Two days later, two thousand kilograms of coarse salt was refined.

Hu Changsheng did not go again. After all, the channels had been opened. In addition to his old age, he asked his son Hu Chun to go for him.

On the side of the Divine Guards, Zhang He led fifty of the Divine Warriors, and the goods were loaded into two mule carts.

Hu Qiang also followed, and the village on the mountain had come to an end.

In the past two days, news about the fall of Fengxian swept through Pingting County like a hurricane. It was hard for Chen Mo to say what was going on inside the city, but outside the city, Chen Mo already felt a little confused.

Because of the fall of Fengxian, the counties around Fengxian were also affected, causing many refugees to go south. Now, they have almost arrived near Qingting and Pingting counties.

The biggest impact on Chen Mo was Dadong Lake. The fishing team had a small number of people. Because Chen Mo independently included Dadong Lake as the property of the village, when the refugees went fishing, they were naturally blocked by Han Wu's leaders, and then they A conflict broke out and more than 20 people in the fishing team were injured, but fortunately no one died.

But even so, after Chen Mo learned about it, he naturally did not allow anyone outside the city to challenge his authority, so he took the brave guards with him that day to avenge him.

However, refugees came in waves, and Dadong Lake was far away from the village. In order to prevent conflicts from breaking out, Chen Mo allowed the refugees to fish. In addition, the fish caught by the fishing team no longer had to be paid to the village.

Chen Mo realized that the fishing team was on the verge of being disbanded.

Secondly, there have been several thefts in Wangjiazhuang in the past two nights. Although the thieves were caught by the patrolling brave guards, the chaos caused by this made Chen Mo frown.

For the safety of the villagers in the two villages, Chen Mo stepped up patrols at night.

In addition, Chen Mo is no longer accepting refugees as he was a few days ago.

Now, the village will only take in families with young adults, but not others.

Another day passed, Chen Mo calculated that Zhang He and the others should be on their way back, and immediately asked Han Wu to lead a hundred brave guards to greet them to prevent any accidents.

At present, the number of Shenyong Guards has reached 1,200.

The number of squad leaders has also increased to ten.

Two days later, April 21st.

The accident happened.

It rained two days ago, making the road muddy and difficult to walk. On the way back from transporting grain, Zhang He's mule cart got stuck in a pit, causing the grain on the cart to overturn, and a bag of rice leaked out.

There are currently many refugees heading south on the road. As soon as the food is exposed, the eyes of those hungry and dizzy refugees suddenly light up, and they all rush over to fight for the food.

A person can ignore the threat of death when he is too hungry to bear it.

Although Zhang He and the others were armed with knives, their numbers were not particularly large. Especially when they killed several people and the group of refugees refused to retreat, the situation suddenly became critical.

In order to protect the cargo, the escorting Dangerous Guards suffered casualties.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Han Wu arrived with troops and drove away the refugees, and Zhang He and his party survived.

Zhang He breathed heavily and asked the living people to support the injured brother, then took his brother's body back, and asked people to reload the grain into the truck.

Han Wu brought people over to help.

"Why are you here?" Seeing Han Wu coming, Zhang He took a breath and said.

"Master Chen Xian was worried that something would happen to you, so he asked me to bring someone over to take care of you. I didn't expect that something would really happen." Han Wudao.

Zhang He blinked: "Brother Mo is really clever."

Immediately he cursed: "Damn it, these refugees are crazy. They even cut their faces with knives and are not afraid. How can there be so many refugees?"

"I heard from the people who took in the village recently that the counties around Fengxian were all occupied by the Tianshi Army from the north. These refugees are all from Fengxian," Han Wudao said.

"It seems that what Zhu Yongzhi said is true?"

"What really?"

Chen family.

"You mean that Zhu Yongzhi's coarse salt all comes from the salt lake in Qingting County, and recently the officers and soldiers in Qingting County have strengthened the supervision of the salt lake, so that Zhu Yongzhi's people have no loopholes to exploit?" Chen Mo listened After finishing Zhang He's words, he frowned.

"Back to Brother Mo, Zhu Yongzhi said this. The person who originally looked after the salt lake was a yamen officer from Qingting County. Zhu Yongzhi bribed the steward who looked after the salt warehouse. However, because of the refugees, for the safety of the salt warehouse, the person who was originally looking after the salt lake was replaced. The government officials were replaced by the garrison of Qingting County." Zhang He said.

Chen Mo understood clearly, that is, the person Zhu Yongzhi bribed has been replaced. Now, the garrison guarding the salt warehouse, Zhu Yongzhi has not yet established a relationship, and can no longer traffic in illegal salt.

Chen Mo frowned.

This is not possible. Without coarse salt, he cannot refine refined salt. Without refined salt, he has no money to buy food.

At present, the Divine Guard relies entirely on food to maintain itself, and without food, the village's food alone cannot last long. If it is not solved quickly, big problems will occur.

He tapped his fingers lightly on the table and said: "Hu Qiang, tonight I will take a few people to look around the salt warehouse in Qingting County and estimate how many people are guarding the salt warehouse."

Hu Qiang works as an Orion, and his lurking skills are definitely better than Zhang He's. He is more suitable than Zhang He for sending him to find out information.

"Brother Mo, do you want it?" After hearing Chen Mo's words, Zhang He and others could more or less understand the meaning of the words and couldn't help but widen their eyes.

Chen Mo did not say anything clearly for the time being.

But he already had his own plans in mind, and it was time to do something big.

"No." Hu Qiang nodded and agreed.

"Brother Shui, you have to do a good job in providing compensation for the injured brothers this time. Don't let their family members come to the Brave Guard to get emotional." Chen Mo said.

"Don't worry, Brother Mo, leave it to me."


The large group of people entered the village and immediately attracted the attention of the villagers.

When the brave guards carried the seriously injured and dead brothers in front of the villagers.

When their family members found out, they immediately ran over.

When a woman saw her husband's body, she immediately rushed towards her and cried: "Master, what happened to you? Wake up, if you leave, how will my daughter and I live in the future?"

"My son, I have long advised you not to become a soldier, but you refuse to listen. Are you greedy for three meals a day? Why is it so easy to be a soldier? Now, let me send the white-haired man to the black-haired man. "


More and more villagers were watching, and they were pointing and feeling sad for a while.


At this moment, a cold shout came.

The villagers looked over after hearing the sound and found that the person coming was Zhang He.

Next to him was a mule cart, which was filled with grain and a basket of copper coins.

When the villagers saw this, they couldn't help but whisper to each other.

ps: Thank you for your monthly votes!

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