difference if we move to the MGM Grand in Las Vegas? Maybe it will be more enjoyable and exciting!

After the response fell, Matisse immediately continued:

"Guys, as long as those guys rush out, everyone will immediately fire and suppress firepower. Steven and I attack the head, and the rest of the guys attack the legs, avoiding the upper body, understand?"


Everyone responded loudly, and at the same time fine-tuned the direction of the gun.

At this moment, Angelo's voice came from the intercom again.


Our hotel's support force will arrive on the twentieth floor immediately, and inform your subordinates, don't misunderstand, there is an incident of accidental injury, I don't want to see that kind of scene!

The matter has reached this stage, and it is beyond my control, but I still hope that you can restrain yourself and keep the scale of the conflict within a certain range, so as not to hurt innocent people! "

Ye Tian casually turned on the call function of the walkie-talkie, and responded in a low voice:

"Don't worry, Angelo, we will never hurt innocent people. As for those scumbags with their heads covered, I can't guarantee it. After all, the guns are in their hands!

Let your people evacuate as soon as possible, you have also seen the firepower equipment of the other party, the next scene is definitely beyond the reach of ordinary security personnel, there is no need to increase unnecessary casualties!

Just leave it to us here, we will kill those scumbags, let your men go to other floors, build a defense line in advance, and prevent those scumbags from fleeing to other floors, then the trouble will be big! "

Hearing this, Angelo felt a chill in his heart, and couldn't help shivering.

It's daytime, and it's extremely hot outside. Many tourists and gamblers are resting in their rooms, waiting for the night to come and enjoy the bright and charming nightlife of Las Vegas again.

If those scumbags who were fully armed and covered their heads were broken up, rushed to other floors with assault rifles in anger and despair, the consequences would be absolutely disastrous!

Thinking of this, how could Angelo refuse Ye Tian's proposal.

"Okay, Steven, the twentieth floor is handed over to you, send those damned scum to hell! I will immediately ask the hotel security personnel to evacuate and go to other floors for defense!"

It could be heard that this Italian guy with a mafia background was so frightened that his voice trembled a little.

"No problem! Angelo, this is a wise decision. When you enter hell in the future, you will definitely see those damned scum! Maybe you can have a good drink!"

Ye Tian said jokingly, teasing the other party.

"Fuck U! Steven, if you say that the person in this world who deserves and is most likely to go to hell is definitely you, a ruthless, murderous bastard!"

Angelo cursed angrily, his words full of helplessness.


Amidst the loud laughter, Ye Tian casually turned off the call function of the walkie-talkie.

Soon, several hotel security personnel hiding in another corner received an evacuation order from Angelo!

In the next second, these guys flashed out of the hiding place and rushed towards the elevator. Their reactions were very fast, and their speed was comparable to that of the top 100-meter athletes. All of them have the potential to hit the world record!

The security personnel who took the elevator up to support did not even get out of the elevator, and directly pressed the button to go to other floors to arm themselves.

It is conceivable that these guys must be relieved at this moment, feeling a sense of happiness of escaping from birth and finally being liberated!

At the same time as these guys were evacuating, the two doors in the stairwell were pushed open a gap a few centimeters wide from the outside to the inside.

Immediately afterwards, a silver-gray smartphone tied horizontally to the silencer of the assault rifle was pushed out along the gap, and began to take pictures of the situation in the corridor!

It can be seen that those guys in the stairwell are extremely angry! But he didn't lose his ability to think, and he knew how to scout the situation outside before launching an attack.

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunshots sounded suddenly, deafening.

The moment the cell phone poked out of the door, Ye Tian immediately pulled the trigger and fired a short burst.

Accompanied by the deafening gunshots, a string of dazzling fireworks bloomed on the muzzle of the G36C assault rifle and bloomed in front of everyone through the live broadcast camera!

Three scorching rifle bullets rushed out of the barrel at high speed in an instant, and hit the cell phone that suddenly protruded like lightning.

Unbiased, the three rifle bullets hit the smartphone and the silencer screwed into the muzzle of the HK416 assault rifle with incredible accuracy.


The mobile phone was directly blasted by the rifle bullets flying at high speed, and turned into a pile of electronic parts flying all over the sky! Fly in all directions!

