Treasure Hunt Tycoon

Chapter 781: Riding a shark (5/5)

Brother Wolf stepped in, he hung up the satellite phone and said, "Boss, I'll get it."

Li Du pointed at the water and shouted, "You get it? How do you get it? That's a shark. A great white shark swimming in the water, you should be able to feel it is very irritable now!"

Wolf patted his waist lightly and said, "I brought a shark repellent, believe me, I can fix it."

He changed into a diving suit, hung a few small bottles around his waist, took a sharp pointed knife in his mouth, and jumped into the water.

Li Du was worried, and quickly released a small flying insect to accompany him.

Wolverine jumped into the water, and soon found the great white shark who was watching him.

He didn't have any fear, but his legs shook quickly and moved towards it.

The great white shark has been entangled in net gear for a while, and now he is very irritable and swims in the water. It looks very bad.

Facing his wolf brother swimming towards him, his black eyes exuded a cold light, and the fins and tail slapped the sea water, and the huge body rushed up!

At this moment, the great white shark is an underwater missile, which is extremely fast and terrifying.

When the great white shark rushed, Wolf didn't continue to move forward, but twisted his waist and swam forward.

In this way, the two sides passed by in the water, the wolf brother stretched his arms and grabbed the net gear entangled with the great white shark, lying dead on it.

This great white shark is very large, with a length of four or five meters. The wolf brother lays on it like a baby kangaroo hangs on the big kangaroo. After holding the net with both hands, he clamps the net of the net with both feet. Lie flat on it.

The great white shark has poor physical sensibility. After swimming in the water for a while, he finds that the target of the wolf brother is gone, which slows down the swimming speed.

At this time, the wolf brother started to take his hands. He took the sharp knife in his mouth and started cutting the net gear on the back of the great white shark.

The netting itself is not very sturdy, it is considered that it may be impacted by sea beasts, so the nets are made as loose as possible. After the sea beasts are entangled, they can struggle.

But the great white shark was unlucky. When it was struggling, it didn't break the fishing net. Instead, it was trapped in several layers and struggled very hard.

The wolf brother patiently cut the net layer by layer, and the great white shark kept swimming in the water.

This product has outstanding strength and excellent endurance, dragging the boss with a floating board, so far so busy.

As some research materials say, the great white shark is not stupid. It has a certain IQ. As the wolf brother cuts the nets wrapped around it, it becomes much more comfortable, and gradually becomes honest.

Perhaps it has found that the more honest you are, the more comfortable you are.

The wolf brother cut off the two outer layers of fishing nets and stripped them off. The rest left the Great White Shark to take care of it.

There are not many nets still wrapped around it, only a few of them are still hanging on it.

The wolf brother released the net gear and swam to the side. The great white shark rediscovered him, turned his head sharply, brought a large torrent of seawater, turned fiercely and looked at the wolf brother.

The seawater hit the wolf brother, pushing him to roll in the water, but he did not panic, still remained calm, and quickly adjusted his swimming position.

The great white shark has a certain IQ, but after all, it is a beast. It doesn't know that it was the wolf brother who helped him, swiping his tail to swim up to him to see the fierce look of his open mouth.

Wolf brother is still calm, he took out two bottles of shark repellent and quickly sprayed in the water around him.

The great white shark rushing to him seemed to be scalded, and turned abruptly to drill down into the waters below.

The wolf brother continued to spray down the shark repellent, which was very useful. The great white shark quickly twisted his body and soon disappeared.

Seeing this, the wolf brother took back the shark repellent and used it, quickly exposed to the water and swim next to the yacht.

Li Du and Goss stretched out and dragged him up, saying, "Good job!"

The wolf brother was just too good at the water table just now. He integrated his physical, technical, psychological, and insightful abilities into one. He was astonished to see it.

To be honest, if Li Du were to do this, he would certainly not succeed, and he would most likely be buried in sharks.

This thing seems simple, that is, lying on the shark to cut the fishing net and then spray the shark repellent to drive the shark away, but it is really difficult to do it.

The great thing about Wolf is that he has completed the task, and it seems very light to handle this matter. This ability to lift weights is really amazing.

After listening to his compliment, the wolf smiled and said, "It's not difficult. I have trained shark fighting and working with sharks in Norway."

The marine monitoring station can still be used. Although the gear is broken and the circuit is no problem, the solar panels on the floating board can continue to provide power and the underwater camera can continue to work.

The Fishing and Hunting Bureau then called and said that they had re-received the satellite signal from the camera, thanking them for their help.

This is not a help, but a transaction. Li Du and others can more easily catch the black gold abalone.

The Fishing and Hunting Bureau is very diligent and responsible in managing Hei Jin Bao ~ ~ But they are people and not machines, and it is impossible not to make mistakes and to be foolproof.

They could not monitor all the waters of Australia. The fishermen and hunters just patrolled the waters rich in black gold abalone. They could only ensure that there were no violations of laws and regulations in these places.

Some black-gold abalone fishers will work in waters beyond the control of fishermen and hunters. Here they can use equipment such as oxygen cylinders to assist them. The fishery and hunting bureau knows these things, but they have nowhere to go, and have to open one eye and close one eye.

Here is where Li Du is beyond their reach. They could not effectively control the place at all-they ca n’t fly over to check the situation every so often, right?

Now, Wolf Brothers has helped them solve some of the troubles of the marine monitoring site. They have opened their eyes and closed their eyes on the fishing of Hei Jinbao by Li Du.

Back at Shaou Island, Li Du changed his artifact equipment and carried an oxygen cylinder when he went to catch the black gold abalone, which could save time for multiple dives.

With the help of equipment, Li Du and Hans gained more and more. The eunuchs transported black gold abalone to Herrick every day and made a lot of money.

Their harvest caught the attention of other black gold abalone fishermen. Some people passed the news back to Golden Island. A fisherman rushed to Herrick to track the **** and others.

But this is no less than in the Golden Island. The Golden Island is too small. Everyone looks up and looks down, there is no place to hide.

Herrick is located in Tasmania. Tasmania is a large area with many docks and ports. The eunuchs change their route each time they visit the island, and the fishermen cannot track them.

This kind of wit and bravery experience aroused Li Du's interest. He was happy to see the fishermen eat crickets. So in late April, he personally traded the black gold abalone and dealt with the fishermen by the way.

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