Trillion Market Capitalization is not a Dream

Chapter 759: Evidence of three persons’ crimes

Zhou Wencheng took out his phone and called Tang Ying, the cashier, and arranged for her to make a comparison list of the shade net and give it to Li Xixuan.

Then he called the person who purchased the shade net and asked him to take the data to Tang Ying to help him make a comparison list.

Zhang Yunqing and Zhou Wencheng spent the whole day at the construction site.

Finally, all the involved parties that Zhao Manfu wrote down in his notebook were called to the construction site and discussed in person. The problems were basically solved, and there was no longer any issue of billing that would affect the work. Worked.

For their specific data implementation issues, they asked their cost personnel to go to Li Xixuan with drawings, documents, visa forms, etc., and go through the normal review process.

Back to Zhao Manfu's office, after Zhao Manfu learned about this situation, he praised Zhang Yunqing.

The home of Bai Qingting, chairman of Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Bai Qingting: "Brother Zheng, how is the overall situation in the areas of the former First Business Unit that you were asked to investigate?"

Qian Zheng: "The investigation is almost complete. Basically, the butts of the three people are not clean."

Bai Qingting: "It's definitely unclean.

Give me some evidence that they can't deny, and I'll beat them hard.

They still need to make good use of these people, at least until they finish all the projects they personally manage. "

Qian Zheng: "Okay, I'll give you some."

Qian Zheng went to the study to get a stack of information. Duan Peng, Dai Xingfu, and Shi Youyou each had an opaque brown paper bag.

Bai Qingting opened the document bag and checked it one by one, and soon understood it.

He collected the information and put it in his carry-on bag.

Bai Qingting called Bai Qingmeng and asked her to arrange for Duan Peng, Dai Xingfu, and Shi Youyou to come to the company tomorrow or the day after tomorrow to report to her and confirm the time when everyone can arrive.

Bai Qingting told Qian Zheng the good news that Wen Pingmin had contacted Cao Zhenhua, chairman of Bujiangcheng Securities, and that they might meet in the next few days.

Qian Zhengze asked Bai Qingting to act as safely as possible.

Don't be fooled by charlatans.

Seeing that the company's affairs were finished, Qian Zheng asked Bai Qingting what to do about giving birth and whether she should go to the hospital for a physical check-up.

Bai Qingting said that she had no problem and would wait another year.

If she still can't get pregnant after waiting another year, Bai Qingting will go to the hospital to check whether her body is normal.

Bai Qingting said to Qian Zheng, "Brother Zheng, it's time to work overtime. You have to work hard."

Qian Zheng had a vague premonition that Bai Qingting was hiding something?

But these are not important. What is important is that Qian Zheng believes that through his own efforts, his goal may be achieved.

When I sleep in spring, I don't realize the dawn, and I can hear the singing of birds everywhere.

The night comes wind and rain, Whispering Colour.

Bai Qingting got up the next morning, washed up, and after breakfast, followed her secretary Bai Qingmeng to the office of Oriental Construction Co., Ltd.

Bai Qingmenghui reported: "Sister Tingting, Duan Peng, Dai Xingfu, and Shi Youyou have all agreed to come today, and everyone's estimated time is one hour.

There are three time points: 11 a.m., 13 p.m., and 14 p.m. "

Bai Qingting: "Okay. It's still early now. Call the person in charge of human resources, Zhou Nan, over here."

Zhou Nan, Minister of Human Resources, came to Bai Qingting's office.

"Zhou Nan, I asked you to contact Zhang Feng, the second-in-command of Dawan Group, and Wan Qing, the president of Kewan Group. How far is the progress now?"

Zhou Nan: "Boss Bai, Zhang Feng, the second-in-command of Dawan Group, will not be available until half a year later.

Wan Qing, the president of Kewan Group, I found once and was scolded twice.

Yesterday, he was scolded by his secretary again.

To be honest, I can't hold back on asking Wan Qing, the president of Kewan Group.

Take a look and see if you can think of another way if you really want to find it. "

Bai Qingting: "You are the head of the human resources department of our Western Construction Co., Ltd., find someone to meet with you, what else can I think of for you?

I think you should consider whether your high salary matches your ability.

Don't think about other people's salary standards all day long. You should also think about your own salary standards.

