Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 221: The disappeared West continent

It's been half a month since I returned to the capital. During this time, Yin Tian's small life was extremely comfortable.

On this day, he was practicing in the yard, only to find that Lan Xiaodie hurried over holding the laptop.

"Yin Tian, ​​it's not good, something has happened!"

"What's the matter, is it worth the bluffing?" Yin Tian hurriedly finished work and said to Lan Xiaodie angrily.

This time, Lan Xiaodie rarely talked to Yin Tianyan, but dragged him into the room, yelling loudly and calling Fang Yun.

"Okay, I can tell you what it is." Yin Tian said.

Lan Xiaodie hurriedly put the notebook in his hand on the table, and then opened a webpage belonging to the dark web.

"Look, a new continent has appeared in the Atlantic Ocean!"

On the computer screen is a picture taken by a satellite. Above a rippling sea, a continent is looming under the sea, and even some places with higher terrain have completely exposed the sea level.

And at the bottom of the screen, there is a text introduction to this continent:

The silent Daxizhou sees the sun again!

There are many strange and strange mysteries in the unknown fields outside the scope of science, and the most fascinating of them is the disappearing land and culture. Among them, the most famous one is Daxizhou, a disappearing continent.

Historically, there have been endless legends about Daxizhou. Although some people pointed out that the legend of Daxizhou is a fantasy, the legend has not disappeared and faded. Believers hope that the civilization of Daxizhou will reappear like the Minoan civilization.

The first record of the legend of Atlantis (Atlantis) can be found in the ancient Greek philosopher Plato’s "Dialogue", and stories about the continent can be found in the chapters of Timaeus and Coricias. Inside, it was written about 350 BC.

The story goes like this: "Suron once traveled to Egypt and met a priest in Mees. The priest told him that according to Egyptian history books, about 9600 BC, the Athenian army started with an army from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean. During the war, this army was extremely arrogant and prepared to attack the whole of Europe and then invade Asia. The invaders came from a place called Daxizhou, which was located outside the Pillar of Herix (the Strait of Gibraltar), and its area was larger than the combined area of ​​North Africa and Asia Minor. It is the power center of a powerful empire. The empire includes not only the nearby Atlantic islands, but also many places on the mainland. However, the Greeks are the leaders of many tribes and their morale is very high. The military technology is very advanced, and the neighboring tribes have to surrender. Resistance alone... shattered the enemy's invasion plan, freed those who had not yet surrendered from enslavement, and liberated other conquered city-states within the strait.

Later, there was a strong earthquake and severe flooding in Daxizhou. All the militants were buried alive all day and night. The land sank into the sea. After the land sank, a sandbar of silt was left on the sea. Therefore, that part of the sea is not navigable. "Plato's record of Daxizhou in "Timayous" ends here.

In 1870, the German archaeologist Sheriman excavated the Mycenae site in the northeastern part of the Peloponnese Peninsula in Greece. 35 years later, the British archaeologist Evans unearthed more on the island of Crete. The site of the early Minoan civilization.

These two archeological achievements made a sensation in the world, and people unanimously associate them with the "missing" Daxizhou...


Now, according to the detection of global meteorological satellites, the continent that scientists have been searching for does exist in the world. At this moment, I don't know what caused this disappeared continent to reappear in the world.

According to research conducted by the U.S. Meteorological Research Station, at most half a month later, a complete Western continent will appear above the sea.

At that time, I believe that all countries in the world will start a new round of competition in the allocation and exploration of resources in the New World.

After reading the introduction on the webpage, Yin Tian and Fang Yun were shocked.

They had heard of Daxizhou, but they just listened to it as a legend, and they didn't believe it at all. Just like Penglai Fairy Island in Chinese myths and legends, although every Chinese person knows it, no one believes it exists.

"It's incredible. I can't think of a continent under the Atlantic Ocean." Yin Tian exclaimed.

Fang Yun nodded as well, the scene before her was like a myth.

Seeing that the two of them were attracted, Lan Xiaodie hurriedly said, "Well, I didn't lie to you? Should we prepare now?"

"What are you going to do?" Yin Tian looked puzzled.

"Of course it is to hunt for treasures!" Lan Xiaodie said of course: "We are treasure hunters. This can be a new continent. Where can I find such a good treasure hunting location."

After finishing speaking, Lan Xiaodie looked arrogantly and looked at Yin Tian with her small eyes erratic, saying clearly: praise me quickly, praise me quickly.


Before Yin Tian spoke, Fang Yun couldn't help laughing.

"Xiaodie, you are such a smart little head, why would you want to go there to hunt for treasure?" Fang Yun smiled.

"Uh... can't it?" Lan Xiaodie asked with some doubts.

Seeing the expressions of the two of them, she vaguely knew that she seemed to be making a joke, but at least she didn't notice anything wrong.

"Of course not."

Yin Tian gave Lan Xiaodie an angry look and explained: "This level of major event is not something a small team of treasure hunters can participate in."

"At this moment, I don't know how many countries in the world are paying close attention to the affairs of Western Continent. Let alone the treasures and resources on this continent, this large piece of land alone is enough for countries to **** wildly."

"Furthermore, UU reading will cause a third world war if it fails to do so. Now do you think we have to participate in it?"


Lan Xiaodie can't speak anymore, she is not stupid, on the contrary she is very smart.

Before, she hadn't considered the stakes clearly because of the problem of vision. Now, after listening to Yin Tian's explanation, everything is clear.

"It's a pity, I thought there was a big job waiting for us. Now it seems, I'm afraid we won't have our turn to drink the soup."

Seeing Lan Xiaodie lying down on the sofa dejectedly, Yin Tian suddenly said mysteriously: "Not necessarily, maybe this time there is a place for us to go out."

Just now, Yin Tian observed Daxizhou under the sea through the system, and found many interesting things on it.

Perhaps, this continent really cannot be explored by relying on high-tech weapons and ordinary soldiers!

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