Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 1450: Feral, return (4/5)

Watching Bendy Dick's back wavering away, the firecracker said, "I think he's suspicious."

The **** asked nervously, "What happened, is he a ghost?"

Godzilla hummed. "The ghost who eats steak and pepper sauce?"

Li Du waved his hand: "Okay, eunuch, what are you afraid of with so many of us?"

The **** said with a sad face: "I don't want to be afraid either, but I'm afraid in my heart. This is a mental illness, boss. It's not controlled by thought."

Li Du patted Godzilla and said, "Okay, you sleep with the **** tonight."

He looked at the **** again: "There is a fierce man like Godzilla, don't you be afraid? Is there a ghost, then Godzilla can't be done."

"Sure, Godzilla is a super monster. I don't know how many people are killed. If there are ghosts in the world, they will still be helpless, so there is nothing terrible." Firecracker said with a smile.

After eating, each party found their own room. For insurance reasons, Li Du arranged a house for two or two.

The lunatic asked, "Would you like to watch?"

Li Du said scornfully, "No need, there can really be ghosts in this world? Everyone can rest assured that they have sent their whistle when they're impressed."

The **** refused to enter the house, muttering, "Boss, shall we sleep together?"

Little Marklov whistled and laughed, "I'm sleepy? Cool, I like it, because you Americans still like to do this."

Li Du pushed the **** to Godzilla and said impatiently, "What are you afraid of with Godzilla?"

The **** wailed, dragged his heavy foot into the house, and told Godzilla: "We must not turn off the lights tonight!"

Li Du added: "Rest assured, all rooms will not turn off tonight!"

He slept in the master bedroom and was with the driver. The driver is now in a foot monk mode. He is calm, waterless, and desperate. When he enters the room, he falls down and sleeps.

Li Du sat in front of the window to admire the night view under the mountain, and at the same time released space-time flying insects to search inside and outside the house again. His search was more detailed than before.

After all, there are several lives in the house, so when looking at the semi-enclosed spaces such as the basement and the attic through the eyes of the flying insects, it is still a little bit gloomy.

Just now, at this moment his cell phone rang: "Ding Jingling!"

Li Du was startled. He took out his mobile phone and saw that there was no number on the screen!

Suddenly, movie novels about the midnight fierce bells and midnight phone calls he had seen before appeared in his heart, making his heart pound.

Of course, this is just a subconscious reaction. In fact, he does not believe that there are ghosts in the world, and maybe there are things that cannot be explained by science, such as time and space flying insects, but he never believes that there are ghosts in the world.

Hesitating, he connected the phone and asked tentatively, "Hey."

There was a sigh, there was a long, long voice, and Mr. Li was scared.

Then, Tang Chaoyang's gentle voice sounded: "Massage is really authentic and comfortable!"

Li Du shuddered: "What?"

It is estimated that Tang Chaoyang didn't hear his voice just now, and Li Du said the second time that he noticed that the call was connected: "Oh, sorry, I'm not telling you, I'm massaging, it's really good, call ..."

There was another sigh.

Li Du couldn't help but said, "I'm living in a haunted house now. Don't scare me like this, Brother Tang, let me say something straight."

Tang Chaoyang wondered: "Do you live in a haunted house? Is it a haunted house in a playground or a haunted house? What are you doing there? Looking for excitement? If you want excitement, I can call you right."

After a series of questions, Li Du was asked, and he was idle, so he told the house about it.

Listening to his introduction, Tang Chaoyang laughed: "Of course there are no ghosts in the world. This house has been killing people continuously, there must be some ghosts. Be careful, oh, by the way, I called you to complete me Promise of."

Li Du asked subconsciously: "What promise?"

Tang Chaoyang said: "Last time I lost your treasure hunting treasure map, that is the papyrus. In order to make up for your loss, I found a new treasure for you."

Li Du laughed and said, "No need. I said that the papyrus was waste paper in my hand. If you lose it, you will lose it."

He wanted Tang Chaoyang to owe himself a favor, after all, the other party possessed a force and strength that he could not predict.

Tang Chaoyang said earnestly: "That's not okay. I found you a treasure to make up for you. The location is closer to my hometown. It is an emerald vein in the northwest of Honshavadi. That Egyptian gold mine. "

Li Du was dizzy and said, "Emerald veins? I want this ... well, thank you, I think I can make a lot of money on this."

Tang Chaoyang simply said, "Of course, I entrusted you to send the map. This map is a bit complicated ~ ~ You should study it carefully at that time."

After that, he hung up the phone and concentrated on enjoying his massage.

Li Du also wanted to ask who the trustee was and if he knew his address, but the phone had been hung up and there was no number. It was obviously an anti-tracking phone and he couldn't call back.

He reported peace to Sophie, returned to bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Sleeping in a new house and a new bed, the quality of sleep will not always be good. Li Du turned around and slumbered. He seemed to have a few strange dreams, and then the dream was broken by a howl: "Hey! Hey! ! "

This was Grandma's roar, and her voice was quite screaming.

"Something happened!" Li Du thought vaguely, he immediately got up and opened the door and walked out. The Marklov brothers, firecrackers and others had already come out.

Godzilla also came out, but only half way out. He pushed the **** angrily and said, "Why are you pulling me? Mad, you are a coward!"

Li Dugu could not go up to see the eunuch's joke. He hurried downstairs, but the bear children did not stay in the living room, but went to the backyard.

They looked out of the living room, and they were surprised by what they saw:

Several bear children are biting each other!

Because of mischief and energy, they always like to make troubles together. Animals like to make troubles by nature. This can exercise their responsiveness and hunting ability, allowing them to develop and grow better.

But this time is not a fight, they are biting and fighting, aggressive, fierce start!

A Meow's figure flickered quickly, his claws fluttered, and Aya and Ali had several bloodstains on his body. Aya opened his mouth to bite Amei, and Ali slashed out, holding his body with his tail and rushing towards Aya. .

Immediately, Grandma turned back and took a sip. Ali could not stand back and was bitten on his thigh.

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