Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 522: Take you to the moon (1)

That night, Yin Tian gave Xiao Wan a genetic medicine and helped her break through to become a B-level genetic warrior.

Then, after taking a shower, Xiao Wan basically adapted to her own strength, and went to work at the police station if she was happy, but was held back by Yin Tian.

"You can't do this. Although you have basically adapted to the surge of power, you still haven't fully controlled it. It is easy to hurt others' lives when you are not paying attention." Yin Tian said.

Xiao Wan didn't believe it, and asked: "Really? But I think I can control myself."

"Hey, come with me."

Yin Tian sighed and took Xiao Wan to the courtyard.

"Look at this tree, do you think you can kick it off with a full kick?" Yin Tian pointed to a small tree with a diameter of 15 cm and said.

Xiao Wan shook her head and said, "I definitely won't. Even a strong man can't break this tree."

Yin Tian stepped back a few steps and said, "Then you try and try your best."

"Okay, it depends on me."

Xiao Wan's body was slightly bent, and then she kicked out with her long legs.


The long legs cut through the air and instantly kicked on the tree trunk.



With a muffled sound, a tree measuring 15 centimeters thick was broken in two, and the cut was uneven, which was obviously destroyed by brute force.

"This...this...I did this?"

Xiao Wan was stunned. She shivered and pointed at the tree that had been broken in two. She couldn't believe it.

Yin Tian smiled, Xiao Wan still doesn't know how powerful the B-level genetic warrior is. Fortunately, she was suitable for herself in the room before. If she was with other people, she would have been strangled to death many times. All over again.

"Now you know how terrifying your power is. Think about it, if you shot against a criminal just now, what would happen?" Yin Tian said.

Xiao Wan was taken aback again, and the scene of kicking the criminal in half came to mind, and she couldn't help shivering again.

This strength is terrifying!

"Then what should I do? Wouldn't I not be able to shoot casually in the future?" Xiao Wan asked with a cry.

Yin Tian smiled and comforted: "How can there be such a horror, you will be fine if you adapt to it for a few days. When you can perfectly control the strength of your body, you can use as much force as you want, and there will be no accidental injury. ."

"OK then."

Listening to Yin Tian's words, Xiao Wan felt better.

She was really afraid that she could not control her strength and would never be able to catch criminals again.

The rest of the day, Yin Tian helped Xiao Wan with adaptive training.

First, train her control of strength, then train her fighting and speed, and finally... go directly to bed and practice.

There was nothing for a night, and after practicing again the next morning, Xiao Wan was already able to grasp the strength in her body very well, she was still very talented in this aspect.

Because of the three-day vacation, Xiao Wan didn't go to work, so she stayed with Yin Tiantang.

"Yin Tian, ​​can I take a look at your alien spacecraft?" Xiao Wan said expectantly.

She had heard Fang Yun say that Yin Tian had a spacecraft that could fly away from the earth, but she had never had the opportunity to see it.

Yin Tian didn't care, and said, "Of course, I can take you to the outer space?"

"Okay, okay! Can I go to the moon? I want to see Chang'e and Yutu!" Xiao Wan said excitedly.

Yin Tian laughed and said, "Haha, where is Chang'e? You might not want to stay there anymore. It's very deserted."

"Huh, who said that, I definitely won't, let's go quickly!"

Xiao Wan took a coat and pulled Yin Tian to go out.

"Slow down, what do you do with your jacket, you will have to wear a spacesuit later."

"Then do you have a spacesuit?"

"Naturally there is."

As they said, they walked to the back mountain. Yin Tian had already let the "Xiao Hui" wait there.


The door of the spacecraft opened automatically, and the fuselage was faintly revealed. Xiao Wan, who was not prepared, was taken aback.

"Ah! This spacecraft is so powerful, it will still be invisible."

"Of course, otherwise you won't be hit by the missile. Go in quickly and don't stay outside."

"it is good."

Xiao Wan entered the "Little Gray" and was once again taken aback by the sci-fi-like layout inside.

