Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 693: A person who deserves a beating

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Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: "Yes, yes, I am right."

The strong man asked again: "How to do it, do you still need me to tell you?"

Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: "No, no."

Then, he took out his mobile phone, dialed a number shakily and said: "Hello, I am Nanshan Project Cost Manager Qin Wenhao.

Regarding the payment of 36.064 million yuan from Western Construction Co., Ltd., Mr. Yao agreed to adjust the payment amount to 34.868 million yuan.


We have already discussed it with the people from Western Construction Co., Ltd.

They agreed.

They have two managers and I are in Mr. Yao's office.

You need to speak to Mr. Yao personally.

Well, okay, I'll give the phone to Mr. Yao. "

Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, handed the phone to Yao Peng.

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, took the phone call handed over by Qin Wenhao and said: "Hello, I am Yao Peng, the Nanshan project manager.


Yes, I agree to revise the project payment amount of 36.064 million yuan to 34.868 million yuan.



Are you in a hurry?

Just need to be in a hurry.

Two managers from Western Construction Co., Ltd. have been watching over me for a whole day.

Yes, you need to pay them immediately.

Okay, okay.

Thanks. "

After finishing the call, Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, returned the phone to Qin Wenhao.

Tan Wenhao took it and saw that the other party had hung up.

Xia Houyue asked Yao Peng, "How's it going? Mr. Yao, when will your company pay the Western Construction Co., Ltd. for the project?"

Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied honestly: "Right away."

When Xia Houyue walked by, he slapped him in the face and cursed: "I've been waiting for you all day, and you always said 'right away'. Don't mention the word 'right away' to me again in the future."

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, covered his still swollen face and replied in a low voice: "The finance department has agreed to pay, and it will take about ten minutes to find out."

Xia Houyue scolded: "If your MP had said ten minutes earlier, would I have beaten you?

You damn thing deserve a beating. "

The scolding made Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, speechless. In his heart, he just hoped that the finance department would pay the money in place quickly and let these vicious people get out of here.

Otherwise, I don’t know how many more beatings I will receive if I say the wrong word.

After Zhang Yunqing heard what Yao Peng said, he immediately took out his mobile phone and found the phone number of project financial cashier Tang Ying in the phone address book. After dialing the number, he said: "Xiao Tang, please ask someone from the finance department to be here." Check after about ten minutes to see if Huatie has transferred 34.868 million yuan to our company account."

Finance Tang Ying asked on the phone: "The invoices I issued are all 36.064 million yuan, how come I only received 34.868 million yuan?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: “This mainly involves the issue of deducting the 3.43% business tax.

Don't worry about this. The leader of the finance department knows and agrees.

Just ask the company's finance department to check whether the 34.868 million yuan project payment for the Nanshan project has arrived. "

"If I get there, will I call you?"





Zhang Yunqing hung up the phone and said to Xia Houyue: "By the way, Boss Xia, come and sit here for a while, don't stand all the time.

Since Mr. Yao has already said that the account can be checked in about ten minutes, we can just check the account when the time is up.

I have just informed the finance department to inquire about the 34.868 million yuan project payment paid by China Railway in about ten minutes.

See if it has arrived.

If it arrives, we will evacuate immediately.

I'm really tired after spending the past two days like this. "

Xia Houyue replied: "Should we wait a little longer until Western Construction Co., Ltd. has paid our wages in full before we leave?"

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yes. Your suggestion is good.

I'll make a call right away. "

Zhang Yunqing took out his mobile phone, looked up Hua Baibai's number in the phone address book, answered the call and reported: "Hello, Mr. Hua.

There is something I need to report to you. "

"What's the matter, tell me."

"Mr. Zhou Wencheng and I are now in the office of Mr. Yao Peng, project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project.

After hours of negotiating, their company finally agreed to pay our company 34.868 million yuan in ten minutes.

Among them, the workers led by Boss Xiahou Yuexia also played a more active role in urging collection of payments.

We originally planned to leave after Huatie transferred the 34.868 million yuan project payment to the account of our Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Now Boss Xiahou Yuexia has proposed to pay him the wages of his fifteen workers, otherwise he will not be able to leave this office.

Now hundreds of workers have gathered outside the general contractor's project department, and hundreds of workers have gathered outside our own project department.

If Xiahou Yue's wages were not paid immediately, it would be difficult for the people to be angry. "

“As long as it reaches the account, it can definitely be paid.

Send the salary list of Xia Houyue's fifteen workers to Lin Yiping and ask her to go to the finance department immediately to handle the payment. "

"Okay, thank you. Mr. Hua. Bye."


After Zhang Yunqing and others hung up the phone, they found Yu Danzhen's phone number in the phone address book. After getting through, they arranged: "Yu Gong, in ten minutes, Huatie will pay our Western Construction Co., Ltd. the project progress payment of 3486.8 Ten thousand yuan.

