Look here and there, touch here and there, you are a very curious baby!

But Lei Jaw knew that he was not just wandering around, he was in a monitoring position.

This jewelry store has a lot of surveillance. There are two hidden surveillance cameras in just one counter.

In the front store, there are at least eighty or ninety.

The surveillance in the reception room and office at the back is also no less.

It stands to reason that the entire process of Gao Kai's hanging and suicide should have been captured by surveillance cameras.

However, a few of the surveillance cameras in the back office area were broken. Before they could be repaired, the scene of Gao Kai's suicide was not captured.

However, there were several cameras that were not broken, and they captured the scene of Gao Kai entering the office alone and never coming out.

Therefore, it was determined that Gao Kai committed suicide in the office because the surveillance that night did not capture anyone else coming in.

This seems to be a bit of a coincidence, an incredible coincidence.

However, although a good camera cannot cover the entire office area, it can still see several important locations.

As long as someone comes in, it will definitely be captured by the surveillance camera.

Through those surveillance videos, the police were very sure that absolutely no outsiders came in.

That's why it was confirmed that Gao Kai committed suicide.

But after receiving the video from the Eastern District Bureau, Thunder Jaw immediately discovered a problem.

That means some of the videos are fake!

On the night Gao Kai committed suicide, it actually rained lightly.

This light rain came and went quickly, and it ended in less than half an hour.

The next morning, the ground was completely dry, and some people who were sleeping soundly didn't even know it had rained last night.

But the surveillance captured it!

The surveillance outside the jewelry store captured a scene of rain. Although it was not very clear, you could tell from the ground that it was raining.

As for the videos in the office area behind the jewelry store, some of them did not capture the rain.

The office area behind the jewelry store also has windows.

Among the few good surveillance cameras, two of them can take pictures outside the window.

In other words, these two surveillance cameras did not capture any trace of rain.

This is what Lei Jaw was able to discover, because he watched the surveillance cameras, which were watched by more than a dozen surveillance cameras at the same time.

Comparing it at the same time, the difference was immediately discovered.

But it's not necessarily true if it's someone else, because normal people can only see one picture.

There are so many surveillance systems in jewelry stores that if you look at them one after another, you won't notice the subtle difference at all.

Thunderjaw discovered this and rushed to the jewelry store immediately.

He wanted to see first if it was a monitoring problem that caused him to see it wrong.

But after he turned around, he felt that his guess was right.

It's not because of what was discovered from the surveillance, but because of the location of the surveillance.

The camera is broken, which is understandable.

But what Thunderjaw didn't understand was that the bad ones were in more critical positions.

For example, the ones facing the windows happened to be broken.

The ones in Gao Kai's office are also broken.

These seemingly unrelated clues were brewing in Thunder Jaw's mind, and they were just one step away from finding the problem.

But after thinking about it for a long time, Lei Jaw couldn't figure out where the problem was!

Thunderjaw turned back and forth several times, but still couldn't get the point.

Thunderjaw immediately went upstairs. The second floor was the staff area.

At this moment, the employees of the jewelry store are staying in the rest area upstairs.

The police had finished asking questions. They hadn't been able to open their business yet, and they didn't know if they could leave, so they were playing with their mobile phones upstairs.

...Please give me flowers...

When Thunder Jaw went up, he heard a girl say: "Hey, look at this, is it powerful?

This coin is gone. It doesn't look like magic [like a spell] to me. "

Another girl complained: "Are you stupid?

Where did the magic come from in this world? It’s all a deception!

My partner told me that magic is about diverting attention.

As soon as you follow the magician with your attention, you are already being deceived.

If you want to see through these magic tricks, you can't listen to him or look where he wants you to look!"

When Thunderjaw heard this, he immediately stopped.


In fact, the murderer is also a magician, and this is a magic show he put on.

If you want to expose him, you can't follow his train of thought, and you can't see the places he wants to show me, but the places he doesn't want to show me.

This is a bit hard to pronounce, but to put it bluntly, it can be said in two words, awesome!

Use Gangjing's thinking to find clues, and you will definitely find them!

The more you want me to do something, the less I will do it!

Those videos you left behind are just what you want me to watch!

Then I won't watch it, and I'll just look for those videos that you don't let me watch.

The broken video downstairs, starting from the door...

Thunderjaw thought of this and immediately ran out of the door.

When Geist saw this, he immediately followed him, "Hey, what did you find?"

Thunderjaw didn't say anything, but recalled every surveillance location and the images they could capture in his mind.

Lei Jaw walked all the way from the gate to Gao Kai's office, and then shook his head.

Lei Jaw walked out of Gao Kai's office. Along the way, he actually went up to the second floor and arrived at the employee lounge. .

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