These two people, you must quickly find a way to get me a company, otherwise, I will only cause trouble for you. "

Zhou Nan wiped the fine sweat from his forehead and replied: "Okay, Boss Bai, I will work hard, I will work hard."

After Bai Qingting waited for Zhou Nan to leave, she asked Bai Qingmeng to invite Ma Wenxuan, the vice president of the group, to her office.

Bai Qingting asked Ma Wenxuan whether the operation of the five major centers was normal during this period.

Ma Wenxuan first took back all the requests for opinions on the documents sent by the five centers. The important objections and suggestions returned were reported to Bai Qingting one by one.

Ma Wenxuan will refine it based on these comments, and it is expected that it will take another week to form a trial version.

Bai Qingting told Ma Wenxuan her main ideas, and Ma Wenxuan promised to incorporate these opinions into the trial version.

After Ma Wenxuan and Bai Qingting discussed it, they said goodbye and left.

According to the time agreed with Bai Qingmeng, Duan Peng came to Bai Qingting's office.

After a while of normal greetings, the two got down to business.

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Duan, do you know why I came to you today?"

Duan Peng answered truthfully: "Boss Bai, I don't know, please let me know."

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Duan, based on your original relationship with Tao Wuming, you later betrayed Tao Wuming for your own benefit.

I worry that one day I will become Tao Wuming in your eyes.

Will you betray me someday and cause me trouble? "

Duan Peng: "Boss Bai is absolutely impossible.

It is absolutely impossible for me, Duan Peng, to betray you, Boss Bai, again. "

Bai Qingting: "Mr. Duan, who can't talk nonsense?

You have to give me a reason that is enough to convince you. "

Duan Peng thought carefully, it seems that this bitch Bai Qingting is difficult to deal with, she is much more fierce than Tao Wuming. Now that Tao Wuming helped her to take her down, she started to cause trouble for us. It seems that she still doesn't want to deal with her at first. She should make trouble for Tao Wuming, and she should help Tao Wuming to fight against her.

But how should she answer Bai Qingting so that the other party can feel at ease and not harm herself?

Duan Peng fell into deep thought.

Bai Qingting folded her hands on her chest, looking like she was waiting for your reply.

Duan Peng began to recall everything he had with Bai Qingting since he entered Western Construction Co., Ltd.

Promote betrayal of Tao Wuming as more loyalty to Bai Qingting.

When it comes to emotional points, he doesn't forget to burst into tears to gain sympathy.

But now Bai Qingting has made up her mind and cannot be fooled by Duan Peng's appearance.

Duan Peng: "Boss Bai, after listening to me for so long, do you feel more at ease with me?"

Bai Qingting: "No, the words you said and the things you did only make me think that you should have graduated from the Film University, not the School of Engineering."

Duan Peng pretended to be cute and asked: "Boss Bai, you said I graduated from Film University, are you complimenting me? Or are you complimenting me?"

Bai Qingting: "Of course I am praising you. You did a good job in performing kung fu. No matter how many immoral things you have done, you can praise yourself as such a noble defender.

Your performance skills are truly outstanding. "

Duan Peng replied shamelessly: "Oh, as long as it's a compliment, then thank you Boss Bai for the compliment."

Bai Qingting saw that her communication with Duan Peng was just like talking to a duck, and she lost her patience.

Pushing the document bag with Duan Peng's name written in front of him, he pushed it in front of Duan Peng and said softly: "Mr. Duan, you'd better take a look at the documents in the bag yourself."

Duan Peng opened the document bag that Bai Qingting pushed over with a smile.

Look at the paper one by one.

Of course, there are not many sheets of paper.

However, each piece of paper seemed to weigh as much as a pound. Duan Peng flipped through these papers and it became heavier and heavier.

The smile on Duan Peng's face has completely disappeared.

The expression on Duan Peng's face became increasingly frightened.

After reading it, Duan Peng quickly stood up and bowed like Bai Qingting.

He said in his mouth: "Boss Bai, please spare my life, but you can't torture me to death."

Bai Qingting: "I can spare my life, but it depends on how you behave."

Duan Peng: "I must be following Boss Bai's lead. I will do whatever you say."

Bai Qingting: "If you had been so obedient earlier, I wouldn't have spent so much effort collecting evidence of your crime."

Duan Peng: "Boss Bai, just let me go and do whatever you want me to do.

