Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 203 It’S Not Like I’M Here To Investigate The Case

He made it clear that he couldn't afford the money, so he committed suicide due to depression. Is this reasonable?"

Geist nodded. After all, with more than 100 million yuan, it would be strange for Gao Kai not to get angry.

Tan Guozhi continued: "An autopsy was also done and it was found that he died of suffocation, which is consistent with the characteristics of hanging himself.

There was a suicide note left at the scene, and there was no trace of a third party present.

We also have a lot of things that should be investigated, and we have investigated them all.

But I don’t know where the report letter came from!”

Tan Guozhi also looked depressed. Although he couldn't say that he was trying to get to the bottom of things, he was still conscientious.

They had investigated Gao Kai's case and finally determined that he had committed suicide.

As a result, the case here was finalized, and an anonymous letter was issued over there.

Tan Guozhi even doubted whether someone was deliberately trying to trouble him.

Geist thought for a moment and asked, "Have all the surveillance cameras been checked?"

Tan Guozhi said: "We took away the surveillance video at that time, and it is still in our Eastern District Branch.

Don't worry, we have already sent a copy to the Municipal Bureau. "

Geist also felt that his head was heavy, and Tan Guozhi was also an old detective. 813.

If this case is a murder, there is no way there are no clues at all!

He must have overlooked something!

Geist thought in his heart, but didn't say it.

After all, this was handled by Tan Guozhi. If she raised doubts now, wouldn't it be a slap in the face?

Geist finally nodded and said: "Okay, Captain Tan, thank you for your hard work, I made you run several times.

We see nothing wrong with this case. But the anonymous letter has arrived, we have to check it out. "

Tan Guozhi nodded, "I understand, I understand. Don't worry about the investigation. If it is really murder, you don't have to worry about my face. You must not let the suspect go!"

Geist also nodded, "Don't worry, we will never let the bad guys go, nor will we trap the good guys."

After the two exchanged business information, Zhang Yi also completed the test and planned to call it a day and go back.

But at this moment, Thunder Jaw actually came.

Tan Guozhi saw the nanny car parked at the door and couldn't help but said: "You're buying jewelry, right? Hey, buddy, we can't do business today."

Geist looked at the nanny car and said with a dark face: "It's not a buyer, it's one of our own.

Tan Guozhi couldn't help but be stunned, "One of our own???"

Geist explained: "He is also the captain of the city bureau and the nephew of Bureau Yuan."

At this time, Thunderjaw had already got out of the car and said, "Fortunately, I arrived in time and you are all still here."

Geist frowned, "What did you say?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "This guy did it on purpose."

Lei Jaw walked over with a smile. When he saw Tan Guozhi, he asked: "Are you..."

Tan Guozhi looked at Thunder Jaw, "You are... Thunder Jaw!"

Thunderjaw was stunned, "You know me?"

Tan Guozhi said with a smile: "You are Brother Hai's son! I came here a few years ago and a thief broke into your house, and it was me who took him there."

Thunderjaw slapped his forehead and said, "Hey, I have such a bad memory.

It turned out to be Captain Tan, right! Within three days, the two thieves were caught.

I admired you so much that you caught the person so quickly. "

Tan Guozhi said with a smile: "It's nothing to me, you are the one who scared me (bgfe).

I donated hundreds of thousands of things as soon as I said I would. I still remember it. "

Thunderjaw smiled and said, "It's not like I bought a new one at home. I just replaced the old one."

At that time, I thought about it, it would be a good thing if the thief stole it.

I always wanted to get a new one, but I didn’t have time to clean it up.

They came over and helped me move out.

If they hadn't broken the law, I would have wanted to thank them. "

Tan Guozhi laughed and said, "You are still so inhumane!"

After Lei Jaw exchanged pleasantries with Tan Guozhi, Lei Jaw asked: "Captain Tan, are you handling this case?"

Tan Guozhi's face darkened, "Yes, it's me, but it's bloody mold!"

Thunderjaw smiled and said, "It's not your fault. If it weren't for the report letter, anyone who read this case would think it was quite normal.

Gao Kai had reason to commit suicide. There was no other evidence at the death scene, so a miscarriage of justice was certain. "

Tan Guozhi was still nodding at first, but when he heard Lei Jaw's last sentence, he showed a questioning expression, "?"

Thunderjaw chuckled, "We have to check again.

Captain Tan, have you checked the surveillance of shops nearby?"

Tan Guozhi shook his head, " really doesn't happen.

Because this case is quite clear, and there are many surveillances in jewelry stores, we did not check outside, only the surveillance of jewelry stores. "

Geist immediately asked: "Did you discover anything?"

Lei Jaw smiled and said: "Let's get the surveillance of nearby stores first, I need to make a comparison.

Also, only by looking at the scene can I know whether it is the same as what I guessed. "

Seeing Thunderjaw's confident but unwilling to talk about his virtues, Gast really wanted to go up and slap him.

It's a pity that there are too many people now, so it's not convenient to do it.

Geist immediately directed several police officers to go nearby to conduct surveillance.

Thunderjaw entered the jewelry store unhurriedly and started wandering around.

In the eyes of others, Thunder Jaw didn't look like he was here to investigate the case, but more like he was here to shop. .

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