Mr. Hua Baiyunhua had already agreed on the phone to pay Xiahou Yue the wages of the fifteen workers immediately after the project funds arrived.

Remember the money has to be paid today, the sooner the better.

In case Xia Houyue has been following me and Mr. Zhou Wencheng, it will affect our normal work. "

"Okay, Mr. Zhang, I understand.

Did Mr. Hua tell me who to ask for help? "

"As I said, let the project department send Xia Houyue's salary schedule to Lin Yiping, and ask her to help communicate with the finance department first.

If you have any questions, please call me in time. "

"Okay, Mr. Zhang."



Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Yu Danzhen and said to Xia Houyue: "Just wait a little longer.

I hope this matter is resolved.

No more fussing. "

Xia Houyue replied: "The money can only be counted when it is on the card. Mr. Zhang, it has been too difficult for us to receive wages these years.

They said everything, and some people even disappeared in the end, couldn't receive any money, and their work was in vain.

You said how difficult it is for us to lead migrant workers to make a living and make a living. "

Zhang Yunqing comforted Xia Houyue and said: "No job in any industry is difficult, and every job has its own specific difficulties.

It’s just that we laymen don’t know. "

Ten minutes later, Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, asked Qin Wenhao to call and ask Huatie's finance department whether the money had been paid.

For these ten minutes, Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, and Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, felt like their days were like years.

In my heart, I sincerely hope that this will end soon.

Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, called Huatie's finance department as requested by Yao Peng and asked: "Has the 34.868 million yuan project progress payment of Western Construction Co., Ltd. been paid?

Their project manager, Mr. Zhou, has been waiting in Mr. Yao's office to press for the money. "

"Wait a moment, I'll take a look right away."

"Okay, trouble."

"I see the cashier has already ordered payment."

"Can we check it immediately?"

"This is a large amount across banks, so it may not be available on the same day."

"Is there still such a problem?"

"Yes, this is the bank's problem and has nothing to do with our company."

"Okay, I know.

So, if the other party can't find their account, is there any way to prove that we have paid them? "

"Yes, there will be an electronic receipt after the transfer.

Do you want it? "

"Yes. When can you give it to me?"

"Soon, after taking a screenshot on your computer, it can be forwarded to you on QQ offline files."

"Then please hurry up, I'm really in a hurry."

"Okay. You can receive pictures in two minutes after hanging up the phone."

"Okay. Thanks. Bye."


After making the call, Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, reported to Yao Penghui: "Mr. Yao, what the finance department said is that the payment has been made.

However, because the accounts on both sides are not from the same bank, Western Construction Co., Ltd. may not be able to check it immediately.

I need to go back to the office to receive a transfer record sent to me by Finance. "

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, heard what Tan Wenhao meant and thought that the other party wanted to throw him into the wolf pile again.

I felt angry inside.

This guy is nothing.

If there are benefits, I want anything.

When there is a little trouble, I want to run away immediately, and I simply cannot share the trouble.

No, I have to think of a way to keep him here.

So he asked Tan Wenhao: "Things like this haven't been handled well here. Can't you collect a picture and say goodbye to me?"

Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: "My computer has a screen saver password, and others cannot open it."

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, was filled with anger. He looked a little unhappy and asked, "Can't you tell the person who helped you to break the password?"

"After telling others, it will be inconvenient to use it in the future, everyone knows.

Then wouldn’t the computer become a computer without secrets? "

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, scolded: “I just said you are a pig’s brain.

You still don’t believe it yourself, and you say you look so awesome.

Let me ask you, can't you change the password of your computer to characters that others don't know? "

Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, picked his head and laughed a few times before awkwardly replying: "Mr. Yao is still smart. Why didn't I think of doing this?"

Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, scolded: “Stop flattering, look at them, they can’t help but want to laugh.

It's so obvious that you're looking for a reason to leave.

Do you think the problem will be solved if you leave it?

Let me tell you now, until the payment issue of Western Construction Co., Ltd. is resolved, you will stay here.

Don't want to go anywhere.

Do you know? "

Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, nodded and replied: "I understand, Mr. Yao, don't worry, I won't run away."

After finishing speaking, he called his colleagues in the cost department and told them his computer password and QQ password. He asked his colleagues to help him find the finance department of the Kyoto headquarters on QQ and asked for a copy of China Railway to Western Construction Co., Ltd. I just printed a picture of the record of transferring 34.868 million yuan and sent two copies to myself and sent them to Yao Peng's office.

After Zhang Yunqing listened to what was said by Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, he called Tang Ying, the financial cashier of the Nanshan project: "Xiao Tang, Mr. Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project. I just said that their company, Huatie, has transferred 34.868 million yuan to our Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Please ask the finance department to check immediately. Has the account been received? "

Financial cashier Tang Ying replied: "Okay, I'll call the financial leader right away and ask."