What I did wrong in the past, I am now willing to completely correct. "

Bai Qingting: "First of all, write me a letter of repentance, record all the major mistakes you have made in our company over the years, and ensure that in future work, you will ensure the company's target assessment gross profit rate, any If one of the items is not met, I will send you in with this evidence and let you sit through the jail."

Duan Peng replied: "Boss Bai, we have done a lot of wrong things in the past few years, but many of them were arranged by Tao Wuming."

Bai Qingting stared at Duan Peng angrily and asked: "Duan Peng, please be more honest and don't blame your old boss whenever something goes wrong. Was the matter in the document bag I just showed you also arranged by your boss?"

Duan Peng: "The things you just saw were indeed not arranged by Mr. Tao Wu Mingtao. They were my own mistakes. I will definitely make up for it and guarantee that similar things will never happen again."

Bai Qingting raised her hand and looked at her watch. Oh, it's already been more than an hour.

Bai Qingting said to Duan Peng: "That's it for today. Go back and reflect, write down your regrets, and then bring it to me in person.

What should be noted is the letter of repentance. It should not only repent, but also put forward your sincerity and actions to solve the mistakes you have made. "

Duan Peng said: "Okay, okay, Boss Bai, please rest assured, I will definitely satisfy you."

At this time, Duan Peng was sweating profusely and his face was dark.

How Duan Peng left Bai Qingting's office seems to have been forgotten.

Duan Peng only knew that he had received a very heavy blow.

Duan Peng left the office building of Western Construction Co., Ltd. and called his secretary to book a flight back to Longhei District for him.

Bai Qingmeng brought Dai Xingfu to Bai Qingting's office.

Bai Qingting, like Duan Peng, followed Dai Xingfu's example.

Dai Xingfu was also so frightened that his face turned pale.

In front of Bai Qingting, she cried bitterly and lamented the many mistakes Tao Wuming made. She repeatedly emphasized that Tao Wuming was the principal culprit and she was just an accessory.

Bai Qingting asked Dai Xingfu to go back and write a letter of repentance. After writing the letter, he would come to see her again.

Dai Xingfu also left Bai Qingting's office wilted.

Friends Shi came to Bai Qingmeng's workstation.

Bai Qingmeng: "Mr. Shi, are you here?"

Friends Shi replied: "Well, didn't you say that Boss Bai is looking for me? Is she free now?"

Bai Qingmeng replied: "Boss Bai is free now, I will take you in.

Mr. Shi, please. "

Friends Shi and Bai Qingting chatted for a while.

Finally, under the leadership of Bai Qingting, the conversation finally got to the point.

The two talked for more than an hour but failed to come up with a solution.

Bai Qingting handed the evidence of the crime with friend Shi's name on it and asked him to check it for himself.

Friends Shi were also like Duan Peng and Dai Xingfu. The more they looked, the more frightened they became. The more they looked, the uglier their faces became.

Friends Shi thought in his mind, Damn, what does Bai Qingting mean by showing this to me?

Do you just want to send me to jail?

That definitely won't work. I have to fight to the death no matter what.

After Shi Youyou thought about it in his mind, he slowly put down the papers in his hand and stuffed them into the brown paper bag.

He easily pushed it back to Bai Qingting.

The two of them fell into silence, and no one spoke.

What Shi Youyou meant was to wait for Bai Qingting to speak and see what Bai Qingting wanted, so that he could deal with it.

Friends Shi believed in his heart that although these things were indeed evidence of guilt, it was not his original intention to do it, but mainly arranged by Tao Wuming. He always thought that there was some way to evade it, so it was not own responsibility.

Bai Qingting was thinking in her heart, this fucking friend Shi is just different from Dai Xingfu and Duan Peng, he is much more colorful.

After seeing such serious criminal evidence, he actually remained silent.

Bai Qingting was extremely dissatisfied with Shi Youyou's forced composure.

Bai Qingting simply folded her hands in front of her chest and stared at Friend Shi intently, as if she wanted to see right through Friend Shi.

Shi Youyou also looked back at Bai Qingting with a fearless expression.

This was beyond Bai Qingting's expectation.

I feel that this friend Shi is too difficult to deal with. He has such a big evidence of crime in front of him, but he can still look at the boss so boldly. It's really no good. We might as well send him to jail.

Bai Qingting spoke: "Friend Shi, I am your boss, and it is normal for me to stare at you because you have indeed made an unforgivable mistake.

