The words were divided into two parts. When Yin Tian was facing how to get the trident, the other members of the Dragon Claw Team ushered in the first battle.

The treasure hunters in Europe are about to come, and they can be clearly seen through the telescope.

The opponent had a total of more than 50 people, and the Dragon Claw team had only six people besides Yin Tian. Among them was Lan Xiaodie, who had almost zero combat effectiveness.

It is undoubtedly more difficult to stop a team of powerful treasure hunters from various countries.

Fortunately, Yin Tian only asked them to stop him for a while. After he got the trident, the Dragon Claw team could immediately retreat, without having to entangle with these treasure hunters.

Wang Zhengyi looked ahead with his binoculars and said in a low voice: "Attention everyone, the enemy is still 1 kilometer away from us, ready to fight!"

Everyone loaded the bullets and began to take out and aim forward.

This time, everyone’s gun is equipped with a scope, and the enemy is about to enter a limited range.

"Hu Hai, how did the explosives go?" Wang Zhengyi asked in a low voice again.

Just now he asked Hu Hai to bury three kilograms of TNT on the enemy's only way. As long as this trick works, it will definitely cause effective damage to the enemy.

Hu Hai stared at the front, and said without looking back: "It's already buried. You can't use the detonator here. You can only use the most primitive pressure detonation method. As long as those guys step on it, they can definitely blow them up. ."

Wang Zheng nodded his head, and said to Zhuang Peng who was holding a sniper rifle in the back: "Zhuang Peng, see if the **** guy is there, you will kill him when the other party gets closer!"

"Okay, he can't run." Zhuang Peng believed himself.

Wang Zhengyi did not let Zhuang Peng target the Paladin’s captain Johnson. As an A-level genetic warrior, the threat to him with a sniper rifle at such a long distance is not that great, so the **** captain of the mob became Wang Zhengyi’s preferred goal.

A B-grade genetic warrior, although his body is unusually strong, may not react fast.

The enemy approached a little bit, and everyone in the Dragon Claw Squad started breathing slowly.

This kind of battle is not a joke, it will kill you if you are not careful.

The enemies are all experienced veterans, not only are they rich in combat experience, but they also carry a variety of thermal weapons, and even RPG such big killers.

Once the battle breaks out, the opponent will inevitably launch a counterattack, and as long as the bullet is hit, the gene will mean death.

Six people played against more than fifty people, and there was no time for treatment after injuries.


Zhuang Peng was the first to shoot.

The bullet from the sniper rifle cut through the space and plunged into the chest of the **** man.


Although the black man, the captain of the thug, felt the crisis was approaching, and desperately made a dodge, but he had only a mere B-level strength, and at this distance he could not avoid the bullets of the sniper rifle.

And Zhuang Peng was holding an anti-material sniper rifle. The 12.7mm bullet was extremely powerful, and it shot directly through the shoulder of the **** man, tearing one of his arms by the way.

"Hidden! Hidden!"

Johnson yelled to hide everyone, but it was too late.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da...

Wang Zhengyi and the others immediately started shooting. They aimed at the enemy and took three shots to knock down the treasure hunters one by one to the ground.

The opponent's reaction speed was very fast. After just three seconds, no one was in their field of vision, leaving the bodies of fewer than seven people in place.

After all, with mental arithmetic and unintentional, Wang Zhengyi and the others killed only one enemy and let the other party hide. From this we can see how high their combat literacy is.

"Change the location to hide and shoot freely!" As Wang Zheng said, he immediately crawled to the next hidden spot.

The opponents are all masters, veterans on the battlefield, and can determine where the gunner is shooting based on the direction from which the bullet came.

If the Dragon Claw team does not change places to hide, they are more likely to be shot and killed by the opponent.


Zhuang Peng fired again, and an enemy who was hiding behind the wall with half of his shoulder exposed was shot by the wall.

For anti-material sniper rifles, a wall obviously cannot stop the power of bullets.

When Zhuang Peng fired this shot, the enemy also found his location, and no less than five people started shooting at his location.

Bang bang bang...

The bullet blew away the rubble in front of Zhuang Peng, making him so frightened that he couldn't raise his head.

And Wang Zhengyi and the others immediately raised their heads and shot, and the five enemies who attacked Zhuang Peng were their best targets.

Da Da Da, Da Da Da...

After a gunshot, three of the five fell to the ground, and the other two went into hiding again.

At this time, the positions of Dragon Claw Squad were all exposed, and more than 20 enemies appeared suddenly, and a large number of bullets tilted towards their position.

Bang bang bang...


A depressed scream sounded, and Shang Tao was shot!

"Shang Tao, how is it?" Wang Zhengyi asked anxiously.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. The shoulders that are concentrated by the stray bullet are not in the way!" Shang Tao gritted his teeth.

Wang Zheng nodded, then signaled the others to rest assured and concentrate on fighting.

The bullet on the opposite side stopped again,

Wang Zhengyi led everyone to move their positions, and then secretly got up to observe.

The strange thing is that none of the enemies can be seen.

Outside the square is a dense cluster of houses, which is really suitable for hiding.

If the other party can't make up his mind, Wang Zhengyi and the others really can't do anything to the other party.

Fortunately, their goal is not to eliminate all the enemies, but just to delay for Yin Tian.

Time slowly passed, and after 2 minutes, no one appeared, which made Wang Zhengyi a little anxious.

He was wondering if the enemy would detour from other places and then come over from both sides to double-team them.

Before, they thought about this possibility, so Hu Hai buried 1 kg of TNT on both sides of the road. If the other side came from either side, they would detonate explosives.

But now that time has passed for so long, there is no explosion at Is it possible that the opponent hides like a tortoise?

Just as Wang Zheng was thinking about it, a violent explosion sounded from the right side.


The violent explosion caused the ground to vibrate. Wang Zhengyi immediately moved the muzzle to the explosion position, and then quickly moved the scope to observe.

Sure enough, the TNT on the left was detonated by the opponent, and by the way, three or four houses collapsed, clearing a lot of open space.

Moreover, seven or eight people were bombed by TNT, most of whom were already dead and could not die again, but there were also four or five people who had just received some shocks and now stood up staggeringly.

Da Da Da... Da Da Da...

Everyone in the Dragon Claw Squad fired again, shooting all those who were still alive.

At this moment, the opponent's attack also came.

(End of this chapter)

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