Xie Tingzhou looked at her with half-lowered eyes. Shen Yu felt extremely uncomfortable when he looked at her. She wanted to be tough with him, but she couldn't help but turn her face away.

"Why do you look like you have done something wrong?"

Shen Yu looked back at him, "Where did I go wrong? The moonlight is so beautiful, can't I turn over and take a look?"

Xie Tingzhou's lips curled up slightly, "Follow me."

The moonlight is really good tonight, and the shadows of the two people fall one after another in the forest full of dead branches and leaves.

The two of them walked further and further away, and Shen Yu forgot to remind her, looking at Xie Tingzhou's tall back in ecstasy.

Such a rare man in the world, I don’t know what kind of girl he will marry in the future. She should be a girl who is unparalleled in the world and is proficient in music, chess, calligraphy and painting to match him.

Walking through the woods, the sound of gurgling water suddenly came.

"Here we are." Xie Tingzhou's tone relaxed slightly, "It turns out I remembered it correctly."

The stream is not wide, about ten feet wide. The water surface is sparkling, the moon shadow is broken into countless pieces by the wind, and the clear moon is floating on the water surface.

"Have you been here before?" Shen Yu walked to the stream.



Xie Tingzhou lowered his eyes and looked at the water, his eyes gradually deepening, "Many, many years ago."

Shen Yu didn't notice anything unusual in his tone, so she squatted down and soaked her hands in the water.

The water in the stream is very cold, and the cold touch passes through the fingers.

"There are fish!" Shen Yu suddenly raised her head.

"Are you hungry?" Xie Tingzhou asked.

Shen Yu nodded, took out the dagger from her waist and stared at the water.

"It's still too cold, don't go into the water." Xie Tingzhou said behind her.

She was distracted by this vague concern, and a fish sneaked past from the bottom of the water.

The moonlight was so beautiful, but for some reason, it was so dazzling that people couldn't see clearly. They just felt that the moon was everywhere, and they didn't know whether it was dazzling their eyes or their hearts.

She put away the dagger in frustration for a moment, "Forget it, I can't see clearly at night."

Xie Tingzhou thought for a moment, then raised his hand to whistle.

A moment later, a scream rose into the sky, and white feathers swooped down in the night.

It passed by Xie Tingzhou with a swipe, spun in a circle, then circled back and landed on his arm.

Xie Tingzhou touched its feathers and said, "Whether it has anything to eat tonight depends on you."

Bai Yu seemed to understand what he meant, and suddenly fluttered his wings.

It flew half a circle in the air, stared sharply at the water for a moment, then suddenly swooped down, flying above the water, and dived underwater to catch fish.

The movements were as fast as lightning, and when he left the water, he had already caught a fish in his claws.

Without Bai Yu's feet touching the ground, the fish landed on the grass on the bank, turned around and flew back to the river.

Shen Yu stepped forward and grabbed the still flapping fish, "Look."

The fish's tail swung and splashed water droplets all over her face. She wrinkled her nose and turned away, her eyes turning into crescent moons with laughter.

Xie Tingzhou stared at her smiling face, and the crushed moonlight fell on her face. For a moment, his eyes were hurt by such a smile, and he felt distressed in his heart.

How can she keep smiling like this when she is so beautiful?

A fire was lit by the river, and four palm-sized fish were placed on the fire, and the aroma wafted from the grilling room.

Shen Yu stared at the fish flipping and grilling, and said: "This kind of fish can be grilled very fragrant without seasoning. It would be better if you cook a bowl of fish soup with tofu."

After she finished speaking, she raised her eyes, expecting to see Xie Tingzhou admiring the moon or watching the fire, but unexpectedly she met his eyes.

Xie Tingzhou sat opposite her.

He is looking at her.

Those dark eyes reflected fire, burning in the deepest part of the pupils, as if it could burn people to ashes.

Shen Yu quickly withdrew her gaze and stared at the fish in a daze.

She lost her mind too many times tonight, why?

"If you don't read it, it will become blurry." Xie Tingzhou reminded.

Shen Yu quickly turned the fish over and said, "Where's that black panther? I haven't seen it for a long time."

Xie Tingzhou withdrew his gaze, added a piece of firewood to the fire, and said: "Cang is different from Bai Yu. He still retains some of the habits of wild beasts. There are too many people coming in and out of the yard, so I am worried that it will attack people."

"Oh." He suddenly smiled, "If you let it out, it will attack your dog first."

Black panthers have a very strong sense of territory and often use their own scent to divide areas. Once the scent of different animals appears, it can easily trigger aggression.

Shen Yu nodded and saw that one of the fish was already grilled. She picked it up and handed it to Xie Tingzhou.

Xie Tingzhou paused and reached out to take the grilled fish wrapped in a branch.

It seemed that with her, he kept lowering his bottom line. He lived in a thatched house that he had never lived in before, wore coarse linen clothes that he had never worn before, gnawed on the hardest steamed buns, and now he eats even salt. There was no grilled fish.

Xie Tingzhou laughed to himself, tore off a piece of fish and put it in his mouth.

"How is it? It smells good, doesn't it?"

Xie Tingzhou looked into her shining eyes and nodded slowly.

Of the four grilled fish, Xie Tingzhou ate one, and the remaining three fell into Shen Yu's belly.

Bai Yu also finished cleaning up the two fishes, and there were blood stains on his talons and eagle's beak.

Xie Tingzhou took out a handkerchief, twisted it in the water, and wiped Bai Yu's eagle's beak and talons.

Shen Yu looked on and asked, "Can I touch it?"

Xie Tingzhou stretched out his hand toward her, "Give me your hand."

Shen Yu carefully put her hand into his palm.

The moment she took it, Xie Tingzhou remembered Feng Yang's words. Her hand was thin and soft, but there were thin calluses on the palm and the tiger's mouth, which were the marks left by holding the knife for many years.

Xie Tingzhou was lost for a moment, then his fingers moved to her wrist, leading her closer to Bai Yu.

The hand slowly approached, and Bai Yu immediately looked over, with a pair of eagle eyes, as cold as frost and snow.

Shen Yu subconsciously shrank back, and Xie Tingzhou exerted a slight force on her palms, holding them tightly, and led her hands to cover Bai Yu's feathers.

The hair on its back is very thick, arranged in layers like fish scales, and feels good to the touch.

Shen Yu touched Haidongqing for the first time, her eyes were full of joy, "I often see you touching its head and chest, why do I touch its back?"

When I asked the question, I thought he wouldn't answer, but I heard Xie Tingzhou say warmly:

"The hawker touches the top of its head and combs its feathers on its chest to enhance the eagle's trust and affection for people. Now it has just become a habit."

Shen Yu nodded, gently pulled her hand back, and felt Xie Tingzhou also gently let go of his hand.

Only after she was freed from his shackles did she feel that the place where he had caught her wrist was so burned.

Shen Yu put her hands behind her back and rubbed them, feeling as if the area was about to burn.

So she squatted down and soaked both hands in the cold stream.

The temperature dropped, and she held herself on the pebbles under the water without moving. On the surface of the water, she vaguely saw Xie Tingzhou raising his hand and white feathers spreading their wings in his arms.

Shen Yu moved, and the ripples of light instantly confused the picture.

He squatted down next to her and stretched out his hand towards the water.

The two little fingers met unexpectedly in the water.

It was unclear whether it was intentional or unintentional, but Xie Tingzhou's little finger gently pressed on hers.

But neither of them moved, and the water gradually calmed down.

They saw each other's faces in the reflection.

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