The moment the door of the stairwell was knocked open, Ye Tian pulled the trigger of the G36C assault rifle in his hand before those Hell Angels scum showed their faces, and fired first!

But this is just acting, the purpose is not to annihilate the enemy!

This is to make his perfect marksmanship look a bit flawed, so that he won't be supernatural, lest those guys on the live broadcast end regard him as a monster!

"bang bang bang"

Accompanied by the deafening gunshots, three scorching rifle bullets spewed out from the muzzle of the G36C at high speed, heading straight for the door of the stairwell with endless murderous intent.

In the next instant, these rifle bullets hit the target accurately, and slammed into the fire door that had just been opened, leaving a transparent hole as thick as three fingers.

Immediately afterwards, the three completely deformed rifle bullets that pierced through the door panel slammed hard on the Kevlar body armor that was close to the door panel.

It wasn't until this time that the huge energy contained in these bullets was exhausted, and they were deeply embedded in the body armor without achieving any lethal effect.

Under the impact of the powerful potential energy of these rifle bullets, the opened fire door slammed back like lightning, the momentum was very violent, and the speed was faster than when it opened!

So did the Hell's Angel standing behind the door, holding the body armor.

Standing sideways, under the huge impact, his left arm was almost torn off, and he staggered backwards, bumping directly into the body of his companion behind him.

Like dominoes, the four charging Hells Angels collided directly, creating a mess!

As the fire door on the right was rushed back by bullets, these guys were all exposed in the corridor, and also exposed to Ye Tian's guns!

In the panic, the left arms raised high by these guys and the Kevlar bulletproof vests on the left arms couldn't help but relax a little. The protection was not so tight, leaving a lot of gaps.

And this is exactly what Ye Tian wanted to see the most, and it happened in an instant.

The show is over and it's time to kill as much as you want.

"Guys! Fire it up!"

While shouting, the G36C assault rifle in Ye Tian's hand locked on the head of a Hell Angel, and he ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang"

The gunshots resumed,

It resounded throughout the MGM Hotel and all live broadcast terminals.

Like the previous performance attack, this is another short burst, with almost no interval between the two attacks, and the sound is more like an assault rifle fire.

While the fire was shining, three rifle bullets rushed out from the muzzle of the G36C at high speed, like the scythe of death, and hit the head of the Hell Angel in front.

The distance of seven or eight meters can be reached in the blink of an eye!


Accompanied by the sound of bullets penetrating into the human body, several blood flowers bloomed in the corridor, mixed with white brains, coquettish, strange, full of death breath, as if from hell!

Under the attack of three 5.56mm rifle bullets, the head of that Hells Angel was directly blasted, and he couldn't die any more.

There is another angel in hell, but I don't know if there is a Harley-Davidson!

While Ye Tian opened fire and attacked, Matisse also pulled the trigger mercilessly, and it was also an extremely precise short burst, which went straight to the head of another Hell's Angel.

So did Peter and the rest of the armed security guards from Raytheon, each pulling the trigger and the killing spree began.

Coquettish and beautiful blood flowers bloomed one after another, some bloomed on the head of the hell angel, and some bloomed on the lower body of those scumbags!

In an instant, this corridor became a dead zone! Very bloody!

The four Hell's Angels who had just rushed out of the hallway, before they could even pull the trigger and fire a bullet, fell into the abyss of hell and ended their sinful lives.


The extremely shrill screams suddenly sounded, and it was heart-wrenching and frightening to hear.

Mattis smashed the target's head with precision, and the two Hells Angels survived.

However, both of their legs were battered by assault rifle bullets, and they were completely incapacitated. They could only lie in the corridor and scream!

Blood gushed out from the wounds on their legs, staining the ground at the door of the stairwell red!

Obviously, these two guys are not far from death, even more painful than death!

Fortunately, this pain did not last long! The next moment, they tasted the taste of death.

After completing the first kill, Ye Tian quickly moved the muzzle of his gun and locked on the head of the next target, another Hell Angel who was lying on the floor of the corridor, rolling and screaming.

"Bang bang bang!"

The G36C assault rifle sprayed out dazzling flames again, and three more rifle bullets rushed out of the muzzle at high speed, heading straight for the target!

The next scene is just a simple repetition of the previous scene!

Another fresh life was ruthlessly harvested, and the flower of hell with the breath of endless death bloomed in front of everyone's eyes again.

While Ye Tian blasted the head of the Hell Angel, Mathis also quickly moved the muzzle of the gun, locked on the only remaining Hell Angel, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger.

As a result, there was no suspense, there was another dirty soul in hell, and the world became somewhat cleaner!

In just a second or two, the four Hell Angels who rushed out of the stairwell first were all killed by Ye Tian and the others, and they went to hell to report!

But this is not the end, the battle has just begun!

