Zhang Yunqing quickly came to the office of financial teller Zou Fang. When he saw Zou Fang scanning invoices, he urged: "Hurry up a little, it's almost time to get off work."

Financial teller Zou Fang replied: "Okay, don't worry. It will be done in a few minutes."

During this time gap, Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone, looked up the phone number of Su Xiashan of Comba Group in the phone address book, dialed it and said: "Mr. Su, our invoice has been issued and will be given to you right away. Send it over, please wait a moment."

"Send me the electronic scan first, and then bring me the original."


After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Su Xiashan, he said: "Sister Fang, Su Xiashan from Party A also needs a scan of your current invoice. After you scan it, arrange for Jin Haoran to send the scan to Su Xiashan.

I'll send the original invoice first. "

Financial cashier Zou Fang asked: "Is it the same Su Xia Shan Su who sent it to Party A to figure out the cost?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes, it will be sent to him."

“Then there’s no need to trouble Jin Haoran anymore.

I originally added Su Xiashan's QQ account, so I scanned it and sent it to him. "

“Well, that’s better.

Even faster. "

After the financial teller scanned the seven invoices, he handed the original invoice to Zhang Yunqing and said: "Here are the originals for you.

Regarding sending the scanned copy, I will send it to Su Xiashan immediately.

Do you need me to send you one to keep track of? "

After Zhang Yunqing took the invoice, he said: "Okay.

You need to send me a scanned copy of the invoice for record keeping.

I was anxious and left first. "

Zhang Yunqing drove to the parking lot downstairs of Su Xiashan's office with the original invoice of 7 million yuan. After parking the car, he went upstairs to Su Xiashan's workstation and said, "Mr. Su, this is 7 million yuan." Yuan invoice.”

Su Xiashan took the invoice and counted it before saying, "Okay. An invoice of seven million yuan."

Zhang Yunqing asked again: "The scanned copy of the invoice was sent to you by the financial teller Zou Fang.

Can you see if there are any files on QQ? "

Su Xiashan looked at QQ and said, "No documents have been sent yet."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Then let me call and ask what the situation is."

Zhang Yunqing took the mobile phone and looked up the phone number of the financial teller Zou Fang in the phone address book. After getting through, he asked: "Sister Fang, I am here with Party A, Mr. Su, and he has not received the scanned copy of your invoice. "

Financial teller Zou Fang smiled and said: "It's normal that he didn't receive it. The file is a bit large and the Internet speed is a bit slow. The offline file I sent shows that it will take a few minutes to complete the sending."

"Okay, I know."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with financial teller Zou Fang.

Reporting to Su Xia Shanhui: "Mr. Su, Sister Fang said that due to the slow Internet speed, the scanned document is being transmitted, and her computer shows that it will take a few minutes to complete the sending of the offline file."


"Mr. Su, after we provide all the invoices, is it possible to receive the project payment today?"

"It's impossible under normal circumstances. You have to get the signatures of many leaders to complete the payment approval. Unless, unless"

"Unless what?"

"Unless you find a big enough leader to say hello, you may use the green channel and pay the money today."

"Okay, I know.

Thank you Mr. Su.

If the money has been paid, if you know about it, please let me know. "


After Zhang Yunqing said hello to Su Xiashan, he left Su Xiashan's office, went to the parking lot downstairs and drove back to the Bowen Project Department.

Zhang Yunqing saw that it was time to eat, went to the canteen, found his rice bowl, filled the food, took it to the cement floor behind the kitchen, found a chair, and sat in the sun to eat lunch.

After a while, budget clerk Jin Haoran also came to Zhang Yunqing's side with his rice bowl.

He casually said, "Mr. Zhang, according to your opinion, I went to find Su Xiashan from Party A and asked him about Party A's settlement rules."

"Oh, did you get the standard?"

“No, he said their current company management is not standardized.

The company has not issued any internal documents in this regard, so we can just follow the regular settlement submission rules. "


In that case, that's pretty much what we talked about last night.

Sort it out as soon as possible and try to form a timetable for settling various tasks this afternoon.

Then we can invite Mr. Zhao to have a meeting together to finalize internal work matters.

Now that the construction work of the project department is completed, the more important work is the settlement work. "


"One more thing.

Regarding the lower settlement, can the review be started in advance, and the final settlement review and approval work for the lower settlement be made after the upper settlement is approved.

I also made a special call this morning to the Commerce Minister of the business department, Mr. Hua Baibaihua, to discuss it.

He also held the same views that I discussed with you last night.

We completely agree that we should start the settlement review work for the lower side now to ensure that the project quantities submitted for settlement review are basically correct. We only need to wait for the settlement approval from the upper side before proceeding with the approval process for the lower settlement. "

After hearing this, Jin Haoran said: "Well, as long as everyone agrees, tomorrow I will start to notify those suppliers to submit their settlement documents."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay.

It’s just that you have to notify the material and seedling companies to handle the settlement of their suppliers in accordance with this principle. "

Jin Haoran replied: "Okay. I will find time to tell Wang Ming and Yu Shengjie about this matter.

How is your matter with Su Xiashan about collecting money? Did it go well? "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "The invoice has been handed over to Su Xiashan. It seems to be going smoothly so far."

Just as he was talking about this, Zhao Manfu also walked out, and Zhang Yunqing stood up and asked: "Mr. Zhao, has Mr. Yuan called you back?

What Su Xiashan said is that if you want to receive money today or tomorrow, you must find a big enough leader to say hello to it. Only then can you succeed. "

Zhao Manfu replied: "Mr. Yuan has called back. She has already called the leader, and the other party promised to call in the afternoon to say hello.

By the way, in order to avoid unnecessary accidents.

You go to Su Xiashan's office in the afternoon and wait for him. "

Zhang Yunqing said nothing and turned around to see Jin Haoran snickering there.

Zhang Yunqing endured it for a while, then finally succeeded and said: "Mr. Zhao, I said in the morning that I would stay until Su Xia Mountain and leave after the payment is received, but he has already driven me away.

If you now arrange for me to guard him in the afternoon, he will probably be kicked out.

Is it necessary to keep it there? "

Zhao Manfu replied: "You must stay until this afternoon.

If I don't let you watch in the office, you can watch in their parking lot instead.

If there is a problem, you can respond immediately.

You must ensure that the seven million is received into the company's account today. "

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