Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 61: Changing The Sky And Setting Off For Cloud City

Chapter 61: A sudden change of fate, the police officer is on the run and sets out for Yuncheng

At this time, the spotted leopard couldn't help but think in shock.

No wonder their boss asked them not to offend Han Tang.

Such people!

It seems that he doesn't know how to restrain himself and is extremely arrogant.

The most hateful thing is that he has a lot of naughty ideas.

Even if he was given ten years, he wouldn't be able to come up with this method.

It seems that those who can be the boss are not ordinary people.

The boss looked at the three people and finally couldn't help but said.

"No, brother."

"This kind of thing has never been done before. You said we are just a small business. If word gets out, how will I continue my business in the future?"

Han Tang hooked his hand at Shen Nianyun at this time, and then took out three stacks of banknotes.

Slapping the banknotes on the table, Han Tang looked at the boss and cursed coldly.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'll give you 30,000 yuan, and you'll just think of it as running for Didi, and you'll earn it with your blood!"

"What else is there to ink?"

"I have to find that monk!"

"Besides, make me feel more comfortable in the coffin. I want to have a good sleep!"

The boss looked at the small mountain of banknotes in front of him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

So much money!

It seems that these three people are not very clean. Is it possible that they ran away because they caused trouble?

Otherwise, why would you think of finding him, a person who specializes in driving funeral cars, to ride in the car?

If you think about it this way.

Then you can take the money.

And not only could he take it, he even felt that it was a little short.

So he rubbed his hands and said.

"Did you guys commit something?"

"But that's okay."

"This business can be done!"

"After all, who wouldn't want money?"

"It's just that the cost of driving is this..."

Boss 117 put his front hand in his pocket, and then continued to say with a smile.

"If this is the hush money..."

"Don't get me wrong, guys."

"If you meet a police officer or something on the road, if you ask me."

"I don't know how to answer?"

The spotted leopard couldn't help but show a cold light at this time. He glanced at Han Tang and found that there was that ferocious light in Han Tang's eyes again. He couldn't help but think funnyly.

This boss.

I really risked my life for money.

Are you afraid that you don’t know who the person in front of you is?

This man had just beheaded a man an hour ago.

If you really want to make money, be bold and ask for hush money.

It depends on whether he cuts you in the back or not.

Han Tang smiled at this time, looked at the boss of Baishi Store, put a big hand on the boss's shoulder, and then said with a smile.

“The boss is indeed a sensible person.

"Money is easy to talk about."

"But the hush money cannot be given to you now."

"I gave it to you, and if you sell it to me, I'll be at a loss."

"But as long as you take me to Yuncheng, the 30,000 yuan in travel expenses, plus the 30,000 yuan in sealing fees will all be yours.

"But the premise is that you must ensure that I can reach Yuncheng safely."

"What do you think?"

"Ah this..." The boss hesitated for a moment, thinking that he could get it now.

However, Han Tang’s acceptance seems to make sense.

Now everyone is not familiar with it. Han Tang gave 30,000 yuan first, which is already very sincere.

Later, the boss expressed his sincerity.

The boss didn't want to argue with them either.

After all, after delivering them safely, you can still get another 30,000 yuan.

The boss's main purpose is to make money, so he nodded happily.

"Okay, then it's settled."

"Don't worry, I will deliver it to you safely."

"I have been in the industry for so many years, and I have never seen anyone dare to lift the lid of my coffin."

"Don't worry, just sleep in there and it'll be fine."

"Well, wait a moment, I will contact three monks for you... ah no, they are eminent monks."

As the boss said this, he walked out of the store holding his bulging wallet, not afraid that Han Tang and the others would take something randomly in the store.

He believed that someone who could easily take out 30,000 yuan, or someone who was in a hurry to leave, would do some sneaky things at this time.

That will only be more detrimental to them.

Watching the boss leave, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but step forward and asked Han Tang with a look of disbelief.

"Are you really planning to leave in a funeral car?"

In order not to make the spotted leopard suspicious, Shen Nianyun added another sentence.

"Aren't you most afraid of taboos when worshiping Buddha?"

"How dare you now..."

Before Shen Nianyun could finish speaking, Han Tang waved his hand and said.

"Where do all these things come from?"

"Buddha is just a piece of porcelain!"


"I have been nodding and bowing to the Buddha for so many years, offering him good wine and meat as offerings."

"It's time for him to do some work for me!"


"That's why I fell in love with him before."

"If you don't protect me at the critical moment, I will worship him today and grind him into powder and burn him into a chamber pot tomorrow!"

