Director Wang nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements right now.

With that said, someone sent Gao Kai's body back to the morgue.

Geist made a phone call to Fu Yue.

Fu Yue received the call and was still complaining: "Young Master Geist, what a long time it took! I can't give you a report so soon!"

Geist smiled awkwardly, "Sister Yue, the new case is a bit difficult!"

Fu Yue let out a long breath, "No.

We haven't finished packing the pile of minced meat we brought back in the morning. Now you have to send something to me again.

Geist smiled and said: "I'll treat you to a beauty treatment, so come here quickly. I guess no one can do this except you."

Fu Yue sighed: "What kind of situation requires me to take action personally?"

Geist had no choice but to say it again.

After hearing this, Fu Yue smiled bitterly, "Captain Gai, handsome guy Gai, why do you always give me problems?

There was a pile of minced meat in the morning, and I don’t know how many hands had processed this in the afternoon. Even if I take over, I may not be able to find the information left by the suspect.

Geist said: "Do your best and let fate dictate! At least re-examine the cause of death!"

Fu Yue said: "Okay, I understand. I will go find you now. Give me the specific address."

After giving the detailed address, Geist added: "By the way, I have to ask your section staff to prepare it.

Lao Zhang went to Gao Kai's company, so he probably needs you to check it out~.

Fu Yue sighed, "I know. I just have a hard life!"

After Fu Yue rushed to the East District Crematorium, he immediately took over Gao Kai's body.

Although we know that we may not find anything, we still have to have some expectations and we cannot just accept our fate.

Especially for Geist's profession, if they give up hope, their death will be in vain.

After Fu Yue took away Gao Kai's body, Geist did not follow him back to the city bureau, but went to Fu Kai's Brilliant Jewelry.

When they arrived at Brilliant Jewelry, Zhang Yi was already busy with others.

Although Gao Kai died, this brilliant jewelry did not close down immediately, and actually continued to operate.

Geist found Zhang Yi and asked: "What is going on?

Didn't it mean that Gao Kai owed a lot of debt and committed suicide because he had no money to pay off the debt?

Why is his store still open? It hasn’t even closed down yet?”

Zhang Yi said: "No, but it will be soon.

This store is not only owned by Gao Kai, but also has two investors.

One is named Chen Fan and the other is named Zhao Shijie. I have arranged for people to go find these two people. "

Geist nodded and continued to ask: "Where are the employees here? Is there anything wrong?"

Zhang Yi shook his head, "I didn't find anything special. It seems that I am relatively unfamiliar with Gao Kai and not very familiar with him.

However, according to the investigation, their store manager Wu Tong seems to be very close to Gao Kai.

But we didn't see him in the store, so we don't know..."

Geist waved his hand, "We met at the crematorium.

Wu Tong went to attend Gao Kai's funeral, it seems they have a really good relationship!"

As the two walked, they said, "Gest also learned about the structure of this jewelry store.

The front facade is a place to receive ordinary customers, most of which are cheap goods.

It's different at the back, with a reception room, offices, staff areas, etc.

The reception room is very stylishly decorated and is a place to entertain some big clients.

Next to the reception room is Gao Kai's office, which also has a huge safe where some valuable jewelry is stored.

As for the staff rest area and bathrooms, they are on the second floor.

The place where Gao Kai hanged himself was in his office.

There were no beams in Gao Kai's office, so Gao Kai hung himself by tying the rope to the safe.

Geist looked at the safe carefully and found that the eight upper and lower corners of the safe were all welded with steel bars, which were directly inserted into the ceiling and floor.

Zhang Yi explained: "..."I asked the old employees and found that the safes were ordered from abroad.

They hired someone to make the several steel bars up and down.

It is inserted directly into the upper floor and the ground, just to avoid being moved away directly.

I have to say that it is not easy to make jewelry. You have to guard against being stolen every day. "

Geist nodded and said: "Gao Kai is 1.73 meters tall, and hanging the rope on it is almost enough.

Zhang Yi pointed to one of the steel bars and said: "This is what Gao Kaishang (who got the money) used for lifting."

While the two were talking, a strange policeman came over and said, "Captain Zhang, I have brought you all the information you asked for."

Zhang Yi thanked him first, and then introduced: "This is the cover team of our city bureau. This is the squadron leader of the East District Squadron, Tan Guozhi.

Geist greeted Tan Guozhi and asked, "Captain Tan, when you were handling this case, didn't you find any doubts?"

Tan Guozhi said with an embarrassed look: "Gai team, I have been a criminal policeman for decades.

We have investigated this case three or four times, but there is nothing suspicious at all!

Gao Kai went to Myanmar with others to gamble on stones. Not only did he use up the jewelry store's working capital, he also owed more than 100 million. .

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