There are also Hell Angels rushing out of the stairwell recklessly and plunged into hell, as if they couldn't wait to end their sinful life as soon as possible!

"Bang bang bang!"

The gunfire was like a storm, never ending, deafening.

A wave of bullets flew from the door of the stairwell, hit the obstacles in the corridor, and hit the wall diagonally opposite Ye Tian and the others.

These rifle bullets flying at high speed tore apart the furniture and sofas in the corridor, sent sawdust flying, and left the opposite wall riddled with holes!

But these were bullets fired hastily, not very accurate, and could not threaten Ye Tian's safety at all.

Two more Hell Angels rushed out from the stairwell, screaming crazily, and raining bullets from the M4A1 assault rifle in their hands, trying to charge towards Ye Tian.

Obviously, they thought too much, it was just an unrealistic fantasy, and it would never be realized!

They only had time to pull the trigger twice, and before they could see where Ye Tianren was, the scythe of death had already swung out, hooking their necks and dragging them into hell!

"bang bang bang"

The sound of assault rifle shooting is uninterrupted and dense like raindrops!

Among them, there are both point shots and bursts, completely tearing this piece of space to pieces!

Ye Tian locked onto the target in an instant, and then pulled the trigger, killing to his heart's content.

Mattis and Peter, as well as the other armed security personnel from Raytheon, were pouring bullets like crazy, harvesting lives.

Under this impenetrable bullet rain, who can survive?

The two Hell Angels who had just rushed out of the stairwell were instantly smashed into sieves, torn to pieces by the scalding rifle bullets, and flew straight back!

They were no different than the four companions who charged, each wearing only a Kevlar body armor.

Ordinary Kevlar body armor is okay for pistols, but it is useless when facing an assault rifle head-on. It can be pierced with one shot, which is not much more difficult than tearing a piece of white paper!

The moment they flew into the air, the two hell angels were already frightened, and they couldn't die anymore!

Their heads were immediately blasted by rifle bullets, their brains were splashed everywhere, their bodies were covered with bullet holes, and blood kept gushing out! Sprinkles every inch of space it flies over!

"Bang! Bang!"

Flying five or six meters backwards, their bodies just fell, like two tattered sacks, crashing on the corridor floor! There were two muffled bangs!

Borrowing inertia, their bodies rolled backwards twice, and then lay horizontally on the floor without any movement.

Blood still gushed out from their bodies, dyeing the corridor floor blood red!

The gunfire stopped suddenly, neither Ye Tian nor the rest of the Hell Angels in the stairwell stopped shooting!

No one in the stairwell rushed out again, and who would dare?

Facing the insane and horrific killings in the corridor, even a god can't escape death if he rushes out, let alone ordinary people.

Don't even think about attacking close to the door!

At such a short distance, under the powerful attack firepower of the assault rifle, the two fire doors in the stairwell are useless at all, they will be torn to pieces in an instant!

Hiding behind the door to attack is completely suicidal, and there is no possibility of surviving.

What's more frightening is that those New York bastards in the corridor have extremely accurate marksmanship, and once they show themselves, they will be killed in an instant.

The dozen or so Hell Angels remaining in the stairwell had been completely swallowed up by fear and despair. No one spoke, let alone rushed into the corridor with an assault rifle.

There is hell, there is only one dead end to rush in! And the death was worthless, the six brothers whose corpses lay at the door of the stairwell were a lesson from the past.

The assault rifles in Ye Tian's hands are still firmly locked on the door of the stairwell, ready to fire again at any time, and send another batch of scum to hell!

All the live broadcast ends were completely silent, deathly silent!

The battle lasted very short, less than ten seconds, but to everyone on the live broadcast, these ten seconds were like a century, extremely long!

One counted as one, and everyone on the live broadcast side stared at the video screen and the New York bastards who looked like death gods in the screen, everyone's eyes were full of fear.

The video screen is too bloody and terrifying!

Some media belatedly cut off the live broadcast signal. Although it was late, it was better than doing nothing!


Crying sounds began to resound in countless places, and many people who came back to their senses collapsed in an instant, and immediately burst into tears.

At the same time, all the live broadcast ends were completely boiling.

"Oh my god! This is so bloody! Is it still Las Vegas? Is it the MGM Grand? Even the most brutal and violent street fighting is nothing more than that!"

"Fack! I'm sure that bastard Steven is definitely a devil from hell. He doesn't even bat an eyelid when he kills people. It's extremely terrifying!

The same goes for his subordinates, they are all devils and murderers! Extremely dangerous bastards like this should all be thrown into prison and let them rot inside! "

In the surveillance hall of the MGM Hotel, Angelo stared dumbfounded at the live broadcast and muttered to himself.

"Damn it! How could this group of murderers be allowed to live in MGM? They are so blind!"

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