Seeing that Han Tang didn't even pay attention to the Buddha, Banbao couldn't help but shook his head secretly.

I'm afraid this man has never had any pretense in his eyes.

I'm afraid their boss, the Nine-faced Buddha, doesn't even take it seriously.

Forget it, he's just here to get information, so let's do whatever it takes.

As long as the transaction can be completed smoothly, everything will be fine.

Then he has completed his mission.

As for the next time you receive this kind of mission, you must be careful about who the other party is.

To avoid encountering someone like Liu Huaqiang again.

"That's good." The spotted leopard came over and said after hearing the two people's explosive looks.

"Normally officers would not look at this type of vehicle."

"And this place is a small town [and] the inspections won't be that intense."

"When the city's police force reaches here, it won't be certain."

"It's better to leave here (bgac) as soon as possible before they fully react."

Han Tang glanced at the spotted leopard and Shen Nianyun, and then raised his arm disdainfully.


"You have to be mentally prepared when you go out to hang out."

“You’ll have to pay it back sooner or later.

"You are so timid, why are you still messing around?"

"If it weren't for the strict control now, only the cowardly old bastard Nine-Faced Buddha would have the goods.

"Why would I go to Yuncheng so hard?"

At this time, the spotted leopard was even a little doubtful whether he saw that he was the undercover agent of the Nine-Faced Buddha.

Why do I always feel as if these words were said to him.

After looking at Han Tang, the spotted leopard shook his head again after a while, thinking to himself.

Forget it, maybe I’m overthinking it.

Even if it is seen, it doesn't matter.

Anyway, now we are all in the same boat.

If you find out that you are the Nine-Faced Buddha, you will be safer.

After all, if Han Chang knew that he was from the Nine-faced Buddha, he didn't believe that Han Tang could still kill him.

Because Han Tang wants goods.

If he is going to die, the Nine-faced Buddha must be vigilant, and the deal will be blown.

He looked down at the time and then asked.

"Brother, it will take about a day to make this car to get to Yuncheng."

"Should we change transportation halfway?"

"I'm afraid the police will react and stop us halfway."

Han Tang narrowed his eyes slyly, looked at the spotted leopard, patted the spotted leopard on the shoulder with a big hand, and said softly.

"You mean..."

"Get off the car halfway and kill the funeral parlor owner?"

"Get thirty thousand yuan back?"

"Ah? No! That's not what I meant!" The spotted leopard man was dumbfounded, thinking to himself, could this man still know what was important and what was serious?

If you kill him on the way, doesn't it mean your whereabouts are exposed if someone discovers you?

Isn't this just causing trouble?

Everyone knows you are a cruel person.

But could you please restrain yourself?

"Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything." The spotted leopard compromised.

"Brother, just take my words as a joke and let them go."

"Let's take this funeral car."

"Just sit there until the end."

"That's good."

"Really, bro, it's very good, very good."

When Shen Nianyun saw Han Tang open his mouth and shut up to kill, he couldn't help but be confused by Han Tang.

At this time, Shen Nianyun couldn't help but start to doubt in his heart.

This person finally got into the role.

Or is he acting in his true colors?

With his ruthless energy, a real HSH guy like a spotted leopard would be intimidated.

How does a person who has never had such a black background scare someone like a spotted leopard?

Shen Nianyun shook his head slightly and decided that this time he would not only arrest the Nine-faced Buddha, but also investigate Han Ai.

But that will have to wait until the transaction is completed.

The most important task now is trading.

As for after the transaction, it's time to investigate Han Tang.

It is impossible for a person like him to have no black background at all.

Half an hour later.

The owner of the white shop came in with three monks wearing cassocks.

The strange thing is that there are no incense scars on the monk's head at all.

Moreover, under the cassocks of the three monks, three pairs of shiny black leather shoes were exposed.

Han Tang and the three of them looked around, especially the spotted leopard, and they could tell at a glance that the three monks were fake.

Maybe I found the three bald monks somewhere.

He turned around and glanced at Han Tang, and found that Han Tang's face was so angry that he was about to get angry.

So he hurried to the front road.

"OK OK."

"Just these three."

"When can we leave?

"We're in a hurry to leave."

Seeing the spotted leopard taking the initiative to act as peacemaker, Han Tang couldn't help but think funny.

Just right.

Save me, I came forward.

Otherwise, I don’t know how long we will have to talk about this fake monk.

This white shop owner must have tricked countless people in the past.

People have tricked me a lot.

When the owner of the funeral shop saw that the spotted leopard said there was no problem, he quickly pointed to the funeral driveway with a smile.


"If you don't mind it, you can leave now!"

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