But why are you staring at me? Are these mistakes you should make? "

Bai Qingting slapped the desktop of her desk with her hand and said angrily: "You damn thing, don't think that I can't do anything about you. If you don't give in, I will hand this matter directly to the compliance department and ask the compliance department to call the police to arrest you. .

I wonder if you will sit through the jail. When you come out, you will probably be over 60 years old and have reached retirement age. "

Seeing Bai Qingting roaring like this, Shi Youyou felt angry in his heart.

Shi Youyou always believed that although he had made mistakes, the company and Tao Wuming had also made unforgivable mistakes. Why should he be the only one to go to jail? Why couldn't Tao Wuming and Bai Jingting go to jail?

Friend Shi, he slapped the table and stood up.

Pointing at Bai Qingting.

One story after another.

Friends Shi believed that these mistakes he made were all arranged by Tao Wuming, and some of the mistakes were also arranged by Bai Qingting herself. Why should all the mistakes be blamed on himself?

Friends Shi believes that if there is a miscalculation, then whoever makes the mistake will bear the blame, which is fair and reasonable.

After Bai Qingting listened to Shi's friend making such a fuss, she finally knew what the problem was.

Bai Qingting: "Friend Shi, please don't talk nonsense. The evidence I just showed you is real evidence. It proves that these things and mistakes were done by you, and the money also went to you." It was in your pocket, what evidence do you have to prove that you didn’t do it?”

When friend Shi heard what Bai Qingting said, he was stunned, thinking that Bai Qingting was right.

And speaking of facts, the evidence provided by Bai Qingting has nothing to do with Tao Wuming. Even Tao Wuming didn't know that he had done this in private, and he admired Bai Qingting's ability to find evidence of guilt so accurately.

But Shi's friend knew that he couldn't admit it. Once he admitted it, it would become a piece of meat on Bai Qingting's chopping board. Bai Qingting could do whatever she wanted. This was not the day Shi's friend expected, and he would still have to struggle for a while.

Friends Shi's heart was full of reluctance.

Thinking of this, Friend Shi spoke up: "Boss Bai, what's the use of the so-called evidence you provided? I have evidence to prove that Tao Wuming arranged for me to do this.

Shouldn't Tao Wuming bear the responsibility?

At best I can be considered an accomplice. "

Bai Qingting thought to herself, this is probably a psychological warfare, everyone is talking nonsense, just talking nonsense.

Bai Qingting said slowly: "Friend Shi, you said Tao Wuming arranged for you?

Okay, then you can bring out the evidence, do you have it? "

Shi Youyou smiled slyly and replied: "Boss Bai, do you think I am so stupid?

I will definitely take out such important evidence when I need it. Now if you just talk to me for a few words and I will take it out, am I not stupid? "

Bai Qingting said: "Friend Shi, please stop lying to me. I fully communicated this matter with Tao Wuming before I came to you.

Tao Wuming carefully checked the large-scale matters he handled. What I will show you now is that he was completely unaware of the matter you made a mistake. What evidence can you collect to show that Tao Wuming arranged for you?

I think what you are saying now is just to evade your own responsibility and deceive yourself and others by making up a lie to deceive me. "

After hearing Bai Qingting's description, Shi Youyou's eyes rolled around wildly.

Then he said: "Boss Bai, even if everything you said is true.

What can you do to me? "

Bai Qingting was so angry that she slapped the table and said, "You shameless friend Shi.

I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen anyone as shameless as your friend Shi.

You have such serious criminal evidence in front of you, but you say that there is nothing I can do to you. How about we try calling the police and see what the consequences will be? "

Shi Youyou sneered twice and said: "Boss Bai, don't think that only you can collect evidence, but I can't collect criminal evidence."

When Bai Qingting heard what Shi's friend said, she was obviously stunned for a moment, but she couldn't help but asked curiously: "Then what evidence did you collect?"

Shi Youyou replied grandly: "I have collected evidence of all Tao Wuming's crimes, including the list of people who bribed people in various aspects, and the amounts are quite large.

Let me make a very serious statement, if Boss Bai of the company must deal with me, then I will not rule out the possibility that all the incriminating evidence that I have grasped will be leaked out.

I don't believe that my personal losses will be smaller than the company's losses. I believe that the company will definitely lose greater and more benefits. "

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