Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 66 Make an appointment to recruit workers in Hongxin County

After Zhang Yunqing came out of Hua Baibai's office, he came to Han Zhaocai and said: "Han Gong, this time I am going to the impoverished county to recruit those 500 workers. It will be too lonely if I go alone. After I mentioned it to Mr. Hua, he I agree to let you go together, are you willing to go?"

Han Zhaocai asked: "When will we go and how many days will it take?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "We will leave tomorrow and we can probably come back this weekend."

Han Zhaocai replied: "You can go. In this case, I will simply hand over the work to Su Dekuaiqian this afternoon, which will just allow him to adapt."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Then it's agreed that we will set off together tomorrow. I'm going to make some preparations."

Han Zhaocai waved his hand and said, "You go ahead."

Han Zhaocai said to Su Dekuai next to him: "Gong Su, I am going on a business trip with Gong Zhang tomorrow.

Within this week's time frame, each project department will gradually submit their funding plan statements. In the past, it was reported directly to me, but this time it is still reported directly to me. It's just that I don't have time to review and process the documents after I receive them. I will forward all the received documents to you at that time, so you can review them. If you have any questions during the review process, you can call me and ask. "

"Han Gong, isn't it a bit fast to go to the battlefield just after training?"

"To others, you may be too quick, but judging from the communication with you these days, there is no problem for you to start reviewing the funding plan reported by the project department now.

I will now send you some compressed files, one compressed package for each project department. The files in the compressed package include the project department’s previous funding schedules and various contract documents for the project. Do you know what to do after receiving these documents? "

"I know. I'll first look at each project department's latest funding schedule, and then look at each project department's contract documents."

"Yes, I just said you have a high level of understanding.

I will give you my ERP account name, password, and Internet address, and you can log in on your current computer.

When you review the project department's capital plan, you need to go to the ERP system to query the entered ERP costs and paid amounts of each supplier involved in the project department's capital plan.

The workload of this work is relatively large and requires careful attention. It is very likely that the project department did not strictly check these data when preparing the schedule, which will lead to wrong fund planning, and in serious cases, it may lead to overpayment. "

"Okay, Worker Han, I will review and check the information one by one."

"Gong Su, the capital plan documents of each project department have been sent to you on QQ. Please hurry up and check it. I will be in the company this afternoon. If you have any questions, I can communicate in person.

And after you review the fund plan, isn’t there a sign-off block below? You don’t know who it is now, but you can ask Zhiyan next week. She can tell you who the leader corresponding to each sign-off block is. The office is where. For any leader you have never met in person, you can ask her to take you on the first trip. After you become familiar with it, you should go to the leaders who stopped you to sign. "

"Well, Han Gong, I've written it down."

Han Zhaocai said to Su Dekuai: "Then you should study it first. I will go to Zhang Gong to discuss it."

Su Dekuai responded: "Okay."

Han Zhaocai came to Zhang Yunqing's workstation and asked, "Mr. Zhang, where are we going to go tomorrow?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Korean workers, it's like this: When recruiting workers this time, I chose five counties during the survey. They are Hongxin County, Liu'an County, Wuliao County, Dongli County, and Wuhang County. Among them, our transportation The most convenient and direct places to go are Hongxin County and Liu'an County, either by train or bus. As for buses, the frequency is obviously more frequent.

Do you want to choose a car or a train? "

Han Zhaocai said: "The train time is either very early or very late, so it's a bit difficult to choose. How about we choose the direct bus that leaves at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning, first to Hongxin County, and then to Liu'an County."

Zhang Yunqing said: "Yes, then we will get up at 5 o'clock tomorrow morning, go to the bus station to buy tickets and take the bus to Hongxin County."

Han Zhaocai said: "Gong Zhang, who should we look for after we go to Hongxin County?"

"Currently I only have the phone numbers of their Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security and Bureau of Agriculture. I'll call them now and ask again."

Zhang Yunqing picked up the phone and dialed the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Hongxin County and said, "Hello, is this the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Hongxin County?"

A female voice on the phone replied: "Yes, what can I do for you?"

"I am Zhang Yunqing from the fifth business department of Oriental Construction Co., Ltd. I am entrusted by the company to arrive in your county tomorrow afternoon. I want to recruit 500 workers. The time is tight and I have not found a good method, so I took the liberty to call and ask for your help. help."

"It is a good thing for our county to recruit workers in our county. First of all, I would like to extend my welcome.

Our Bureau of Human Resources and Social Security does not directly manage workers, but there is a labor market on East Street. I suggest you go there and try again. "

"Okay, when we arrive tomorrow, we will first go to the labor market on Dongjie. Can you please introduce me to one or two larger township and town mayors? If I don't do well in the labor market, I will You can also contact them directly to see if there is a better way.”

"There are two townships in our county with a population of more than 50,000. I will give you the telephone numbers of the township chiefs of these two townships. One is the telephone number of the mayor of Lianghe Township Wang, and the other is the telephone number of the mayor of Baita Township Chen. It’s XXX.”

"Okay, thank you. In case these two people don't know me, they may need to tell me that it's your phone number. Is it convenient for you to check?"

"What's the inconvenience of this?"

"Okay. May I ask, what's your last name? If the two mayors ask, I can give you your name."

"It's free of charge. If you really need to talk about it, just say it was provided by Liu Ming from the Hongxin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau."

"Okay, thank you, Leader Wang. Bye."

Zhang Yunqing discussed with Han Zhaocai: "Today's progress is good. One is knowing that there is a Dongjie labor market, and the other is getting the phone calls of two township chiefs. It will be more convenient when we arrive tomorrow."

Han Zhaocai said: "The township head may not necessarily have workers on hand."

"then what should we do?"

"First give me the phone number of the township head."

"Okay. This is Mayor Wang of Lianghe Township. His phone number is XXX."

Han Zhaocai called Township Chief Wang and said, "Hello, hello, are you Mayor Wang of Lianghe Township, Hongxin County?"

A baritone voice came from the phone: "Yes, who are you?"

"I am Han Zhaocai from the Commerce Department of the Fifth Division of Western Construction Co., Ltd."

"Where did you get my phone number?"

"It was Liu Ming from the Hongxin County Human Resources and Social Security Bureau who provided your phone number."

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