Everyone looked at Lei Zhao like a fool and said, "Aren't there any problems with you? You came here by boat, how could you walk back?"

Only spend a hundred years smiling without saying a word.

Lei Zhao smiled and said: "I tell everyone, I won't go back by boat in the afternoon, I will go back on foot. Do you believe it?"

"Don't believe, don't believe, don't believe..."

"Then let's make a bet. I bet that I can walk from this mountain to the ticket office where we came. If I can't walk back, I lose. Who would be willing to bet?"

"How much is the bet per person?"

"How about Wu Shiyuan alone?"

The crowd replied, "Yes."

According to Lei Zhao's statistics, Han Zhaocai, Su Dekuai, Lin Yiping, Zhou Zhiyan, Nangong You, Hua Renjie, and Li Jun participated in Lei Zhao's gambling game.

Lei Zhao smiled and said: "Okay. When everyone loses, remember to give me money, don't be fooled. We will gather at the location where we landed today at 5:30 in the afternoon. Then we can organize free activities and tour freely. ."

"Gong Zhang, why don't you bet?" Lei Zhao asked.

Zhang Yunqing gave Lei Zhao a white look and said, "Are you crazy about money, aren't you worried?"

Lei Zhao replied, "What am I worried about, making money with wisdom, is there a problem?"

Zhang Yunqing replied, "Yes." Then he walked away.

Zhang Yunqing lived in the inland before, he had never been out of Xichuan, and he had never been to the north.

Looking at the sea in front of me now, I am very excited.

I climbed to the top of the mountain by myself, wanting to stand on the top of the mountain and see what the sea is like.

When Zhang Yunqing stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the sea, he felt no big difference from the sea he saw on the shore.

The sea water in his eyes is blue and stretches to the horizon.

For Zhang Yunqing, the greatness of the sea cannot be described in words, it can only be understood and cannot be described in words.

Zhang Yunqing originally thought that the water in the sea was calm, like an inland lake, it was still.

In fact, when standing on the beach, the waves of the sea are constantly washing the shore.

Although Zhang Yunqing did not participate in the gambling organized by Lei Zhao, he was still very interested in this gambling.

Zhang Yunqing came down from the top of the mountain, turned to the mountain in the direction of the landing point, found a shady place, sat down, and observed and thought quietly.

The ferries to and fro kept going, and there was no sign of a road at all.

Zhang Yunqing judged that this attraction was arranged by Lei Zhao, and maybe he knew some reasons.

Others actually don't know much about this attraction at all.

That's why Zhang Yunqing didn't bother to make this bet with Lei Zhao.

Every hour, Zhang Yunqing observes the water surface between Dushan and the ticket office. You can feel the water level dropping a little bit.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, an intermittent gravel road was exposed, with a width of about 50 meters. However, there are still some places where sea water is still there, and the road is not completely open.

Zhang Yunqing thought to himself, could this road really be fully revealed as the tide of the sea falls, and even can be walked over?

Han Zhaocai came over and greeted Zhang Yunqing: "Zhang Gong, do you think this Lei Zhao deliberately cheated us of money?"

Zhang Yunqing said: "Why, do you now believe that you can walk back to the ticket office?"

"I can't believe it. The road is so wide that it shows."

"Lei Gong, didn't you set the time at 5:30? If you want to be able to walk there, there must be a continuous road without sea water along the entire length of the road.

Otherwise, the shoes will get wet, and it is not a normal walk. "

"Zhang Gong, this procurator Lei Gong is a traitor. He wants to make money everywhere, and he will not let it go when he has the opportunity. Wait a minute, I will ask the bosses who sell handicrafts, and I should know if I can walk there. "

Han Zhaocai and Zhang Yunqing walked to the handicraft stalls together, and they chose an uncle who looked more honest and asked him, "Master, may I be able to walk back to the ticket office in Dushan this afternoon? "

The uncle of the trader replied: "At 5 o'clock this afternoon, it will be the time of dry tide. At that time, the road you see now will completely emerge from the sea, and then you can walk there. . This is a major feature of Dushan Scenic Area, don't you know that you are here to travel?"

Han Zhaocai thanked: "Thank you uncle for pointing, I really don't know. Why is this road so strange?"

The uncle of the merchant replied: "This strange road has a magical name."

"Oh, what's the name?"

"The people on this mountain call this road the 'Heaven Road'"

"Tianlu, Tianlu, Tianlu" Han Zhaocai patted his thigh and shouted, "This name is very good."

After turning around and walking away, Han Zhaocai said to Zhang Yunqing: "This treacherous Lei Zhao actually earned Tianlu's money. He is very powerful. Zhang Gong, what do you think?"

Zhang Yunqing smiled and said, "He actually has a way to crack it."

"How to break?"

"He can bet on countless people by himself, which is problematic in itself. If he is not 100% sure, how can he do this?"

"Gong Zhang, your analysis is correct. Why didn't I think of it."

"Han Gong, if we are less willing to take advantage, we can also break his gamble. You see, I didn't think of the reason at the time. I analyzed it comprehensively, and his confidence was so strong. I don't want to take advantage of it either. , so I chose to ignore him, and the result was a crooked fight, avoiding the matter of being won by mine workers."

At 5:30 pm, 10 people have arrived at the agreed meeting point.

After spending a hundred years watching Lei Zhao gather everyone together, he asked a question: "This morning, everyone has climbed so many steps, does anyone know how many steps there are in total?"

Everyone was shaking their heads, but Zhang Yunqing didn't, but he didn't know why he asked this question.

Hua Baibai asked Zhang Yunqing, "Everyone shook their heads to show they didn't know. You didn't shake your head. Do you know how many steps there are in total?"

Zhang Yunqing thought for a while and thought that this question would not be harmful, so he replied: "I counted 999 steps, but I may not count them correctly. After all, climbing the steps is so tiring, it is inevitable that I will count wrong."

Hua Hundred Years praised: "Everyone has to learn from Zhang Yunqing and do the details well in the work. Why is he the only one who counts the steps for so many people? Everyone has to think about it."

After Lei Zhao finished talking about Hua Hundred Years, he said to everyone: "We made a bet this morning, everyone can see the current road, the sea has completely receded, and we can walk there completely. Except for Mr. Hua , Zhang Gong, and the other seven people, each of them will pay me 50 yuan now."

Although everyone was reluctant, but they were willing to admit defeat, they still obediently handed over 50 yuan to Lei Zhao.

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