Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 220: The mystery of the disappearance of Jingjue

On the virtual screen, an alien spacecraft that looks like an aircraft carrier and is full of technological sense appears on it, and around the screen is a strange character, which seems to be some important parameters of the spacecraft.

Fang Yun and the two women were also surprised when they saw them, and hurriedly asked Yin Tian to explain.

"This is the controller of an interstellar spacecraft called'Huo Ming', or the key of the spacecraft, and these are just the parameters of the spacecraft's power, armor, environment, weapons and other important equipment."

As Yin Tian stretched out his hands, he kept tapping on the virtual screen, and the text on it kept changing.

"It now appears that the condition of this spacecraft is very bad. The main power engine is damaged, the shield generator is damaged, the anti-gravity engine is faulty, and the survival device is faulty. The energy is only 0.0015%, which is completely waste.

"The Queen of Exquisiteness even wanted to repair this spaceship. This is nothing but a delusion. I am afraid that all the scientists and resources on the entire planet cannot repair it."

Yin Tian sighed as he spoke. He also liked the spacecraft that could travel between stars. How could such a baby turned out to be a waste.

Lin Xian thought of something after hearing Yin Tian's words, and said with some uncertainty: "Yin Tian, ​​I got some vague memories from the Jingjue Queen, but I don't know..."

"I don't know what? You have to talk about it." Yin Tian asked with interest

"I don't know if it's true, because it's really weird."

"Hehe, there are few weird things in this world? Don't we ourselves are experiencing something weird, but you say it doesn't matter."

"En." Lin Xian nodded and slowly said, "Although we have found the cause of the demise of Jing Jue Country and the curse of the ghost tribe this time, there is still a mystery that has not been solved!"

"You mean... the reason Jing Jueguo sank into the ground?"

Yin Tian knew what she was going to say as soon as he heard Lin Xian speak. In fact, he had thought about this question, but because he didn't have any ideas, he gave up. He had guessed that the land subsidence was caused by violent crustal movement, but now it seems that it is not that simple.

Lin Xian nodded and continued: "You are right, that's what happened. Originally, I thought it might have been caused by natural disasters like earthquakes, but in the memory of Queen Jingjue, it was she herself who made Jingjue King's city sink. Go underground!"

"It's impossible!" Yin Tianjing said: "Queen Jingjue definitely does not have such great power, unless..."

At this point, Yin Tian was stunned. He looked at the spaceship controller in his hand, and suddenly had an unbelievable idea in his heart.

Lin Xian obviously knew what Yin Tian was thinking, so she nodded solemnly at him.

Fang Yun looked confused, wondering what dumb riddle the two were playing.

"What are you two talking about, why don't I understand at all?"

Yin Tianping regained his mood and said slowly, "Sister Yun, what do you think is under our feet?"

"What else can it be? Of course it is land." Fang Yun said naturally.

Yin Tian shook his head and said, "I am not asking this, I mean... What if the Huo Ming clan spacecraft is under our feet?"

"What..." Fang Yun was shocked after hearing this: "How is this possible? It's incredible..."

"Nothing is impossible." Lin Xian followed, "If the memory of Queen Jingjue is not wrong, Jingjue King City was built on that alien spaceship."

"Back then, this interstellar spacecraft of the Huo Ming tribe accidentally crashed to the earth, and the surviving Huo Ming tribe people tried their best to repair the spacecraft and left the earth, but the earth's resources were too barren, they could not find enough materials. Repair the spacecraft."

"What's worse is that the free cosmic energy on the earth is very scarce, and they can't even do normal cultivation, resulting in a drastic reduction in their life span. In the end, in desperation, they had to live on the earth."

"However, they don't want to leave this spaceship. After all, this is their dream of leaving the earth."

"After being seriously injured, Queen Jing Jue entered the spacecraft once. In the case of extreme lack of energy, she forcibly started the spacecraft and tried to leave the earth. Unfortunately, the spacecraft barely flew due to insufficient energy and then fell again, hitting a depth of 100 meters. The ground below, and the Jingjue King City built above the spacecraft also sank and disappeared to the ground."

After listening to Lin Xian's explanation, Yin Tian and Fang Yun were speechless for a long time, and they couldn't imagine that the huge Jingjue King City had disappeared from the world because of this reason.

Holding the spacecraft’s controller, Yin Tian tried to open the spacecraft’s door to enter it, but the spacecraft’s energy had long been exhausted, and could not even open the door, so Yin Tian had no choice but to give up.

"Okay, don't think too much, everyone. This spaceship has already become scrap iron, so let it accompany Jingjue Wangcheng to be buried in the ground. It's getting late, we still think about how to take all these things out. it is good."

Yin Tian said, pointing to the four big boxes on the ground. These treasures are definitely going to be taken away. If they are left here, he will not feel sorry for him.

"Hehe, this hard work naturally requires you, a big man, to do it, so we won't accompany you. Xiaoxian, let's go first." Fang Yun said, turning around and leaving.

"Then let's go, Yin Tian, ​​these treasures are all yours, I only want this."

Lin Xian took the two calligraphy and paintings and followed Fang Yun out. It seemed that this girl had also gone bad.

"you guys……"

Yin Tian stretched out his hand to stop the two of them, but in the end he fell helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll take it slow."

Although these treasures are not light, they are not difficult in front of Yin Tian's thousands of kilograms of power. It is nothing more than running a few times.


Two days later During this period of time, Yin Tian was very tired. He ran back and forth more than 20 times and finally moved all the treasures back to the pickup truck.

These days, Blue Fluttershy, who was waiting anxiously on the ground, regretted it at this moment. She had missed such an exciting treasure hunt because she was timid. This really shouldn't be.

However, when she saw the box of jewellery in front of her, she no longer had time to yell. Because she has been fascinated by the treasure, is holding pieces of jewellery to her body, and yelling that everyone she likes can't be robbed with her.

"Okay, everything is almost packed, we are going to go back."

After Yin Tian put the last thing in the carriage, he waved to the three women.

After being out for so long, they are also homesick. After hearing Yin Tian said that they could go back, they quickly got into the cab happily.

Soon, the pickup started and slowly drove away.

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