Treasure Hunter in the City

Chapter 523: Take you to the moon (2)

Xiao Wan turned around, but was startled by the sight in front of her.

Is this dusty and full of craters the moon? Why doesn't it have the silvery feeling that I just saw?

"Is this really the moon?" Xiao Wan wondered.

Yin Tian nodded and smiled: "Yes, it seems that you didn't learn geography well."

"You didn't learn well. You know, you know, but you can see that the scene here is far from what you expected, and you are always a little uncomfortable." Xiao Wan explained.

Indeed, even if everyone now knows that the surface of the moon is all rocks, the bright and beautiful appearance we see is caused by the reflection of sunlight, but if they wait until they are actually placed on the moon, they will see the deadly appearance of the moon surface. After that, I still can't help being disappointed.

"Well, don't talk about this, do you still want to go to the moon to see?" Yin Tian said.

"Of course, hehe, am I the first Chinese to land on the moon?" Xiao Wan asked.

Although the development of China's aerospace industry is in full swing, it has not sent an astronaut to the moon so far. This is a huge regret.

Yin Tian looked at Xiao Wan amusedly, and attacked: "Sorry, you are not the first, I am the first Chinese to land on the moon."

"Hmph, you hate it! I actually robbed me for the first time." Xiao Wan angrily said.

Yin Tian chuckled and responded: "That's true, it's the first time I have robbed you."

Xiao Wan was taken aback, looking at the mean look on Yin Tian's face, knowing that this guy must have thought of that kind of bad thing, so she refused to forgive Yin Tian.

For a while, Yin Tian hugged him and said, "Alright, alright, although you are not the first Chinese woman to go to the moon, you are the first Chinese woman to go to the moon. "

"Really?" Xiao Wan said in surprise: "Has Sister Yun not been here?"

Although there is no Chinese person who can be the first to land on the moon, it is not bad to be the first Chinese woman to land on the moon.

Yin Tian nodded and said, "Naturally it is true. Although Sister Yun came to the sky last time, she did not come to the moon, so you are the first Chinese woman to land on the moon!"

"Yeah, great, I am going to the moon, hurry up."

Xiao Wan was about to go outside after she turned around, but was held back by Yin Tian.

"You stupid girl, don't you go out to find death like this. Hurry up and wear a space suit with me!"

"Um... I forgot, hehe."

The harsh environment of the moon can only be barely endured unless the cultivation base reaches the innate. If the average person arrives on the moon, if they don't pass the spacesuit, they will quickly be frozen to death by the ultra-low temperature and the thin air will be very lethal.

There are quite a few spacesuits on the "Xiaohui", and they are different from the bloated spacesuits on Earth, which have very large restrictions on movement. This kind of spacesuit produced by aliens is very slim and has a beautiful head. Except for the closed helmet, the body part has an extra exoskeleton armor, and the other parts are similar to combat uniforms. They are beautiful in appearance and will not affect their actions.

After wearing the spacesuit, Xiao Wan finally stood on the surface of the moon under the leadership of Yin Tian.

"Wow, I feel like I'm about to fly, hehe."

The gravity is much lower than that of the earth, which made Xiao Wan feel that her weight has also become much lighter. She couldn't help but jumped gently, and then the whole person jumped nearly 20 meters high.

"Ah! Come and save me!" Xiao Wan yelled in fright, and threw herself in the air.

Yin Tian had no choice but to jump up and drag Xiao Wan to the ground.

"Be careful, look at your frizzy. The moon's gravity is only one-sixth of the earth's. So the height of your jump is also six times that of the earth, so be careful." Yin Tian said.

Xiao Wan stuck her tongue out, knowing that she had done something stupid just now.

In fact, she didn't need to call at all. Although the height of the jump was very scary, the impact she received when landing was exactly the same, and she would not get hurt.

With the preparations in mind, Xiao Wan leaped gently again, and after jumping for more than ten meters, she landed steadily on the ground.

Next, Xiao Wan just jumped up on the moon, like playing on a trampoline, not to mention how happy she was.

"Hehe, it's so fun, hehe... I'm so happy..."

In the past two years, Xiao Wan has never been so happy for a moment as she is now. She is free from the shackles of her family and walks with her beloved man. Now she is on the moon she dreams of. Although there is no Chang'e or Yutu here, she has herself and herself. My love, this is enough!

After playing for a whole afternoon, when Xiao Wan really couldn't play, the two men returned to the "Little Gray".

"Huh, I'm really exhausted, but I'm so happy. Thank you, Yin Tian." Xiao Wan looked at Yin Tian's eyes full of love, and the strong emotions almost melted Yin Tian. Up.

Yin Tian took it into his arms: "You don't need to say thank you between you and me. We will still have happy days afterwards."

"Yeah. I'm so happy..."

A man and a woman cuddled up in front of the transparent windows of the "Little Gray" and gradually flew towards the blue planet.


After coming back, Xiao Wan returned to work at the police station again. With this powerful strength, she could be ready to do a big fight and fill the entire Chinese police circle with her own legends.

In this regard, Yin Tian is noncommittal, a woman, it is good to have her own career.

Wilson had already transferred the money to Yin Tian's account the day before yesterday. The full 8 billion meters of national currency was much more than what he had originally promised. It seems that Wilson is still not relieved about the flying saucer, so he subsidized Yin Tian a lot.

Yin Tian called Wilson to be polite. He wanted the extra money to pass, but Wilson didn't want to live or die. Yin Tian had to give up. It seemed that he could only wait for a chance to repay the favor in the future.

This time, Yin Tian didn't bother to summon all the Dragon Claw team members to divide the money, but directly put the money into their account.

Fang Yun, Wang Zhengyi, and Zhou Hongyu, three A-level masters, each played 500 million, Hu Hai, Shang Tao, and Zhuang Peng each had 300 million, and the remaining 5.6 billion Yin Tian was left by himself.

The treasure hunter team has always been assigned according to work. This time Yin Tian contributed the most to the task, so he naturally wanted to take the bulk of it. As for the others, Yin Tianfen totally depends on his own mind. After all, he is the leader of the Dragon Claw team. But now it seems that Yin Tian is a good captain, and the rewards he paid to the players far exceeded their contributions.

After thinking about it, Yin Tian gave Lan Xiaodie another 10 million as pocket money. Of course, it was Huaxia coins. This would save the girl and go to the black bank system. That would be to find him trouble.

After doing all this, Yin Tian turned off the phone directly.

Next, everyone from Dragon Claw Team would definitely call him, and he didn't bother to listen to those polite words.

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