Even the silencer that was screwed to the muzzle was crooked by the bullet and was completely scrapped!

The HK416 assault rifle with its muzzle sticking out of the door was quickly retracted, and the two doors in the stairwell closed again without leaving a gap!

Because my position is on the same side of the stairwell, the angle of shooting into the stairwell is not enough, and the walls of the stairwell are very strong, and rifle bullets cannot penetrate.

So Ye Tian didn't continue to fire, but stopped shooting!

The scene became quiet again, but exclamations sounded from the live broadcast.

"I'll go! Steven's marksmanship is so accurate, he can shoot wherever he points! And his reaction is extremely fast. What kind of monster is this? It seems to be omnipotent!"

"Did you see that? That bastard Steven didn't seem to be aiming. He raised his gun and shot, smashing the cell phone and destroying the silencer! This is too exaggerated!

Faced with such terrifying marksmanship, as long as those guys in the stairwell rushed out, they would be called out one by one and shot in the head. "

While people were chattering, those guys in the stairwell were also planning an offensive strategy.

One of the Hell's Angels, holding a smartphone, whispered to everyone:

"Steven's gang of bastards are guarding outside the stairwell. They set up a defense line at the corner seven or eight meters away on the east side of the corridor. The position is very clever, it can be attacked and defended!

In front of that line of defense, there are a few pieces of furniture, as well as obstacles such as sofas and mattresses, which can greatly reduce the penetration of rifle bullets and reduce the threat to those guys!

And those bastards are very well equipped, everyone is wearing Kevlar body armor, holding an assault rifle, the firepower is quite powerful, no weaker than us.

If we want to get rid of that bastard Steven, we have to rush through the seven or eight meter long corridor. It can be imagined that this is a very difficult task, and we must pay a high price! "

Hearing these words, a trace of fear flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

Don't even think about it, if people like myself rush out of the stairwell, that corridor will immediately become a bloody death zone.

God knows how many brothers will die there, maybe even all of them!

No one wants to die! How many people dare to face death? Even if you know that you are in a desperate situation, there is no way out!

"Brothers, no matter how dangerous it is, we have to rush out, no matter what the cost, we must not be stuck here waiting to die, that dying is worthless!"

James walked down the stairs with an assault rifle in his hand, and said through gritted teeth, eyes full of hatred and despair.

"Boss is right, we must not sit still and wait for death, we must fight out, I will take the lead!"

A hell angel who was close to the wall next to the door whispered, with a bit of determination.

After the words fell, the guy immediately picked up a Kevlar body armor and put it on his left arm, building another line of defense in front of him.

In this way, as his arm moves up and down, it can effectively protect the area from the head to the chest and abdomen, greatly reducing the probability of being killed instantly.

Although the penetrating power of assault rifle bullets is astonishing, facing three layers of Kevlar body armor, the power is bound to be greatly reduced, and it will not kill you with one shot!

With a Kevlar body armor on his left arm, he can also hold a gun in his right hand and fire wildly to kill the enemies who appear in front of his eyes and avenge his revenge!

The only trouble is that you can't change the magazine quickly. Once the assault rifle is empty, you can only draw the pistol to fight.

The other three Hell Angels standing at the door followed suit, each picking up a Kevlar body armor, putting it on their left arms, and preparing to charge into battle.

The rest of the Hell Angels also raised their assault rifles, ready to rush out to kill themselves.

"Brothers, rush out of this door, and kill that bastard Steven no matter what, avenge the dead brothers, Alan and the others, and ourselves!"

James gritted his teeth and said, his eyes were so red that they were about to bleed.

"Get rid of that damn bastard Steven and avenge the brothers!"

There was a deep roar in the stairwell, full of anger and despair!

Before the words were finished, the four leading Hell Angels raised their left arms, blocked themselves with bulletproof vests, smashed open the door of the stairwell, bent down and rushed out.

"Bang bang bang!"

Gunshots rang out suddenly like a storm.

Accompanied by deafening gunshots, a wave of bullets immediately swept madly from seven or eight meters away, and went straight to the several Hell Angels who had just rushed out of the stairwell!


The coquettish blood flowers mixed with white brains bloomed in the corridors of the MGM Hotel and on every live screen! And in everyone's eyes!


The exclamation sounded crazily, covering every corner!

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