
The guard's voice suddenly sounded outside the carriage.

"Already near the city gate."

Xie Tingzhou said softly "Hmm", opened the curtain and looked out.

This was not the place where he rested outside the city when he came to Beijing last time. Konoe deliberately found a quiet place to sleep near the woods.

Without any instructions, the guards started to work on their own. They quickly found dry wood and lit a fire, and also made hot tea and sent it to the carriage.

Sanfu and Sixi huddled next to the fire. They knew that the person in the carriage was no ordinary person.

The two of them had secretly seen that person's appearance at the mass grave before. He was so stunningly beautiful that he had an innate aura in every move and every move he made. It was people like them who couldn't even touch the hem of his clothes without stepping on their feet for the rest of their lives. characters.

Si Xi reminded: "Young Master chopped off your hair today as a reminder. Let's not interfere with other things. We just use the money to do things for Young Master."

He lowered his voice and said, "You have seen the battle today. It is nothing like the pomp of ordinary people. You must take care of yourself. The wealth and life of our family of six are tied to our belts."

Sanfu had been frightened to death by what happened before, so he only dared to nod and say yes.

Shen Yu felt depressed in the carriage, and more importantly, she now felt that it was dangerous to stay with Xie Tingzhou.

He seems to have a special power that can invisibly wear away people's will, making her feel that this is it, and this is fine.

But she still has a great revenge she has yet to avenge, and she still needs to move forward.

"I'm going down to get some air." Shen Yu didn't dare to look at him. She got out of the carriage and gently closed the door.

The guards sat around the carriage, and a bonfire was surrounded by it.

Shen Yu glanced around, found an empty seat and sat down, and began to organize her thoughts step by step.

There are only two things that can be confirmed now, that is, the deceased is a member of the ghost family, and the ghost family has indeed turned into a bandit. This is the news that she knew before in Hezhou.

All the speculations and analyzes made by Shicai and Xie Tingzhou had no substantive evidence, but now that the man is dead, there is no evidence to prove that their going to Beijing to complain was related to the robbery of food and grass.

But it's not all hopeless. Isn't there still one person left alive, the old man named Uncle Zang?

A figure suddenly fell next to him, interrupting Shen Yu's thoughts.

After Feng Yang sat down, he asked, "Why did you come down? You have to leave someone to take care of you."

Shen Yu looked at him, "Why don't you go?"

"I can't." Feng Yang shook his head and said, "I have touched so many dead people with my hands, I don't even dare to touch His Highness's cup."

Working as a slave is a lowly job, a path that even the lower classes would look down on. No ordinary person likes to deal with dead people.

It is said that it is difficult for a man with a heavy Yin Qi to have a child, but this is all hearsay. The skill of Fengyang's autopsy was passed down from his ancestors.

Fortunately, he was with Xie Tingzhou, and no one dared to belittle him.

Shen Yu looked at her hands in the firelight and murmured: "You probably haven't touched as many dead people as I have."

Feng Yang didn't believe it, "How many have you touched?"

"How many thousands?" Shen Yu thought for a moment and then said, "Maybe tens of thousands."

Feng Yang was shocked, "Why are you touching so many dead people?"

"Looking for someone on the battlefield."

Only then did Feng Yang remember that he had heard that General Shen's body was found by Shi Yu after he rummaged through the sea of ​​corpses for a day and a night. This shows what a heroic battle it was.

The forest suddenly became extremely quiet, only the sound of crackling firewood was left.

Feng Yang mentioned the unpleasant things and didn't know where to turn his eyes. He turned his eyes inadvertently and landed on Shigure's hands.

He stared at the hands for a moment, doubts flashing in his eyes, then looked at Shigure's face, and suddenly asked: "Can I touch your hands?"

Shen Yu was startled, "What?"

Feng Yang gritted his teeth and grabbed her hand without waiting for her reaction. After squeezing it twice, his pupils instantly became enlarged, and he even stopped responding and forgot to let go.

"What are you doing?"

The two of them turned around in response. Feng Yang glanced at his hands and suddenly jumped up.


Xie Tingzhou glanced at the two of them, then looked at Feng Yang's panicked eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Follow me."

Shen Yu looked confused, Feng Yang lowered his head and did not dare to say anything.

Walk to the edge of the woods.

Xie Tingzhou turned to look at Feng Yang, "What did you find?"

Shen Yu was about to speak.

Xie Tingzhou: "Shut up."

Shen Yu gritted her teeth and closed her mouth.

Fengyang didn't dare to raise his head and said bluntly: "I found out she is a woman."

Shen Yu's eyes widened in disbelief. She had been pretending to be a man for so many years, but this was the first time she could tell she was a woman with just one hand.


Shen Yu: "I'm not casual."

Feng Yang: "I didn't touch it randomly."

They both retorted in unison.

After Feng Yang defended himself, he felt that he was afraid that he was going to die.

She said before that she didn't even dare to touch His Highness's cup with her hands that touched people, but then she turned around and touched His Highness's person, and was caught by His Highness.

God is going to kill me.

Shen Yu asked curiously: "Can you feel it out just by touching your hand?"

"What else do you want to touch?" Xie Tingzhou turned around and asked.

Feng Yang was so innocent that he quickly explained: "I didn't say anything. I didn't want to touch anything."

"That's not what I meant," Shen Yu explained: "Do I want to say that Wu Zuo is so powerful? You can tell just by touching your hands."

Faced with such praise, Feng Yang felt a little proud. If Xie Tingzhou hadn't been by his side, his tail would have been raised.

"It's possible, but it's usually not possible to fully confirm just by touching your hands."

"Then why did you feel it out as soon as you touched it?"

Feng Yang said seriously: "Because your hands feel small and soft."

Xie Tingzhou: "..."

Shen Yu: "Then what else can we rely on for confirmation?"

Speaking of his old profession, Feng Yang started chatting, "Let me tell you, besides the hand bones, the most recognizable ones are actually the pelvic bones, hip bones, and skull bones."

"You can also use the bones and hair on a highly decomposed corpse to infer the gender, age, occupation, etc. of the deceased, and you can also determine whether the deceased was poisoned by a certain type of poison before death. There are many, I will do it in a while. I can’t finish it.”

The two of them chatted as if no one was around.

"Does it also need to be touched?" Shen Yu was full of curiosity about this line of work.

She had been in the army for so many years, and she was very good at pretending to be a man, but Feng Yangguang could tell her apart after just squeezing her hand a few times.

"Of course not, it's mostly used to distinguish skeletal corpses from living people -"

Feng Yang was speaking enthusiastically, and when he saw Xie Tingzhou's expression while shaking his head, he immediately stopped talking.

"Are you done?" Xie Tingzhou raised his eyebrows slightly.

Feng Yang: "That's it, I'm going to get out now."

After saying that, before Xie Tingzhou could say anything, he stepped on the dead leaves and ran away.

Xie Tingzhou believed in Feng Yang and did not give any reminder. Feng Yang would keep his mouth shut.

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