Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 320: 3 halberd

"Be careful! RPG!" Wang Zhengyi suddenly shouted in horror!

A fiery red light flew out from 400 meters away, and then dragged a long tail flame towards the hidden place of the Dragon Claw Team.

400 meters is the longest range of RPG. Unexpectedly, someone actually launched RPG at this distance, and the accuracy is still so high.

Even without Wang Zhengyi's roar, others saw the rocket flying in the air.

And amazingly, there is not one rocket, but three in total!

At this time, no one cared about hiding, one by one immediately jumped off the roof and desperately wanted to run out of the square behind them.

Only by hiding behind, with a large block of houses, can survive the explosion.

But when everyone desperately ran away, another person was stunned.

It was the first time for Lan Xiaodie to participate in the battle, and when the battle first started, she was already shocked.

Although she had prepared her heart, she was still persuaded to see the bullets flying across the battle.

Looking at the rockets flying in the sky, and then at the teammates desperately fleeing, her first reaction was of course to retreat.

But when she just thought of getting up, she realized that her legs were not under command.

I don't know if it was because of the long period of concealment that my legs were numb, or because I lost control of the body because of the shock. Anyway, when everyone was retreating, Lan Xiaodie still hid in place.

"Xiaodie didn't come!" Fang Yun was the first to find that Lan Xiaodie was not following.

Other people were horrified when they heard this, this girl won't be stupid and still stay in place, right?

"I will save him!"

Zhou Hongyu turned around and was about to return, but Wang Zhengyi threw him to the ground.

"It's too late, get down!"




A huge shock wave lifted the roof, and large tracts of sand and rubble fell like a torrential rain, and soon buried everyone below.

The power of these three rockets is beyond everyone's imagination. It seems that the other party is not using ordinary standard weapons. The rockets must be added.

If everyone had not retreated decisively just now, there would definitely be casualties now.

"Ahem... I'll save Xiaodie!"

Fang Yun was the first to get up and rush towards Lan Xiaodie's hiding place, praying in her heart that there would be nothing wrong with her.

Although Lan Xiaodie sometimes loves to make her little temperamental, she is not bad in nature and lively and cheerful. She has become a happy fruit in the team, and everyone likes her very much.

And Fang Yun has the best relationship with Lan Xiaodie. For so long, Lan Xiaodie has been living with Fang Yun and Yin Tian, ​​and Yin Tian has been away frequently recently, so the two women are considered to be Get along day and night, and now it seems to have become good sisters.

"Xiaodie, where are you?!"

Fang Yun was constantly searching in the exploding ruins. Bullets were shot at her location from time to time on the opposite side, but she avoided them all.

For Fang Yun now, except for the large-caliber sniper rifle, she can avoid most of the ordinary bullets with a little attention.

"Sister Yun, I am here..." A weak voice came from under a slanted wall.

I have to say that Lan Xiaodie's luck is really good.

Her position is in the middle of the three explosion points. The shock waves of the three rocket bombs cancel each other out, and the power of the center position is the smallest.

Fortunately for her, the two collapsing walls came together and resisted each other to form a precious triangle of life, which happened to protect Lan Xiaodie.

Fang Yun was overjoyed after hearing Lan Xiaodie's voice, she pushed the wall away, and then pulled out the blue Xiaodie below.

"Thank God, you scared me to death." Fang Yun said excitedly.

Lan Xiaodie had already recovered her ability to move. She was really terrified just now.

Growing up, it was the first time she felt so close to death.

It is not the first time that Lan Xiaodie has faced death. When she was caught by the Mafia before, she could jump directly from the 99-story high-rise building. Naturally, her courage was not small.

But that kind of shock is simply incomparable to what is right now, and people who have never been on the battlefield absolutely never experience this kind of despair.

This kind of fear of being in the center of the explosion was so strong, Lan Xiaodie was still trembling all over.

Fang Yun just wanted to see if Lan Xiaodie was injured, but suddenly a leap dropped Lan Xiaodie to the ground.

At the same time, a row of bullets landed on Lan Xiaodie's position just now.

The positions of the two of them were once again exposed, and the enemy had come within a distance of 200 meters, and they could be seen completely.

It seems that wanting to continue the ambush is no longer effective. At this time, it must be fought openly.

Fortunately, on the other side, Wang Zhengyi and the others had already started shooting. After Fang Yun got the cover of firepower, she immediately pulled Lan Xiaodie and wanted to retreat from the back.

Looking at the enemy getting closer, everyone in the Dragon Claw Team gritted their teeth and shot, and stubbornly curbed the enemy's forward speed.

The battle finally entered the most intense time...


In the center of the square, although Yin Tian was fighting fiercely, the surrounding skeleton army did not decrease at all, which inevitably made him a little anxious.

"Can't wait any longer, success or failure is in this one action!"

Yin Tian made the final decision. He has seen the sleepiness of Wang Zhengyi and others. If he does not pass, Wang Zhengyi and the others will be unable to resist it.


With a loud roar, Yin Tian jumped up again!

Different from the last two times, Yin Tian shrank his whole body back into his dantian, and instead used the free energy of the universe stored in his muscles.


The trident was once again caught by Yin Tian.

This time, the terrifying shock wave did not reappear, which made Yin Tian ecstatic!

Come down to me!

Yin Tian's whole body strength exploded, and he firmly grasped the trident and pulled it hard!


The sea **** Poseidon's right hand holding the trident shattered, and the trident finally fell into Yin Tian's hands.

"Haha, finally got it!"

Holding the trident in both hands, Yin Tian fell from the sky.

Below, there is already an army of skeletons, and Yin Tian has no place to stay, but this obviously does not mean that get out of me! "

Yin Tian held the three-meter-long trident with both hands and swept it hard, and a large swath of skeletons instantly shattered.

Yin Tian did not expect the power of this trident to be so powerful. It seemed that this weapon was not as simple as it seemed.

Excited, Yin Tian swept continuously with a trident weighing at least more than 200 kilograms. A large number of skeletons were killed by him, and a vacuum zone soon formed around him.

It is said that Yin Tian should be happy at this time, watching his face suddenly become difficult to look.

When Yin Tian forcibly took the trident before, his mouth cracked because of the huge shock wave. The wound did not heal because of his continuous killing.

And now after he held the trident, he found that the blood in his body was flowing into the trident along the wound.

In other words, this trident is sucking Yin Tian's blood!

(End of this chapter)

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