Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 15 You are also hit by this trick

After Zhang Yunqing dismissed the meeting, seeing that it was time to get off work, he clocked in and got off work. While walking to Unit 1, Building 1, Tongyuan, a temporary accommodation location that he had just rented, he thought about the various events that happened during his short working time at Western Construction Co., Ltd. Feeling the phone vibrating, I took it out and saw that it was from Zhao Manfu. He quickly answered the phone and said to Zhao Manfu, "Hey, leader, I haven't heard your voice for a long time. Where are you?"

"Yunqing, I'm going back to the company to report for work today. I didn't see you in the office?"

"We had a one-day meeting today, and it's past get off work time after the meeting, so I'm on my way back to where I live now."

"Then where you live is not far from the company?"

"Not far."

"If it's not too far away, come to this barbecue restaurant outside the east gate of the company park, and come again after the name is called."

"If you want to get it, it is estimated that it will take 15 minutes to get close."

"Okay, wait for you, don't worry."

After Zhang Yunqing waited for Zhao Manfu to hang up the phone, they turned around and walked towards the barbecue restaurant at the east gate of the Western Construction Co., Ltd. park.

After a walk of more than 10 minutes, we arrived soon. At the entrance of Haoyoulai Grill, there was a small table sitting next to Zhao Manfu.

Zhang Yunqing stepped forward, greeted Zhao Manfu and sat down. Zhao Manfu asked Zhang Yunqing with concern: "How is it, Yunqing, just came to the north, are you used to it?"

"I'm not very used to it. I stayed in a hotel on the first night, and the next morning I woke up with blood clots in my nose. I couldn't even get out of anger. It scared me so bad.

"Hahaha, you also fell for this trick. I was like this when I first came to the north, and I was quite frightened."

After this chat, the atmosphere between the two became warmer.

Zhao Manfu continued to ask: "What happened to the temporary place to live on the phone just now?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "I work here for at least one month. If I live in a hotel every day, it is estimated that my monthly salary may not be enough to pay the room fee, so I temporarily rent a single room to live in. "

"Then the rent is a lot of money a month?"

"The rent is 1,700 yuan per month."

"It's been 10 days since you came to work at the new company, right?"

"Well, it's 10 days today."

"Did the Ministry of Commerce arrange any specific tasks for you during this period?"

"Yes, I was asked to help review a settlement for the next project the day after I arrived."

"Is the project big?"

"For our original small company, it still has to be considered relatively large. The amount of labor settlement and submission for an expanded subcontract alone is 23 million yuan. In the past, the other party's settlement was less than 20 million yuan."

"Yes, this is the advantage of a large company. A small project undertaken by a large company may be much larger than a small company. The size and scale are much larger. "

"Yes, yes. It's just that big companies have some flaws."

"You discovered the defect so quickly, Yunqing, it's not easy, come and listen."

"For example: this time I was asked to review the new employee's project, and I reviewed it on the basis of the previous review by the Commerce Department of the original business department. In this case, the review result is: the project department submitted a review amount of 23 million , the person in charge of the settlement of the Ministry of Commerce originally reviewed the quota of 23 million yuan, and I reviewed and reviewed the settlement amount of 16.55 million yuan, and the review reduction amount was 6.45 million yuan, and the reduction rate was 28%.

"Which project is this? Who are the project manager and business manager?"

"This project is the administrative center project of Xishan Province, the project manager is Peng Siyuan, and the business manager is Jia Xuesong."

"The results of your trial are so different,

Have you checked and confirmed with the project department? "

"Today's one-day meeting was organized by Huabaihuahua. At the meeting, we met and communicated with the Xishan project management personnel, and fully expressed the opinions of all parties and reached an unanimous result."

"That is to say, through this meeting, you took your review results and confirmed the review results on the spot through face-to-face communication."


"Congratulations, congratulations, such a result came out as soon as we arrived. It can be regarded as a victory, which is gratifying. Come and have a drink." Zhao Manfu was also very happy to hear the news, and said with the wine glass in his hand.

Zhang Yunqing picked up the wine glass, the mouth of the glass was slightly lower than Zhao Manfu's wine glass, touched it, and drank it.

After putting down the wine glass, Zhang Yunqing actively filled Zhao Manfu's wine glass and filled his own wine glass smoothly.

"Then you have reduced the trial so much, do you feel offended?"

"People are probably offended. During the meeting, Peng Siyuan, the project manager, seized all the opportunities he thought, and it was almost a whole day of washing me. But in the end, in front of the data and evidence, I had to admit such a thing. The results of the review are all. It's just that the mistakes they made are too low-level. I don't think I can figure out where they got the courage."

"What low-level mistakes did they make?"

"For example: the amount of rebar works they settled on is equivalent to 10 times the target consumption of conventional reinforced concrete components, specifically the 60 tons of re-examined rebar works. They wrote it as 650 tons. think it makes sense."

"This is too much. Generally, it is normal to learn to fluctuate around the indicator consumption. This is an obvious mistake."

"For another example: the project quantity of the next house is A, and their audited project quantity is B. In theory, A is less than or equal to B, but they just want to appear that A is less than B, and it is not one place, it is a lot of mistakes, Every place where this happens, after a review, the project quantity A submitted by others for review is correct, which shows that there is a suspicion of deliberate increase in the review process of the project department. , it is unreasonable, it is too conspicuous, and it is easy to be discovered. Therefore, it is difficult to understand why the project department produces these inappropriate behaviors during the review process.”

"That's probably because you came too early to find out such issues."

"I think so too, because when the General Manager of Hua Baibai arranged for me to review, basically, the Ministry of Commerce's settlement review work of the business division has been completed. In principle, the Minister of Commerce will directly sign and confirm the situation after understanding the situation."

"In this way, you came to the company to work at this time node, which just happened to help Mr. Hua save more than 6 million economic losses for the company."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, this loss seems to have been avoided. But I think we still need some institutionalization and standardization to help the company. No matter who you are in the future, as long as you follow the rules, he will be able to Helping the company avoid the losses that may be caused by these low-level mistakes is more beneficial to the company's future development."

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