Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 780: Conditions (1/5)

The speedboat ‘嗖’ suddenly started, splashing a large sea of ​​water, as if flying close to the sea, and the speed was amazing.

Li Du is also curious about how the speed boat can be so fast. Can the flying worm's ability to slow down time work on outside things? Could it be that the speedboat can also be independent of time because he is operating the speedboat at the same time with the power?

He was wondering, as the speed of the speedboat suddenly began to decrease, then it became slower and slower, and finally stopped on the sea.

"Why don't you leave?" Hans hurriedly asked him, "What do you think of?"

Li Du stepped on the throttle in shock, and the outboard aircraft behind him made a few squealing 'bangs', which could not be started.

Seeing this, without saying that Hans understood what was going on, he screamed, "Fack, is there a problem with the machine?"

Yes, when the chain was dropped, the speedboat suddenly broke off.

This is the real anchorage, so the speedboat stayed alone on the sea ...

Behind them, the floating board gradually approached them in a serpentine curve. After a while, a triangular head protruded out of the sea, stood in front of them, staring at them with black eyes.

Seeing this scene, Hans took a deep breath and said, "God, what is it doing? It stands up? The great white shark can still stand in the water?"

Li Du knew what was going on. He said: "This is a standing peep, that is, using the tail to pat the sea water, standing upright on the sea, and then exposing his head to the water."

"Why? It's so curious about the outside world?" Hans asked.

Li Dudao: "Fart, this is how they prey! Great white sharks are the only sharks that can stand upright, which gives them the advantage of finding potential prey above the water ..."

Hans was also scared to pee: "Damn, don't run anymore, is it going to prey?"

The great white shark did not launch an attack, but Li Du calmed down gradually. He comforted Hans and said, "Don't be afraid, the peep peep is not to look at the surface of the sea, but to stand high and look at the water in the sea ...

In the future, he can't make it up. This way is that in order to find prey on the sea, great white sharks will attack seals, sea lions, penguins and other things that swim on the sea, relying on the ability to stand up.

The great body balance of the great white shark is destined that they can not do this for a long time, it raised its head on the sea and looked at it, then returned to the water.

Hans breathed a sigh of relief: "Whoo, it's finally gone."

Li Du's expression became more dignified: "This indicates that it may launch an attack."

The pontoon is to explore the way, and to return to the water is to prepare for the attack, provided that the great white shark wants to hunt them.

Although the great white sharks are notorious, in fact, not many humans died in their mouths, and even fewer were actively attacked by them.

Li Du has checked a lot of work on fishing for black gold abalone. This job is to guard against shark attacks. However, according to the introduction, the fishermen put sharks in a very low position in the ranking of precautionary objects. The docile sea beast is still behind.

It is said that according to marine scientists, great white sharks are a smart and curious animal. They have fixed recipes and do not eat indiscriminately.

Humans are not in their recipes, because they are almost impossible to eat humans in their lives, so when they see humans, they are more curious than hunting.

But humans are too scared of them. When they want to get close to humans, they will flee and fight back, so the great white shark gets angry, and then a tragedy happens.

Yes, the great white shark is so domineering: only allow me to scare you, do not allow you to scare me, I scare you for fun, and you scare me then I will eat you.

The standard is only allowed to be loved by state officials, and people are not allowed to slap guan!

There are several main reasons why the great white shark actively attacks humans.

One is that juvenile sharks are learning to hunt, and the human body is not small or small, which is just right for them to train. The second is that sharks are courting, humans interrupted their chances, and they are angry.

There are also some possibilities. It is the wrong time for humans to enter their territory. It has just obtained a new territory. After entering, humans are considered to come to grab the territory ...

Li Du told Hans this and said, "We should not be attacked by the Great White Shark, because we are not in these situations."

"What if this great white shark is hungry?" Hans asked.

Li Du looked angry at him: "Are you interesting? I've been on the horse to relax and comfort you. Why do you always scare me?"

Yes, if great white sharks are hungry, they won't be picky.

Without being hungry, the great white shark would not attack humans.

Humans are too low in fat and calories, and are not the food that great white sharks like. They prefer fat-rich foods such as penguins and seals.

The great white shark swims around with a floating board. It wants to dive deep into the sea several times, but because of the floating board ~ ~ it can't drill into the water.

After trying this a few times, it got angry and started to make waves in the water.

The speedboat is about the same length as the great white shark. In the waves it set off, the speedboat is so dazzling that Li Du and Hans are scared.

Finally, the Starfish 60 drove over. Wolf sees them leave for a long time before returning, and decides to come and see the situation.

The huge yacht frightened the great white shark. It dragged the floating board to the side, and then poked its head again for a peep peep, staring at the outside with black eyes.

Li Du breathed a sigh of relief after he got on the boat. He called the Fishing and Hunting Bureau and reported the situation again.

The fisherman was depressed after he knew it, and he said cautiously, "Oh, the fishing net is entangled with the great white shark. Can you help me and untie the fishing net ..."

"Dream your dreams," Hans snapped.

The fisherman apparently understood the anger in Hans's tone, and he had to say, "Relax, guys, it's not that terrible ..."

"No matter what you say, we won't get into the water," Hans said firmly.

The fisherman did not force them, but said, "Do n’t hurt the great white shark. It is a protection animal, and we will fix it."

At this time, Wolf brother interjected and asked, "What are the benefits of helping us solve it? This is very dangerous, and your handling will be very dangerous."

After hearing what he said, the fishing and hunting officer was immediately excited, and he saw a turn of events: "If you can handle it well, we can give you a bonus."

"No, change it."

The fisherman considered for a while and said, "Then you can win the friendship of our fishing and hunting bureau, the fishing of black gold abalone can become free, and my colleagues and I will not go to trouble you again."

Brother Wolf said: "The deal."

Lee Duhans: "What?"

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