Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1449: Neighbor (3/5)

"What happened to the fifth person?" Li Du asked with concern. Updates are fast without ads.

Benedict said: "Several local pucks came here to take risks and died one because they were doing it illegally and it was an illegal invasion, so the family concealed it. In addition, it is estimated that they felt it passed It's not good, in short, only the people who live here know about it. "

Li Du touched his nose and frowned. The house seemed to have a lot of problems.

Regardless of whether there is a ghost or not, the house he bought for two million always involved a lot of human lives. It is estimated that it is not easy to sell it.

Seeing him frowning, Benedict said, "I suggest you leave quickly and don't stay here."

Li Du asked, "What about you? As neighbors, aren't you afraid?"

Benedict shrugged. "We don't live here, and we come here occasionally."

"What to do when we come across an occasional ghost?" Li Du asked. "Isn't that dead Montana rancher just a trip?"

Benedict shrugged again: "He was unlucky and was killed by a car, uh, I mean, this thing has nothing to do with you, the ghost will only stay here, it won't run around, otherwise the whole Belle Isn't that messy? "

Li Du also wanted to ask, Benedict said first: "I finally kindly advise you, really, you must leave here quickly, it's dangerous, I swear, it's really dangerous!"

Having said that, he didn't stop any longer and turned to leave.

Li Du looked down at the ground, Benedict had just entered the area of ​​the house, although it was just at the door.

He couldn't help wondering, how could he dare to enter the door if Benedict, a neighbor, was really afraid of ghosts in this room? And they dare to live here.

The doubt flashed in his mind, he didn't think about it, and returned to the room.

The weather is not good, the sun appears intermittently, there is no setting sun in the evening, the sun does not know when it disappears, and then the sky gradually darkens.

Their first night in the haunted house came.

Li Du brought a lot of food, including a barbecue grill. He also had a skill in grilling, and then he put it on the fire and prepared for barbecue.

The meat they brought was marinated in advance by Da'ao, and it was just good to put it in the oven.

Little Marklov moved out of the barrel, and the group was preparing for a barbecue and beer at the door.

The **** tightened his clothes and said, "Boss, shall we go to eat in the house? I don't feel comfortable living outside."

"Rest assured," Mark Lov said impatiently.

The **** cocked his neck and said, "Who says ghosts? Who says ghosts? What do you mean?"

Little Mark Love grinned, and said, "No ghost? Be careful in the middle of the night ..."

The **** immediately rushed and said, "You want to scare me as a ghost? Fack, you can't do that, boss, you control this bastard!"

Li Du stared at Mark Love and said, "Don't mess around, you know the **** is afraid of this set and he should scare him. What should I do?"

Little Mark Love said indifferently, "What can go wrong? There is a ghost? Ha, then I will take care of it-how can there be a ghost in this world? Some people have ghosts in their hearts!

They have been soldiers, they have been killed, and some have been killed. They have not known how much blood and rain, so they do not believe in ghosts and gods, they believe in themselves.

Li Du was grilling the roast chicken, and the little guys around the oven suddenly looked at the door again with vigilance, and Grandma ran away again.

The **** immediately became nervous: "What did you find?"

Little Marklov pushed him away angrily: "So many people, what are you afraid of? Why grab my arm?"

The **** stammered, "No, no, I didn't hold on to you, **** it, I, I, I have been sitting here!"

Little Marklov asked: "Who grabbed me just now?"

Big Mark Love knew his brother's nature, grabbed a piece of charcoal from the ground and smashed it.

Little Marklov laughed: "Don't fight, don't fight, haha, I'm kidding him ..."

Li Du asked Godzilla to come to the barbecue. He walked to the door and looked at it again.

The two met each other and Benedict asked: "You haven't left yet? Stay here? Really don't want to die?"

Li Du pointed back and said, "It's okay, we are all atheists, thank you for your concern. By the way, are you eating dinner? We are grilling meat, but it is not ordinary barbecue, it tastes absolutely superb!"

In fact, the flavour of the meat has already permeated here. Dao's craftsmanship has not said that the specially marinated meat is very delicious.

Benedict blew his nose and said, "Uh, like this, isn't that great? We're not familiar."

Li Du thought he was worried about the danger of this haunted house, and laughed at the reason he said, saying, "What's this? We're not familiar with it after eating?"

Benedict seems to be giving himself a reason. He said, "Yes ~ ~ We are neighbors, and we will get familiar with them sooner or later."

Li Du took him in and introduced him to the party. When he saw a group of big men drinking around a large barbecue and drinking in a large bowl, Benedict stunned.

Especially when seeing Godzilla who was grilling meat, Benedict took a clear breath and exclaimed: "Oh my god, this guy is really strong!"

Little Marklov said with a grin: "Except for this skinny monkey, we are all strong. Hey, I said you are brave enough, aren't you afraid of a ghost in this haunted house?"

Benedict laughed: "I am an atheist like you."

"Then you persuade me to move?" Li Du asked subconsciously.

Benedict sneered: "Ha, ha ha, I'm an atheist, but I'm still afraid of something wrong with you. After all, a lot has happened here, maybe there is a ghost in it, right?"

Grandma sniffed in front of him, then sneezed a few times, as if there was something irritating on him.

Benedict backed in fright, Li Du stopped Grandma to call it back and laughed: "My dog ​​doesn't bite."

Godzilla put the roasted beef slices on a plate, and the group began to eat meat and drink.

Benedict also stuttered and drank. He looked hungry. The freshly roasted beef was very hot, and he kept licking his lips, eating and absorbing air.

Li Du's invitation to come in was not a temporary intention, he wanted to understand the situation here.

Benedict didn't care about talking. He just came to eat, and immediately grabbed the barbecue.

Godzilla was stunned, "This guy eats more than me!"

Benedict did n’t just eat it because he was hungry, but because he was rushing for time. After the wind and the wind were over, he wiped his mouth and said, "Thank you very much for your hospitality, guys, I still have something to do at home. ,Goodbye."

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