Thunderjaw blinked, then said suspiciously.

"Caught very seriously?"

"Okay, got it."

"Don't worry, Yan Ting. I guarantee that the Nine-faced Buddha's spies won't be suspicious.

"What about Yuncheng?"

Yan Ting waved his hand, put the camera in Lei Jia's hand, and said casually.

"I'll go over to Yuncheng first."

"As for the melon stall owner, if he is really a Nine-faced Buddha, we should first find a way to transfer him to Donghai City."

"Then he will be closely monitored during the hospitalization to see if there is any suspicious person coming, and by the way, ask where this person is from."

"If I guessed correctly, this should be the person from the Nine-faced Buddha."

"As for this..."

He took a stern look at the video machine in Lei Jaw's hand, which showed Han Tang's picture.

He patted Lei Jaw's shoulder and then said.

"With this, you won't be too embarrassed when arresting Han Tang."

"In case you really get caught."

Thunderjaw smiled awkwardly, touched the back of his head and said.

"This used to be a dragnet to catch people."

"I'm still a little uncomfortable with pretending to arrest people now."

"Okay, Director Yan, let me finish these things as soon as possible. After the melon stall owner is sent to Donghai City, I will go to Yuncheng to find you."

Yan Ting nodded without saying anything.

After Lei Jaw and Yan Ting separated, they turned and walked outside the airport. At the same time, they took out a phone, dialed a series of numbers, and said in a deep voice.

"Hello? Is this Xiaoban Town Railway Station Police Station?"

"I am Lei Jia, the leader of the Provincial Police Department's Serious Crime Team, police number 36636."

the other side.

After Han Tang, Shen Nianyun and Spot Leopard arrived in Wengcun, they immediately found a van in Wengcun and gave them three hundred yuan to send them to the nearest Donglin Town.

The three people gathered together in the car. Spotted Leopard looked at Han Tang and Shen Nianyun leaning against each other, then quietly sat farther away, and then quietly took out his mobile phone.

I opened the text message and found a string of numbers that I had no notes on but I remembered very clearly.

He tapped the screen and sent a text message.

[Boss, Hua Zaimao has been sent to the hospital. I have visited the buyer and there is absolutely no problem. He is definitely not a good person! However, I expect it will be a little more troublesome when I go to the city. 】

Just after I pressed the send button, my shoulders suddenly sank and a big hand darkened.

The spotted leopard turned around and saw that Han Tang had sat over at some point, looking at him suspiciously and asking.

"What are you doing??"

The spotted leopard was frightened. Maybe it was a conditioned reflex developed from doing such sneaky things too much. The spotted leopard smiled, then looked at Han Tang and said.

"It's nothing, just let your family know it's safe."

"By the way, now everyone is on the same path."

"I'm going to Yuncheng."

The spotted leopard asked knowingly.

"what about you?"

Hearing this, Han loves the spotted leopard.


"What a coincidence, we are also going to Yuncheng!"

Han Tang raised his lips and smiled, then looked at the spotted leopard and joked.

"It seems that I didn't arrest the wrong person just now. I just ran away with you~". "

"Look, everyone is on the way now!"

The spotted leopard couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth at this moment, secretly cursing in his heart.

God didn't catch the wrong person.

I'd rather you didn't take me with you.

Now I have to run for my life with you!

Carry it home!

If it weren't for you, I would have continued to run away on the train, maybe I would be happy somewhere.

Shaking his head slightly, the spotted leopard could only mutter a few words in his heart.

After seeing how ruthless Han Tang was, he didn't dare to say anything in front of Han Tang.

I was afraid that I might offend this guy at some point, and then get stabbed myself.

According to his irresistible character, he can definitely do this kind of thing.

I don’t know what the Nine-faced Buddha thinks.

How dare you do business with such a person.

"It shouldn't be that easy if you want to get to Yuncheng smoothly now."

"There has to be a way."

Shen Nianyun did not dare to contact Lei Jaw and the others at this time. At this time, he was secretly wondering whether Lei Jaw and the others had seen the gesture he made just now.

If they saw it, it wouldn't be very difficult for them to escape.

The difficulty now is that with a Petal Leopard by my side, sitting up for many things is inconvenient.

But this spotted leopard belongs to the Nine-Faced Buddha, and now is an opportunity to find out more about the Nine-Faced Buddha from him.

So he looked at the spotted leopard slyly and asked.

"This kind of thing is just a little troublesome, but it's not difficult."

"It will be easier to leave the Eastern Province first."

"Then we switch to other means of transportation, but it may take a little longer."

“I don’t know if I can still catch up on the deal.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Han Tang deliberately glared at Shen Nianyun, even though he knew that the spotted leopard knew what was going on, and pretended to be angry and scolded him.

"What are you talking about, you slut?"

"Do you have the right to speak?"

After speaking, he turned to look at the spotted leopard and continued to smile.

"This old lady is ignorant, don't listen to her."

“We do have something to do when we go to Cloud City.

