Sanfu was brought here by the guards. The two of them couldn't ride a horse. When they came and when they came back, one of the guards would ride a horse and take the other.

The guards put Sanfu down, Shen Yu jumped out of the carriage, and pulled out the knife from the waist of one of the guards with a "swish" sound.

Sanfu was so frightened that he ran away, and was grabbed by the collar and thrown to the ground by Konoe.

Sanfu fell to the ground and trembled, muttering, "Young Master, please spare my life, Young Master, please spare your life."

Sixi quickly knelt down and begged for mercy, "Sir, what did my brother do wrong?"

Shen Yu stood up holding the knife, the tip of the knife inserted into the ground.

She stared at Sanfu and said, "I said I won't listen to lies. If you are dishonest, I will cut out your tongue."

Sanfu knocked his forehead to the ground, "Conscience of heaven and earth, everything I said is true."

"You said these people are vicious and vulgar, and they yell at you and the guys."

Sanfu fell silent immediately. Who would have thought that she could remember the few words she casually said so clearly.

Sanfu kowtowed quickly, "Master, please spare my life, I just said it casually."

Shen Yu narrowed her eyes slightly, "I'll give you a chance to say it again."

It's not hard to guess what Sanfu was thinking. He deliberately spoke ill of people, and it would be better if he committed a heinous crime, so that no one would feel sorry for them, and they wouldn't hold him accountable for stealing other people's swords.

Sanfu was lying on the ground and didn't dare to get up, "Although they look fierce, they are actually quite kind, and they didn't yell at our guys."

"Anything else missing?"

Sanfu racked his brains and thought about it. At this moment, he wanted to dig his head out and turn it over.

"I remembered." Sanfu suddenly got up, "Those people called that old man 'Uncle Dirty', and I don't know which one it was. The others are really gone. There are so many customers in our store, and I can't keep it." Just keep an eye on them."

Shen Yu looked at Sanfu and suddenly raised her knife and slashed.

The sharp wind of the knife blew across his cheek. Sanfu was so frightened that he forgot to breathe and watched as a few strands of hair fell down.

Shen Yu said coldly: "When you go back, keep your mouth shut. If you can't, I'll take care of it for you. Just follow your brother's example."

Shen Yu put the knife back into the guard's scabbard, returned to the carriage, and continued the previous topic with Xie Tingzhou, "Sanfu said they came to Beijing to file a complaint. They look fierce but are kind-hearted. Maybe it's true. It’s a righteous bandit.”

Xie Tingzhou frowned, "What you mean is that you suspect that the Sanjueji Gui family may have gone to Qichang for being bandits, and now the Gui family has appeared in the capital to sue."

Shen Yu's thoughts were chaotic. There were many seemingly unrelated events in her mind that were connected together and jumbled together. It was obvious that they were about to be connected into a line, but she still couldn't figure it out.

Xie Tingzhou looked at the flickering light on the table and said quietly: "We might as well assume that your guess is correct. When did you hear that bandits dared to go to Beijing to complain after they robbed food and grass? Guijia Why do you dare to risk your life to go to Beijing even though you are a bandit?"

Xie Tingzhou's voice suddenly stopped. He suddenly looked at Shen Yu and said in a deep voice: "Because they have heard that the imperial court will send troops to suppress bandits in the next year, but what if they have never robbed food and grass?"

A thunder struck in Shen Yu's mind, and the hairs all over her body stood up.

In this case, everything seems reasonable.

The bandits in Qichang Prefecture did not rob the imperial court of food and grass. After hearing that the imperial court sent troops to suppress the bandits, they ventured to Beijing to file a complaint. However, they were silenced after getting a line from a certain adult.

The person who silenced them knew them, which meant that the adult was involved in the grain draft and wanted to kill people and silence them.

Once the bandit suppression is successful, the bandits in Qichang Mansion will have to bear the crime for others until their death, and then those who are really involved in Liang Cao'an can rest easy.

The Qichang bandits did not rob food and grass, but what about the food and grass? Where did it go?

Xie Tingzhou saw her shocked eyes, poured a cup of tea and handed it over, "It's useless to think too much. Send someone to find out first."

Shen Yu naturally took the tea and took a sip, "But after the first lunar month, the suppression of bandits will be put on the agenda. No matter who goes, the bandits in Qichang Mansion will have no way to survive. By then, the evidence will disappear and the truth will be buried. ”

He heard her disappointment, and his eyes deepened a little.

"If all the truth is revealed and great revenge is avenged, is there anything else you want to do in the future?"

The cup was just lifted to her mouth, and Shen Yu was stunned while holding the tea.

She had never thought about this problem. Since her rebirth, all her trajectories have been guided by fate. First she wanted to save her father and brother, and then she wanted to avenge them.

If she really takes revenge, the pillar that supported her to this point seems to be gone, so where should she go?

"Maybe." She breathed out, "Maybe I will go to Hezhou to stay with my grandmother, and then maybe I will wander around the world."

She shook her head, "I don't know now."

Xie Tingzhou looked deeply at her face and saw her suddenly looking over.

"What about you?" Shen Yu asked, "What do you want to do in the future?"

Xie Tingzhou was silent for a moment, stared at the lights, and suddenly smiled, "What can I do? Just continue to be a proton in Beijing."

The night was silent and desolate, except for the rustling sound of horses' hooves trampling on the hay.

Shen Yu suddenly saw great sadness in his smile.

"Don't look at me like that." Xie Tingzhou didn't raise his eyes, but he could still feel her gaze on him.

He rested his head with one hand and turned the tea cup in his hand with the other. The evil spirit in his eyes seemed to be welling up again.

"What's wrong with protons? Behind me is Beilin's army. They are afraid of me but don't dare to touch me. They still call me the Crown Prince respectfully."

Shen Yu clearly remembered that the last time she saw his eyes like this was when they were in danger on their way to Beijing. Before he fainted on her shoulder, he had the same crazy light in his eyes.

"But you're trapped."

Xie Tingzhou's movement of turning the teacup paused. He put the cup back on the table and suddenly leaned forward.

Staring into her eyes and asking: "You don't know what you want to do? Then do you want to be stuck here with me?"

They were so close for the first time, their faces less than an inch apart.

Shen Yu's heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if struggling to jump out of her throat.

She calmed her breathing and was defeated by his sharp gaze, "No one should be trapped here. You should be soaring in the sky like Bai Yu."

Xie Tingzhou leaned back with a careless smile on his face, as if everything just now was just a joke.

"Who says Bai Yu isn't trapped?" he said.

Shen Yu said: "It is you who traps it, and it is willing to stay by your side."

At this moment, she would not have thought that one day this sentence would come true for herself.

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