Sky blue color, various incomprehensible joysticks, and the virtual screen floating in the air...

"Welcome, my master, Xiao Hui can take off at any time."

Xiao Wan was startled by an electronic sound that suddenly appeared.

"Ah, Yin Tian, ​​who is it?"

Xiao Wan pointed to the little gray brain image on the virtual screen and was surprised.

Yin Tian took her hand and walked to the cockpit.

Although the "Xiao Hui" is only a small expedition spacecraft, the cockpit is also divided into two pilot positions. Yin Tian put Xiao Wan in the passenger seat, and then returned to the main driver's seat.

"It is the brain of the spacecraft. Let it take us out for a good fun this time. Xiao Hui, take off, go to the moon, don't go too fast."

"Yes, my master."

Xiao Wan only felt the seat tremble slightly, and then the ground quickly shrank, and then the whole picture of the earth appeared before her eyes.

"Ah! How can it be so fast? Isn't this screen showing a movie?"

Xiao Wan's small mouth is so big that she thought the screen in front of her was like a movie.

"Hehe, you'll know if you look at it yourself."

Yin Tian got up, pulled Xiao Wan up from the co-pilot, and walked towards the back of the spacecraft.

It seems that it was a mistake to let her come to the cockpit, and she should be taken to the life cabin.

There is a fully transparent window in the living cabin, where you can see everything outside the spacecraft.

Coming to the living cabin through Cambridge, Xiao Wan was shocked again by this place.

"Oh my God, there is actually such a luxuriously decorated house inside this spacecraft." Xiao Wan said in surprise.

Alien's aesthetics is still good, so the decoration of the living cabin is full of luxury. In addition, Yin Tian had already put all the sundries in the living cabin into the flying saucer, and now it looked even more beautiful.

"Haha, it's okay, you can stay here for a few days if nothing happens in the future, all as a vacation. Come here, you can look outside."

Yin Tian pulled Xiao Wan to the transparent window, who was shocked again when he saw the stars and the blue earth outside.

"Oh my God, what I saw just now turned out to be true..."

Yin Tian smiled slightly: "Naturally it is true, look at the right side."

Xiao Wan turned around and saw the moon that was countless times larger than the original one. Moreover, the size of the moon was still expanding at a speed visible to the naked This showed that they were doing something very different. Approaching the moon at a fast speed.

"How about it, now that you know this is true?" Yin Tianhao said leisurely.

Xiao Wan nodded heavily. At this moment, she didn't know that what she saw was the truth.

"Yin Tian, ​​your spacecraft is so powerful, even the most powerful U.S. does not have such a powerful spacecraft. Those so-called most advanced space shuttles are really weak compared to yours!" Xiao Wan said in surprise.

"That's natural. The advanced nature of this spacecraft is at least 200 years ahead of the earth."

"It's incredible, does this spaceship really belong to our family?"

Under the excitement, Xiao Wan was already too excited and directly decided that she and Yin Tian were a family.

But she was right. After following Yin Tian, ​​the two of them were really a family. The so-called certificate had no meaning to people like Yin Tian.

Because he is above the law!

"Well, it belongs to our family, but you may not be able to tell it, otherwise it will cause countless troubles." Yin Tian exhorted.

The value of this spacecraft is much greater than that of those flying saucers that have damaged more than half of it. As long as any country obtains this spacecraft, after a few years of research, its aerospace strength will definitely increase by leaps and bounds.

Xiao Wan nodded her head, she was not stupid, she naturally knew the importance of things, and she was not the kind of silly girl who was all-minded, she would fool Yin Tian to dedicate the spacecraft to the country.

In Xiao Wan's eyes, this spacecraft is something of her own family, even her father can't tell it!

"Don't worry, I will never say it. This kind of baby can only be used by ourselves!" Xiao Wan promised.

Yin Tian nodded slowly, pointed out the window and said, "Well, that's right. Look outside, we are on the moon."

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