Han Aniang looked at the two pieces of bacon in the bowl, bit her chopsticks, and said softly: "Uncle, something is different after he wakes up."

"What's different?" Chen Mo's face paused and he said calmly.

"I can't tell you, I just feel something is different. But it's nice for uncle." Han Anniang pursed her lips and looked away.

"Sister-in-law, please eat quickly."

Chen Mo was studying the system while eating.

The meat he just ate made his blood-nourishing skills come up (entry 0.3/100.)

Almost all of that plate of bacon was eaten by him.

It is estimated that it is only three or four taels (calculated according to one pound of twelve taels), and the blood nourishing technique shows that the progress is 0.3. Doesn't that mean that one pound of meat can only get 1 point.

In order to confirm his suspicion, Chen Mo said: "Sister-in-law, is there a scale at home?"


"Sister-in-law, bring the scale and come over and do me a favor."

The cellar was under the kang in the original parents' room. Only the family knew that one had to get under the kang and lift the lid above to get down to the cellar. It was very well hidden.

It's just difficult to get in and out.

Chen Mo came to the cellar with a scale and a kitchen knife. With the kitchen knife in hand, his strength reached "4+5".

It seems that Trina Knife Technique is not limited to the type of knife.

Chen Mo took the kitchen knife and swung it hard.

[Number of sword swings +1, Tianhe sword skill experience +1. 】

Sure enough, a kitchen knife will work too.

There is not much space in the cellar, so his move startled Han Anniang next to her: "Uncle, what are you doing?"


Chen Mo took a kitchen knife and cut off a piece of bacon and weighed it on a scale. It was about half a catty.

Then she handed the half-pound piece of bacon to Han Anniang: "Sister-in-law, bring this piece of bacon to eat tonight."

Han Anniang did not go to pick it up, but muttered: "Uncle, if you eat like this, the food stored at home will not last long."

Han Aniang originally thought that her uncle just wanted to eat meat to satisfy her craving, but now it seems that her uncle wants to eat meat all the time.

Not to mention this year of disaster, even before, I couldn't afford it.

"Sister-in-law, I have my own intentions, just listen to me." Chen Mo said.

Winter is coming soon, and the sky is getting dark very quickly. Before it gets dark, Han Anniang prepares dinner early.

Use a knife to cut off the smoke on the bacon, then wash it with water, slice it with a knife, and steam it with wheat rice before eating.

Han Anniang didn't eat a bite of the half a pound of bacon in the evening, but Chen Mo ate it all.

Blood Nourishing Technique is coming (entry 0.8/100.)

"It seems like a pound of meat is worth a pound of experience."

There is only a little over two kilograms of meat left at home, which is not enough to support him to gain full experience.

In normal times, one hundred kilograms of meat would be enough to slaughter a sheep.

But in this year of great disaster, it is not so easy.

The prices of pigs, cattle and sheep have skyrocketed. With his current wealth, he cannot afford to buy a sheep.

There are only two other ways to obtain meat.

However, these two methods must first restore the body to the state of an ordinary person.

Before Xu hour, the entire Fuze Village was shrouded in night and fell into silence.

There are no entertainment activities at night in the countryside. In order to save fuel, the Chen family does not light up lights at night, so they go to bed very early.

First, I have to get up and work tomorrow morning.

The second is to eat less and sleep to reduce body consumption.

Chen Mo couldn't sleep, although he emphasized in his heart that since he came, he would be in peace.

But as a "promising young man" in the 21st century, he writes and plays novels and games during the day, drinks, dances, and claps at night, and suddenly comes to such a troubled world where he has to worry about eating meat. He is pretty good if he is not crazy.

You can hear the wind outside the house as soon as you close your eyes.

Chen Mo forced himself to sleep.

The sky is foggy and I wake up.

Listening to the movement in the yard, Chen Mo woke up and wanted to raise his hands to rub his face. He suddenly realized that the hand that wielded the knife yesterday was in severe pain.

“Not enough exercise”

When he came to the yard, Chen Mo found that Han Anniang was already awake, with a scarf tied on her head and a hatchet on her waist, dressed like a typical village girl.

"My family has gone up the mountain to cut firewood. If uncle is hungry, he will cook for himself." Seeing Chen Mo wake up, Han Anniang said.

While it's still dark, the sun isn't out and the sun isn't shining, it's the right time to work.

Waiting until nine or ten o'clock when the sun rises is unbearable.

In order to survive the winter, you need to prepare enough firewood.

"Going up the mountain?" Chen Mo was stunned: "Sister-in-law, you are the only one who is not afraid of the big insects on the mountain?"

Chen Mo had previously thought of two ways to obtain meat. One was to go hunting in the mountains.

However, the wild beasts on the mountain are rampant, and they are not something he can deal with right now.

And this reflects the original person's lack of understanding of life.

According to Han Aniang, when there was not enough food last year, young adults from several nearby villages banded together to go hunting in the mountains.

Although big insects are fierce, they are also afraid of people.

After going into the mountain several times, the wild beasts that could hurt people were driven deep into the mountain, while Han Anniang only cut some firewood from the outside of the mountain and transported it back.

But the original person stays at home all day and doesn't go out much, so naturally he doesn't understand.

"Then sister-in-law, let me go with you." Chen Mo said.

"But uncle, if you leave, who will look after the house?"

"Just put all the valuables in the cellar and lock the door."

"But this is it."

"It's nothing to lose something. Sister-in-law, your safety is important. Just wait for me." Chen Mo went back to the house to pack his things.

When he was at home, some people dared to come to molest his sister-in-law. In such troubled times, if his sister-in-law was spotted in the wild, Chen Mo really couldn't imagine what would happen.

Chen Mo didn't notice that when she returned to the house, a hint of joy appeared in Han An's beautiful eyes.

It would be a lie to say that a person is not afraid of going to the mountains to chop firewood, but winter is coming soon, and there must be someone at home who can do some work.

Now that she had someone to keep her company, Han Aniang felt a lot more at ease.

"Uncle, does he care about the slave family?"

After Chen Mo cleaned up, he went back to the kitchen to get a kitchen knife. With the knife in his hand, his strength was "4+5", and he felt a little calmer.

The mountain is called Daze Mountain. Han Anniang told him on the way that the mountains belong to the government and it is illegal to cut them down without permission.

However, the government collects firewood tax every year, and this year it collected it twice.

In addition to the firewood tax, there is also a hunting tax.

Yes, there is a tax on hunting.

Moreover, it is compulsory to pay every year. Don't say that you don't have to pay if you don't go hunting in the mountains. The government doesn't care about you.

However, this is not the most outrageous thing. The most outrageous thing is the poll tax, which according to the government is called jingdingqian. Every man in the family has to pay jingdingqian as long as he reaches adulthood.

Starting from last year, all underage men in the family have to pay a small amount of money.

It is already difficult for the people to live, and it becomes even more difficult to survive if they have to pay this tax and that tax.

After learning about it, Chen Mo's face was calm, and he finally felt for himself the sentence in the history book, "A harsh government is fiercer than a tiger."

After going up the mountain, Chen Mo took the hatchet from Han Anniang's hand and was responsible for chopping firewood, while accumulating experience in Tianhe knife skills. Han Aniang collected the firewood and tied it up.

Unfortunately, no pheasants, hares or anything else were found in the periphery. Chen Mo originally wanted to hunt game to supplement his meat diet.

As for the mountains, he doesn't dare to go there now.

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