"Refugees from Fengxian?"

Hearing this, Chen Mo raised his eyebrows, as if he had guessed what was going on. He thought about it for a few moments, waved his hand, walked down the mountain, and said, "Let's go and take a look."

When Chen Mo reached the entrance of the village, Zhang Hezheng led the brave guards to stop the group of ragged refugees outside the village.

There are hundreds of heroic guards, more than a hundred of whom are wearing armor and holding official knives. The rest of them also hold hatchets or hoes. Moreover, after so many days of training, they can also eat well every day. There was food and meat to eat, so they were not afraid of this group of refugees at all.

"Brother Mo."

"Master Chen Xian."

"Master Chen Xian."


As soon as Chen Mo arrived, Zhang He and others greeted him one after another.

When the refugees saw that the person talking to each other was a young boy, they were all a little shocked, and they felt a little contemptuous.

Chen Mo took a quick glance and saw that this group of refugees had surrounded the entrance of the village. There were at least thousands of them.

However, there are very few young people. Most of them are old, weak, women and children, and even the disabled.

Chen Mo took a step forward. Although with his strength, he did not need protection from others, Zhang He and Hu Qiang were still guarding him with several strong men, which seemed to be the case.

Chen Mo shouted to the refugees and asked them to nominate a representative to speak.

The refugees pushed and pushed for a while, and after a long time, an old man was pushed out. Although the old man had a black face and messy white hair, he was dressed in decent robes and carried himself with dignity, giving people the impression of an old man. Mr. feeling.

The old man cupped his hands, squeezed out a smile on his face, looked at Chen Mo and others and said: "I, Zhao Daoxian, a native of Fengxian Zhaojia Village, is a down-and-out scholar who has repeatedly failed in the exams. The rebels from the north captured Fengxian City and ordered On the fifth day of the great plunder, my family also suffered a disaster, and we escaped among the refugees. I am not very talented, but I have been recommended by everyone to talk about things. I hope that the young man can take me in."

"Fengxian has fallen!"

Hearing this, the people in the Shen Yong Guard were shocked and there was an uproar. After all, most of them were originally soldiers who were going to rescue Fengxian.

Zhao Daoxian nodded and said with a wry smile: "Counting the days, half a month has passed by now."

"Half a month?" Chen Mo frowned. If Fengxian fell, Nanyang would be in trouble. It would be difficult to save it. After so long, Nanyang might also fall.

If Nanyang is also lost, the rebels from the north will sweep across the entire Qingzhou.

To be honest, there are so many old, weak, women, children, and disabled patients on the other side. For the sake of long-term development, Chen Mo does not want to take them in.

After all, having so many more mouths couldn't help him.

But even if you don't take them in, you can't do it openly and suppress them in a score-based manner, otherwise you never know what people on the road to death will do.

After thinking about it, Chen Mo said: "I deeply sympathize with everyone's experience, but our village is not a government shelter and cannot help all of you."

As soon as these words came out, there was an immediate commotion among the refugees. For people who have fallen into this situation, they are called refugees at best, or bandits at worst. If you don't give them a satisfactory answer, they will fight for their lives. It was stolen, but they had nothing left anyway.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to me." Chen Mo continued to speak, but the refugees could not calm down.

"Niang Cao, Brother Mo is talking to you, are you deaf?" Seeing that the refugees were still arguing, Zhang He and others started shouting, and the knife was about to be swung at their faces.

The brave guard also put on a menacing look.

The refugees finally settled down.

Chen Mo stretched out a finger and shouted: "Those who know how to read, digit, carpenter, blacksmith, butcher, pottery and other skills raise their hands."

Zhao Dao was the first to raise his hand, and then a dozen more refugees raised their hands one after another.

"Those who raise their hands, bring your family members in." As he said that, Chen Mo moved his eyes to Wang Ping and asked him to take people to register.

Zhang He asked the Shenyong Guard to open a hole to let these people in.

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang."

"Thank you, Mr. Xiaolang."

Zhao Daoxian and others all opened their mouths to express their thanks.

Wang Ping corrected him: "My name is Chen Xianshi."

Chen Mo didn't worry about what they called him, and then raised his second finger: "Anyone with an adult male at home can also come in."

Shortly after the words fell, the brave guards let in another two hundred people.

"If you have children at home, you can come in." Chen Mo raised his third finger.

This time, more than two hundred people came in.

The only people who were stopped were women and the elderly, sick and disabled.

Although these people looked pitiful, Chen Mo had gone through so many things and was already numb.

He looked at the brave guards and suddenly thought of something. Among these guards, a small number of them were widowers and singles.

Chen Mo coughed a few times: "Among the soldiers under me, some have lost their wives, and some have not yet started families. If any of you are willing to get married, or remarry, you can also bring people in."

In doing so, he can also tie up the hearts of these bachelor soldiers and make them vulnerable.

As soon as these words came out, some of the brave guards who were still singles suddenly blushed, and the teammates around them also started to tease them.

But I have to say that they did have this intention and even started to look at those women.

As for Chen Mo, this approach involves coercion.

Please, this is a way for them to survive.

In such troubled times, if there is no man to rely on, even if they are admitted into the village, they will be ostracized and die.

As for the remaining people, Chen Mo asked the village to cook porridge, and after they finished drinking the porridge, he sent them away.

And these people who were taken in, adult men, naturally became the brave guards.

As for Zhao Daoxian, Chen Mo gave him extremely high treatment. Not only did he find a room for him and his family, but he also took care of his and his family's meals, as well as several benefits.

As for the condition, he was allowed to teach Shenyongwei how to read.

This is extremely important.

After all, the current group of brave guards are the basic officers of the future. What can they do if they are illiterate.

Late at night.

Chen family.

In the master bedroom, Chen Mo was sitting on the kang like a gentleman, Han Anniang was kneeling behind him and pressing his shoulders, while Song Min was squatting on the ground, washing Chen Mo's feet.

Han Aniang talked about things in the village: "Uncle, today Qi Ge'er's mother came to the slave family and said that after turning over 30% of the fish her son caught, the remaining portion belongs to her son. Can she exchange it with the village for other grains? They I'm tired of eating fish every day.

Not only Brother Qi's mother had said this, but also many wives of members of the fishing team had also told the slave family. "

Chen Mo listened quietly.

"Also, Zhang Fusheng and his wife came to the slave family and said that she knew how to make shoes. She asked if the extra shoes could be exchanged for food for the village." Han Anniang continued to talk about many things in the village.

After listening to this, Chen Mo had an idea in his mind.

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