True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Volume 2 Chapter 60 Going Back (with pictures)

"Hey! Don't go! You haven't told me how to use this thing!" Li Xiaoya shouted hurriedly.

"Look carefully! This is the jade slip that comes with that thing!" Wang Ding said on the tree. As soon as he finished speaking, a small jade slip was thrown down from the tree.

Li Xiaoya picked up the jade slip, looked at it casually, and put it into the storage bag together with the thunderbolt bead. He looked around and found the tree hole where he had been resting, and jumped up.

The next day, Li Xiaoya stretched and sat up with some dark circles under his eyes.

After talking with Wang Ding last night, he didn't sleep well the whole night. He was thinking about who killed the third-level monster claw beast the whole night. He really found some clues. According to his inference, this person is most likely Brother Liu Hang. Only Brother Liu Hang cares so much and will help him like this. Only Brother Liu Hang has such magical powers to kill the third-level monster with one blow. After figuring this out, Li Xiaoya couldn't sleep even more. Especially after hearing about Wang Wumei's story, combined with his own experience in this Monster Valley, Li Xiaoya reflected a lot. He was too reckless. The danger of this Monster Valley was much higher than he expected. If it weren't for the protection of his brother behind him, he wouldn't know that he died like this. He must thank Brother Liu Hang when he goes back.

"Brother Li! Brother Li! Are you awake? We are leaving!" Wang Ding's shout came from outside.

"Wake up! I'll be right there!" Li Xiaoya replied hurriedly, then he straightened his clothes casually, carefully checked if he had left anything behind, and then climbed out of the tree hole and jumped down from the tree.

He saw that the four friends of the Wang family were waiting for him under the tree, and they were all energetic and ready. Li Xiaoya greeted them and said a little embarrassedly: "I'm so sorry to have kept you waiting for so long!"

"It doesn't matter! We just got up too!" Wang Xuanyu waved his hand and smiled indifferently.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's go!" Wang Ding said when he saw that everyone was there, and then he gestured to everyone and led the way to the woods.

Along the way, everyone cast a wind control technique on themselves and flew quickly in one direction. Just like the previous few days, they stopped to hunt monsters when they encountered them. This was already at the edge of the Monster Valley. Although there were many monsters, they were all first-level monsters. Except for Li Xiaoya, anyone could easily deal with them. The coordination of various spells and the way of hunting monsters by the four friends of the Wang family opened Li Xiaoya's eyes a lot. It turned out that there were so many uses for spells and magical powers. It made him see a lot of magical powers and spells that he had never seen before, and learned a lot of things.

The four friends of the Wang family were generous and gave him a share of the spoils, but there was nothing good, just some monster materials and some low-level medicinal materials. After all, this was the periphery of the Monster Valley, there was nothing good, but for a low-level cultivator like Li Xiaoya, it was also a small fortune.

After fighting and stopping for most of the day, the group finally came to a huge high wall, and it seemed that they were about to reach the exit.

Wang Ding led a few people along the wall for a while and came to a white round platform. Everyone stood on it and saw complex runes carved on it. It looked like a teleportation array.

"Is this the teleportation array for going back?" Only Li Xiaoya, a rookie, asked this question.

"Haha! To be precise, this is a one-way teleportation array. This teleportation array can only be activated by cultivators to our Tiandao Sect! But you can't get out of it!" Wang Ding explained.

"Oh! So! I didn't know there was such a thing. Xiaoya wanted to ask something else.

"Okay! I'm going to teleport!" Wang Ding interrupted his question and recited a mantra. The runes of the magic array emitted a dazzling white light.

Li Xiaoya only felt a flash of white light in front of his eyes, his head sank, and his eyes blurred. He had already appeared in a hall.

"Is it here? "Li Xiaoya looked around in confusion. He found that this was the house he had not entered when he came here. There was no one around.

"Yes, Junior Brother Li, we are back. We have to go back to Twin Peaks to report first. Let's say goodbye now!" Wang Ding bowed.

"Ah! OK! Goodbye, Senior Brother Wang! Goodbye, all the senior brothers and sisters! See you later!" Li Xiaoya replied hurriedly.

"Yes! See you later!" After Wang Ding and his friends finished speaking, they walked out of the stone house. It was already evening, and there were not many people in the square. Wang Ding and his friends released their magic weapons and were about to fly away.

"By the way!" Wang Ding suddenly turned around and said to Li Xiaoya: "Junior Brother Li! You got a lot of materials in the Monster Valley. You can find the people in those houses here to identify these materials, but don't sell them to them. Their purchase price is very low. It's better to set up a stall at the mountain gate to sell them yourself!"

"Ah! "Li Xiaoya was stunned when he heard this, and smiled: "Haha, I already know something about this matter, don't worry, Senior Brother Wang!"

"Well! That's it, come to Twin Peaks to find us to exchange magic when you have time!" Wang Ding nodded and smiled.

"Haha! I will!" Li Xiaoya smiled, but thought to himself: "I don't even have a flying magic weapon! How can I find one!"

"Okay! See you later!" After Wang Ding finished speaking, he drove the magic weapon and flew away with a few people.

Looking at Wang Ding and his companions flying away, Li Xiaoya couldn't tell what he felt. He just felt that he had been worried and frightened in the Monster Valley these days, and had been on the verge of life and death several times. This experience made him feel like a dream, and he still couldn't believe that he could come back safely.

"But!" Li Xiaoya suddenly looked up at the sky, punched the sky hard, and said excitedly: "I finally broke through the fourth level! Hahaha!"

The scattered disciples around him who had not returned yet all looked at him sideways.

Li Xiaoya felt a little embarrassed when he saw this, and hurriedly ran towards the direction of Tiandu Peak outside the valley.

"Haha! My skills have now broken through the fourth level, so I can get a flying magic weapon to find Xian'er, hahaha!" Li Xiaoya thought excitedly, and felt that his steps seemed to be much lighter, and he was a little dazed thinking about the happy days when he could play with Xian'er every day in the future.

After running for more than an hour, I finally saw my little house. From a distance, I saw a person standing at the door of my house with his back to me, looking at the sunset, as if he was waiting for something.


{Piaotia Literature

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