Tricky Scam Call, The Scammer Is So Scared That He Calls The Police

Chapter 62 This Han Tang Is No Ordinary Person!

Follow the principle of not causing trouble now and not wasting time.

The spotted leopard was the first to enter the funeral car.

Then he opened the coffin board and lay down directly in it.

In order to give them a place to vent their anger, the owner of the funeral parlor deliberately left a gap in the coffin.

Used to exchange air.

When Shen Nianyun saw the spotted leopard lying down directly, she and Han Tang were the only two people left outside, so she quickly grabbed the palace maid and asked.

"Han Tang!"

"Honestly, how did you know this method?"

"I don't believe that a person with no criminal record can be so proficient in evading police pursuits!"

Seeing Shen Nianyun finally unable to bear it, Han Tang couldn't help but think about it funny, and then asked.

"If I hadn't figured it out, would I have been caught by the police with you?"

"And the deal fell through?"

"Shen Nianyun, is this what you want to see?"

After saying that, he shook off Shen Nianyun's hand and climbed into the funeral car.

Shen Nianyun stood in a daze behind the funeral car.

Xin said he understands these truths!

They must be trying to find a way to evade the police.

Otherwise, if you are really caught, the transaction will probably be lost.

But she just wanted to know.

How could Han Tang know so much about evading police pursuit!

This doesn't look like a guy who's running from the police for the first time.

People who are chased by the police for the first time will feel very guilty and frightened, thus exposing many flaws.

But Han Tang En?

He is very calm.

The brain is very flexible.

There was no flaw in the journey from the train station to here.

Does this look like someone who is on the run for the first time?

Shen Nianyun curled his lips and couldn't help thinking secretly.

This guy is just a tough talker.

But now is not the time to pursue the matter.

"Hey, are you leaving yet?" At this time, the owner of the funeral parlor was sitting in the driver's seat of the car, sticking his head out and looking at Shen Nianyun behind him.

"Aren't you in a hurry to leave?"

"What are you dawdling about?"

Shen Nianyun heard the boss's instructions, so he hurriedly agreed and climbed into the funeral car.

The coffin in the funeral car is small.

When Shen Nianyun lay down, he found that it was a bit crowded, but he actually felt that the place was a bit comfortable.

There are soft cushions inside, and the pillows are also soft.

It's really a good idea to lie down here and take a nap, then open your eyes and come to Yuncheng.

I don’t know how Han Tang came up with the idea.

Shaking his head, Shen Nianyun turned sideways, and then began to secretly wonder how he could trade with the Nine-faced Buddha after arriving in Yuncheng.

While investigating Han Tang.

At this time, Han Tang in the other coffin was thinking secretly.

After arriving at Yuncheng.

The good show has just begun.

But so far, it is not Shen Nianyun who makes Han Chang feel threatened the most.

But the stern one with a smile on his face.

He quietly placed Shen Nianyun beside him.

Movement is very inconvenient.

At this time, Han Tang thought about it secretly, and after a while, he raised the corners of his mouth and smiled lightly.

"If I have someone by my side, I'm guaranteed to win?"

"Will not."

"Nothing in the world belongs to me."

"But everything in the world is for my use."


"Let me have a good sleep first."

the other side.

In the Yuncheng Police Office, Yan Yan was sitting on the sofa, drinking tea with Wang Hexiang, the Yuncheng Police Chief.

The 30-square-meter office only has a desk, three sofas, a coffee table, and a bookcase dedicated to storing information and books.

The bookcases are filled with dense files.

However, there is an empty grid at the top with a medal.

【Second Class Merit Medal】

"So, the Nine-faced Buddha has arrived in Yuncheng now?"

"And we will be trading with you in the next day or two?"

"By the way, why are you so sure?"

Wang Hexiang took the teapot, filled Yan Yan with some water, and looked at him solemnly.

He nodded sternly, not in a hurry to reply to him, but looking at a text message on his phone.

[Yan Hall, the melon stall owner is handling the handover. According to the investigation, this person is an outsider, and he came to Xiaoban Town that day, and then went to the train station platform to sell melons that day. If nothing else, he should be Jiuban Town. A person with a Buddha face. 】

[In addition, the arrest work is currently underway. In accordance with your instructions, the police forces from ten nearby towns have been mobilized and the search for Han Tang and others is ongoing. 】

Seeing the text message on his phone, Yan Yan nodded.

It seems that I was not wrong at first.

Han Tang had obviously already noticed that there was something wrong with the melon stall owner.

And he guessed that he, like the spotted leopard, was a member of the Nine-Faced Buddha.

The boss of the melon stall was killed, on the one hand, it was for the spotted leopards to see, and it directly confirmed the identity of Liu Huaqiang, the underground boss.

On the one hand, the police helped them catch the melon stall owner. At least now it is reasonable for the melon stall owner to be injured and hospitalized.

