Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 386 Lin Yiping is confused

Su Xiashan replied: "I understand, you have your process, and we also have our process.

However, this matter is already known to the leaders, and all that is left is to complete the procedures.

I've only given you two months, so you have to work hard and don't joke around.

If special things should be done, special things should be done. "

Song Xiaoshan replied: "Okay, I will report this matter when I go back right away."

When the two came out of Su Xiashan's office, Song Xiaoshan notified all personnel of a meeting in the project department conference room.

Song Xiaoshan personally went to Zhao Manfu's office to invite Zhao Manfu to the conference room for a meeting.

Zhao Manfu asked: "We invite everyone to come together for a meeting today to discuss and resolve the specific details of the landscape improvement construction of the first phase of the Bowen Project.

Please ask Song Xiaoshan to chair the discussion and formulate meeting minutes and report documents to the company. "

After Song Xiaoshan waited for Zhao Manfu to finish speaking, he said to everyone with a smile: "First of all, I want to tell you some good news.

Yesterday, Mr. Zhao personally visited Mr. Tang, the head of Nanhai Company of Comba Group, and the two companies reached an agreement.

First, our landscape improvement plan has received final approval and Liu Yuze has signed it.

The second is to agree that we sign a supplementary contract corresponding to the construction content of the landscape improvement plan, with an amount of 9 million yuan.

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Article 2: Party A’s Su Gong has received the 9 million yuan budget we reported to him, and has started their internal contract approval process today.

The results of this communication and the rapid progress were completely beyond my original expectations.

I admire Mr. Zhao's communication and coordination skills very much.

Let us applaud and thank Mr. Zhao for solving this big problem for our project department. "

After speaking, he took the lead in applauding, and warm applause also erupted in the conference room.

Zhao Manfu also took advantage of the situation to share another piece of news: “The reason why we pay more attention to the landscape improvement this time.

It's because Mr. Tang asked us to do a good job in improving the landscape.

This would help him eliminate some internal opposition.

If everything goes well, the second phase of the Bowan project's landscaping project will be directly contracted to us for construction.

This is Mr. Tang’s opinion. "

"Let me tell you my opinion:

That is, we must improve the landscape well and obtain the construction contracting rights for the second phase of the Bowan project's garden landscape project.

Everyone continues to meet and discuss. "

Song Xiaoshanhui reported: "Mr. Zhao, this is what I think about:

Greening labor workers continue to use Sister Jiang’s work for the first phase of the project.

I originally asked Tao Shengjie about the supplier of seedlings, and he suggested using the original ones.

Only the railings are made of materials that are not from the original manufacturer, and the rest can be used as long as a supplementary contract is signed.

But now our construction period is only two months, and we must start construction immediately.

The bidding procedure for material railings cannot follow the formal bidding process, but must follow a simplified process.

The material technician here also uses Wang Ming, the material technician of the Nanshan project, and he needs to be transferred here as soon as possible.

For mechanical and earthmoving projects, the original team can directly sign a supplementary contract. "

Zhao Manfu nodded and said: "The general direction is right. Since it involves money, we need to write a report and attach a capital plan."

Song Xiaoshan arranged: "I am the only one who will do the reporting, and the financial planning will be done by the metalworkers."

Jin Haoran said: "Is this funding plan based on new projects or old projects?"

Zhang Yunqing answered: "The contract above is a supplementary contract signed, and most of the contracts below are also supplementary contracts signed. Only one railing needs to be tendered.

This funding plan will continue on the basis of the first phase, otherwise the project will have to be re-established.

We currently have no contract signed by our counterparty, and there is no way to complete the project establishment work.

Therefore, under the current situation, it is easiest to continue making capital plans on the basis of one phase. "

Jin Haoran smiled and said: "Mr. Zhang, is this your own idea or the opinion given by the company?"

Zhang Yunqing explained patiently: "During the time I stayed in Kyoto, I was relatively familiar with the financial managers of the business department and understood their practices.

In order to make things more secure, I can also contact Kyoto again after the meeting.

Metalworker, hurry up and make a specific fund plan.

Maybe after I contact Kyoto, they will ask us to provide a funding plan and then discuss it. "

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay."

Zhao Manfu saw that everyone was almost finished discussing: "Please go and handle the tasks assigned to you immediately.

The meeting adjourned. "

After Zhang Yunqing returned to his office, he took out his mobile phone and found Lin Yiping's phone number in the phone address book. After dialing the number, he asked, "Gong Lin, is it convenient to talk now?"

"It's convenient, Mr. Zhang, please tell me what you need."

“The first phase of the Bowen project involves landscape improvement.

Yesterday, Mr. Zhao communicated with Mr. Tang from Party A and reached an agreement to sign a supplementary contract based on the construction contract of the Bowan Phase I project. The contract amount has been determined.

It's 9 million.

Party A has already started the signing process of this supplementary contract.

The construction requirements this time are a bit urgent? Only two months were given and the construction was required to start immediately.

However, there are currently only landscape improvement plans and no specific construction drawings.

So the project department just had a meeting? They are preparing to write a report to the company to explain the situation.

The purpose of the report is to get a start-up capital.

There are still some questions about the preparation of this capital plan.

I have two opinions on the project:

The first is to add planning requirements to the original fund plan for the period.

The second is to open a new project for the supplementary contract and make a new funding plan. "

"Your matter is a bit complicated. I have never encountered such a type before.

I'll get back to you after asking the leader for instructions. "

"Okay, sorry. Bye."


After Lin Yiping ended her phone call with Zhang Yunqing, she came to Hua Baibai's office.

"Mr. Hua, Zhang Yunqing called just now to say that a 9 million supplementary contract for the first phase of the Bowan project needs to be signed, and the corresponding construction work must start immediately.

The project department needs to prepare a corresponding capital plan. They don't know whether to continue to prepare the capital plan based on the original period? Or to prepare a capital plan based on a completely new project. "

"Xiao Lin, such a professional detail question? Don't ask me."


"Oh what. Do you know who to ask?"

"I'll try to ask the financial leader."

"Right? You need to use more brains when doing things. Finance is the professional leader in this area.

Go and ask them. "

Lin Yiping left Hua Baibai's office and went to the finance office.

There are so many financial leaders, do we have to ask them one by one?

But you can't directly ask Feng Shilan, the person in charge of the financial center.

The people I often come into contact with include Tang Yulan, the financial contact person, Ma Jing, the deputy financial manager, and Xue Xue, the deputy financial director.

Lin Yiping was struggling in her heart, among these three people, who is more suitable to ask and who can get more accurate answers?

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