"But before that, we can take a companion and go there together.

"By the way, which road are you on?"

The spotted leopard has completely let go of his doubts about Han Tang, but he still can't say who he is now.

After all, before reaching Cloud City, they were on the edge of danger anytime and anywhere.

So he nodded.

"You will know naturally when you are destined."

"By the way, don't look at this place as a small place."

"But 'they' move very quickly. I don't think it will take long before the nearby villages will be blocked."

"You have to find a way to get out early."

Han Tang waved his hand indifferently at this time, and then looked at the two people and continued.


"How can we do it if we don't have any means to do so?"

"Don't worry, I've already thought of a way."

"It depends on whether you have the courage to come with me."

The spotted leopard couldn't help but glance at Han Tang suspiciously, winked and said.

"You already have a solution?"

"any solution?"

Han Tang smiled mysteriously, put his arm around Shen Nianyun next to him, and then said with a smile.

"You'll know in a minute."

"Don't worry, I guarantee you a comfortable trip to Yuncheng."

"Master, how long does it take to arrive?"

At this time, the driver in front was confused. He only felt that a few people seemed to be people on the road, but he couldn't hear anything.

Because everything he said was too obscure.

I heard Han Tang ask, and Han Tang was generous, giving him three hundred yuan for the 120-kilometer journey.

He was riding in a car as old as his, so he smiled without thinking.

"It's coming soon, it's going to fall in about ten minutes."

twenty minutes.

Han Tang, Spotted Leopard and Shen Nianyun got off the bus in Donglin Town.

Donglin Town is larger than Xiaoban Town just now.

There are all the shops that should be found in the town.

Han Tang took the two of them directly, followed the instructions on the mobile navigation map, walked through the alleys, and then came to the entrance of a white goods shop.

Baishi's store is not big.

There were also a few slightly larger vans at the door.

The three of them stood at the door of the store. Shen Nianyun couldn't help but point at the store, and then turned to look at Han Dao lovingly.

"Is this what you want?"


"How to get here?"

The spotted leopard also looked suspicious, looking at Han Tang blankly, wondering why he brought them here.

Can this Baishi shop help them escape?

I saw Han Tang smile mysteriously and then walked into the store.

Because he came in with a smile, the owner of the store was also startled.

Xin said that there were very few people who came into his store with a smile.

The visitor was a guest, so the boss still stood up and asked.

Boss, what do you want to see?"


"Paper money?"

"Or a paper man?"

"We now have a new gift package, which includes wreaths, paper money, and paper figures.

Han Tang nodded and asked after slowly looking around.

"Do you have funeral services?"

The boss nodded immediately. Funerals can make more money than selling paper money, so he greeted quickly.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

“We have a mid-range package, which is a funeral in a small car with wreaths.

"There are high-end packages, a funeral in a big car, wreaths, and music."

"There is also a supreme package. The funeral is carried out in a big car, and you can't help but bring wreaths, music, and eminent monks to sit in. It can help the deceased to clear the way to hell and help the deceased to achieve salvation!"

"If by chance, I can help the deceased say a few nice words in front of the King of Hell and give him a good pregnancy in the next life!"

"I don't know who is in your family..."

Generally, people who come here are more or less superstitious.

If you don't believe in this thing, you won't ask so many questions. At most, you just want to buy some paper money.

In addition, current policies in various places prohibit burning paper, so it is becoming more and more difficult to do business.

The only way to do something is to arrange a funeral.

Han Tang turned back and pointed at the spotted leopard and Shen Nianyun at the door, and then continued.

"Just this supreme package, come with three."

"There is no dead body in the coffin, just the three of us."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boss was shocked.


"Living... living person?" (Wang De's)


"This has never happened before!"

"And aren't you afraid of taboos?"

"It's very unlucky to have a living person lying in this coffin!"

At this time, not only the boss was confused, but also the spotted leopard and Shen Nianyun next to him were confused.

Because Huaxia attaches great importance to funerals, even when their police officers search, they usually only look at the car, but will not lift the coffin board.

More often than not, people are basically allowed to go after seeing the funeral car.

There aren't that many things.

After all, whoever doesn’t eat a sedan chair during the Chinese New Year will face this problem one day.

When it's your turn, will you let others lift the lid off your coffin?

So basically, this kind of car will not be inspected very strictly.

But not necessarily for others.

At this time, Shen Nianyun looked at Han Tang with a face of shame, then looked at the van behind him, and couldn't help but think to himself.

What a shame he could think of it.

Riding in a funeral car and lying in a coffin to avoid police arrest.

It’s absolutely amazing!

Not to mention that the police were looking for them, even if they were thinking hard, they probably wouldn't be able to figure out where they were.

Shaking his head slightly, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but complain softly.


"Following you, there will be surprises every day."

"It's a shame you figured it out."

The spotted leopard on the side couldn't help but nodded.

"As expected of the boss who can kill Yin Ci."

“The means are extraordinary.”.

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