It is reasonable for the police to come over for questioning and investigation after being hospitalized. After all, if someone is hacking someone, the police can't just ignore it, right?

As for what the police asked them, the Nine-Faced Buddha must have misunderstood the police for asking some innocuous questions like why he was chopped.

But what the police are really asking, only Harsh and Thunderjaw themselves know.

With the melon stall owner, they can learn more about the Nine-faced Buddha.

This is equivalent to Han Tang giving them a chance to get close to the Nine-faced Buddha and understand him.

Killing two birds with one stone is a brilliant idea!

Now the text message sent by Lei Jaw proves that there is indeed something fishy about this melon stall owner. How could he go to a strange city on the first day and then immediately go to the train station to sell melons?

No matter how he looks, he looks like a Nine-faced Buddha.

Even though there is no evidence to prove it now, everyone knows it.

Not only did he frighten the Nine-faced Buddha and prove his identity, he also helped the police arrest the melon stall owner.

This move is really ruthless and clever!

At this time, Yan Yan even wondered, under the circumstances at that time, how did Han Tang see through all this in a short period of time and come up with this solution?

Are you too thoughtful?

I had a high opinion of Han Tang at first, but I didn't expect to underestimate him in the end.

Yan Yan shook his head slightly, thinking that he never misses when he sees people, and this time is no exception. It is really right to ask Han Tang to do this.

It's could he, an ordinary person, be so capable?

Not only is he able to lift a knife but he also dares to do it ruthlessly, but his eyesight and demeanor... don't look like a normal person in any way!

"This Han Tang is no ordinary person!"

Stern sigh, but these are obviously not what need to be thought about now, the task is still the first priority at the moment.

Then he gave Wang Hexiang a stern look, smiled slyly and said.

"Man proposes, God disposes."

"Only the people in the 'game' can decide the outcome. Have you ever seen anyone who plays the game lose?"

"Don't worry, things are moving in the direction I expected, and there have been no changes so far."

"It's all under control."

"If there are no surprises, then this transaction will definitely go ahead.

"Now I just need you to help me mobilize some police force."

Wang Hexiang looked sternly, and couldn't help but twitching the corners of his eyes, and there was only one sentence in his heart.

A cunning old man!

It seems that he is short-sighted and it is impossible to achieve a position like Yan Ting.

Everyone thinks that there is black and white in this world.

But he knows that if you want to really suppress those evil forces, the first thing you have to do is to be darker than them.

There is no doubt that Harsh is such a person.

This Nine-faced Buddha was severely targeted.

It was really his misfortune.

But he still wanted to know where the confidence to be strict was.

So he asked.

"I've heard of this Nine-faced Buddha in Yuncheng, but I'm an old fool."

"The slightest disturbance can scare him into hiding."

"How can you be sure that you can catch him this time?"

Yan Yan smiled at this time and then said.

"Even if you catch him, you may not be able to catch him."


"But make him change."

"The current Nine-Faced Arms Organization is monolithic, and it is impossible to bring him down."

“Only by making him change can we find his weaknesses.

"This time, I just want to test the waters."

"As for whether it is successful or not, it depends on the transaction."

Wang Hexiang blinked and had to say that harsh words were too profound.

I'm afraid it's impossible to ask for specific plans.

So he said.

"Oh well."

"I'll help you dispatch the police force."

"It is entirely up to you to direct how to carry out the net-closing operation."

He nodded sternly, then continued to pick up his phone, found the text message with Thunder Jaw, tapped the screen and replied.

【Don't really catch them, just know what they are doing. 】

the other side.

Lei Jaw from Xiaoban Town has contacted the local police.

Local police comrades have been warned.

Just find them, but don't actually catch them.

If you really want to catch it, you can't catch it yet.

What he didn't expect was.

He underestimated several people in Han Tang.

At this time, Lei Jaw was sitting in the conference room of Xiaoban Town Police Station.

Waiting for the police to come back and report the news about Han Tang.

Because Han Tang has Shen Nianyun beside him, and Xiaoban Town is so big, and the several towns and villages near Xiaoban Town are also very small, it is very easy to find them.

But what Thunderjaw didn't expect was something.

Almost a day has passed, and there is still no news about Han Tang.

At this time, Lei Jaw not only asked the police officers from the local police station in the conference room.

"Haven't found it yet?"

The police officer glanced at Thunderjaw, shook his head, and then said.

"Team Lei, we have already looked for everything we need to look for."

"To eliminate the information we got before, we only know that these three people stopped in Weng Village near Xiaoban Town, and then took a taxi to Donglin Town."

"No one has seen them since Donglin Town."

"All police forces are now conducting searches in Donglin Town."

"But it had no effect."

"It seems that after a few of them arrived in Donglin Town, they completely disappeared."

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