After Tang Ying, the financial cashier, waited for Zhang Yunqing to hang up the phone, she found the phone number of Deputy Financial Director Xue Xue in the address book of her mobile phone. After making the call, she said: "Mr. Give us a call at Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Could you please check here to see if it has been credited? "

Xue Xue, deputy director of finance, replied: “Okay, I’ll check now.

You don't have to hang up the phone. "

"Okay, Mr. Xue, please excuse me."

"You're welcome, Tang.

By the way, did Mr. Zhang say how much money was transferred? "

"It's about 34.868 million yuan, not the invoiced amount of 36.064 million yuan."

"Well, I know this.

It took me hundreds of years to discuss this matter with me. "

“It’s good to know.

Has the payment arrived? Mr. Xue. "

“I checked, but it hasn’t arrived yet.

It may be a large amount and requires a certain amount of approval time. "

"Oh, what now?

Mr. Zhang and others are still in the office of Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, wasting time, waiting for information on the arrival of the 34.868 million yuan project payment. "

"Xiao Tang, don't worry, just ask the other party for a transfer record.

As long as you make a payment, it will arrive sooner or later. "

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Xue. I'll ask them again."

"OK Bye Bye."


After Finance Manager Tang Ying waited for Xue Xue to hang up the phone, she found Zhang Yunqing's phone number in the phone address book, dialed and said: "Mr. Zhang, I have asked Finance Manager Xue Xue to help with the accounting.

The 34.868 million yuan paid by Huati has not yet arrived.

She also said that it might be due to inter-bank transfers, which sometimes delayed arrival for some time.

As long as the other party has a transfer record, there is usually no problem. "

Zhang Yunqing replied on the phone: "Okay, I will ask their manager Qin for one later.

If so, I will send you QQ offline files.

Please tell me your QQ number again. I will write it down first. "

"My QQ number is 5 digits, XXXXX. Is it easy to remember?"

"It's easy to remember. Not to mention anything else, just a 5-digit QQ number is very rare."

Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call with Tang Ying, the financial teller.

Turning to Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contracting unit of the Nanshan project, he said: "Mr. Qin, our company's financial affairs have been checked and they say they can't be found now.

If there is a transfer record, please give me one so I can take a look. "

Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: "Mr. Zhang, there is a transfer record. We have arranged it just now. Two copies will be printed and sent to us in this office later."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Okay.

If there is an electronic file for the transfer record, please send it to this QQ number of my colleague. "

Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, took the note and looked at it, and praised: "Okay, Mr. Zhang, your colleague's QQ number is actually a 5-digit number."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "It is indeed 5 digits. I confirmed it repeatedly with her on the phone."

Qin Wenhao, cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, replied: "Okay."

Then he called his colleague and asked him to remember to forward the 5-digit QQ number Zhang Yunqing just provided when he received the transfer record from the finance department.

A few minutes later, a colleague of Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, brought him two copies of the printed copy of the transfer record and told him that it had been forwarded to the QQ number he had just specified.

Qin Wenhao, the cost manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, handed one copy of the printed copy of the transfer record to Zhang Yunqing, and after taking a look at the other copy, he handed it to Yao Peng.

After taking the document and looking at it, Yao Peng, the project manager of Huatie, the general contractor of the Nanshan project, said happily: "Okay, the payment has really been made."

There was a feeling of relief. Finally, the workers would no longer cause trouble for this payment.

He asked Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng again: "Mr. Zhang, Mr. Zhou, you see, our Huatie has just transferred payment to your Western Construction Co., Ltd., and the amount is consistent with our original communication, which is 34.868 million yuan. "

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Mr. Yao, I have already read it.

It's just that the financial department has not yet clearly responded whether it has been received or not. We still need further verification. "

"Then please arrange it, Mr. Zhang, and you should verify it as soon as possible."

Zhang Yunqing replied: "Yeah, okay."

Then he called the financial teller Tang Ying: "I have seen the printed copy of the transfer record.

Have you received the electronic file of the transfer record? "

Financial teller Tang Ying replied on the phone: "Received, Mr. Zhang.

And I have forwarded it to Xue Xue, deputy director of finance. "

"What did Mr. Xue Xue say? Is there anything wrong with this transfer record?"

"Xue Xue replied and said there was no problem with the transfer record.

She kept refreshing the account records again.

It's arrived, it's arrived.

boss Zhang. "

"Has it arrived? Are you saying that the 34.868 million yuan project progress payment paid by Huatie to our Western Construction Co., Ltd. has been deposited into our company's account?"

"Yes, it has arrived."

"Okay, I know.

Thanks a lot. "

After Zhang Yunqing ended the phone call, he said: "It is confirmed that 34.868 million yuan has been received."

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