Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 297 Do you know why I am so happy?

Zhao Manfu chose a barbecue restaurant, and the two of them walked in and sat down at a table with a view of the sea.

Zhao Manfu called the waiter and quickly ordered dishes and drinks.

Zhang Yunqing rarely enjoyed the scenery of the sea. He pulled up a chair and sat facing the sea. I saw that the sea wave was like a charging team, noisy and shouting, rushing towards the beach on the shore with all its strength; then, as if it had lost a battle, it retreated without a trace, and even dropped many clam shells. Snail shells, and some white plastic garbage; Zhang Yunqing shook his head, thinking that wherever there are people, there will be environmental damage. It would be great if everyone paid attention to protecting the environment.

The sea breeze blew gently, the main work of the Nanshan project was progressing smoothly, and the two of them felt relatively comfortable. Even the service level in restaurants feels better than before. The ordered dishes and drinks were served quickly.

The two of them each filled up their own beer glasses. Zhao Manfu, with a smile on his face, slowly raised his glass and touched it with Zhang Yunqing and said, "Done."

Zhang Yunqing also happily replied: "It's done."

The two of them put down their wine glasses and each filled their own glasses.

Zhao Manfu said happily: "Do you know why I am so happy?"

Zhang Yunqing shook his head in confusion and said he didn't know.

Zhao Manfu explained: "Do you know what this 20 million payment means?

It means that my initial goal of coming to Western architecture has been achieved.

For the projects I have worked on in my past life, let alone receiving a one-time payment of 20 million, even the contract amount was not 20 million, and the largest construction contract was only a little over 10 million.

But this time when I came to Western Architecture, I wanted to manage large projects and learn the management experience of large projects.

Through this success of collecting 20 million yuan, I truly realized that the management difference between a project worth 10 million yuan and a project worth 100 million yuan is essentially not that big.

As long as we are patient and meticulous, look at, think, and ponder more about everything, and make every decision carefully considered, the management of large projects is not much more complicated than small projects. It’s just that the amount involved must be larger, there must be more people involved, and if there is a problem, the responsibility will be much heavier.

Through this collection work, I have enhanced my confidence in managing large projects, and also improved my practical ability in project management. "

Zhang Yunqing raised his glass and toasted: "Congratulations to Mr. Zhao."

Zhao Manfu raised his glass and said in thanks: "Thank you. Although this work was successful, it was only achieved through the joint efforts of everyone."

Zhang Yunqing continued: "Yes. For such a major payment collection matter, many people are involved, and the time span is also very long. From the initial uneasiness, irritability, and anxiety, we gradually sorted things out later. I also experienced a lot of difficulties.

I'm thinking that if this work was not required by the construction party to rush for work, maybe the payment collection would not have been so smooth at all.

Regarding this, we can verify whether our conjecture today is correct through future balance collection. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "What you said makes sense. If it were not for the rush for work, the construction unit would not be in a hurry to pay, and their review process would not be shortened by more than a month.

If we are not rushing to work, the general contractor will not agree that we can issue invoices in advance to collect payment; at least they must review our project quantity and progress declaration form. If we argue, it will take half a month, and maybe we have not made it clear yet.

Therefore, "Qian Engineering" is only reflected in the word "Qian". If you don't do it, you will definitely not be able to collect the money, but if you do, there are still many problems waiting for our managers to solve. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Of course, if it is all very simple, sitting in that position and doing nothing, just eating what is ready, then the boss will not pay high salaries to hire these project managers."

Zhao Manfu replied: "You are right.

I have been working on projects for so many years. It can be said that no project is very smooth.

There is no project that has not been messed up.

The relationship between Party A and Party B can be said to be one of love and murder.

When Party A needs to rush for work or needs performance, it will like and care for Party B more, and will think of you first in everything.

But once the project is completed, you may forget everything, including the price you promised, the visa you promised, the compensation you promised, and the settlement you promised to relax. "

Zhang Yunqing smiled bitterly and said: "Yes, we are the vulnerable group as Party B. Is it easy to ask for project funds? You see, some workers in house construction always climb high towers. If something goes wrong, what do you think? Is the person who climbed up willing to do it?”

Zhao Manfu criticized: "You are stupid, what do you want? As the saying goes, it is better to live than die.

If a person dies, doesn’t there be nothing left?

If a person is not afraid of death, then what else is scary?

So, I don’t know what those workers who jump off buildings just to get a few thousand yuan think about it. As long as people live, can’t they earn a few thousand yuan? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "As for this issue, my understanding may be a cognitive issue."

Zhao Manfu asked: "What do you mean?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Take what I have experienced personally.

My family is from the countryside, a true farmer.

We also have neighbors, and the relationship between the neighbors is not good. It can be said that they hate each other.

These hatreds will lead to frequent quarrels and troubles between neighbors.

What are the disputes or causes of these problems? "

Zhao Manfu asked: "What are the reasons?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "These reasons are very simple, but also relatively difficult to understand.

For example, if the fields of two families are adjacent, if one family plants a cypress tree on the edge of the field, the cypress tree will be only a little over 1 meter high.

But the other family quit and started to quarrel. "

Zhao Manfu asked curiously: "What impact can a tree that is not taller than a person have on others? How can there be a quarrel?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It had no impact on others at the time when the tree was planted.

People who come to argue with you will tell you how tall your cypress tree will be in five years, how big the tree will be, how much area it will shade my field, and how much area it will shade my crops. Sunlight will affect the harvest of my fields. Then he asked you to cut down the cypress tree you just planted or move it to another place where it would not affect his field. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "What if the person who planted the tree just doesn't care about it?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It's very simple. One is that people from both families often quarrel because of this matter. The other is that the other party may often come to shake the small tree you planted, or give it to you quietly." A lot of chemical fertilizers are applied to small trees.”

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