True Immortal Fate

Volume 1 Five Elements Colored Ganoderma Lucidum Volume 2 Chapter 61 Rapid Progress

"Is that Senior Brother Liu Hang?" Li Xiaoya saw the man from a distance and recognized him at a glance. He was so scared that he hurriedly hid behind a tree nearby. He suddenly felt like he had a conflict with his parents and ran away from home, but he didn't dare to see his parents when he returned home. He was worried: "I disappeared for so many days without saying anything. Didn't Senior Brother Liu Hang protect me to go to Monster Valley? Why is he here? Could it be that the man is not Senior Brother Liu Hang? I don't know if Senior Brother wants to punish me like this? Should I go over?"

"How long are you going to hide there? Come out quickly!" Just as Li Xiaoya was thinking and hesitating, Liu Hang suddenly turned around, looked at the direction where he was hiding, and shouted loudly.

"Hey! Senior Brother Liu Hang is a cultivator in the Jindan stage. With such a powerful consciousness, how could he not know my movements? Oh! So stupid!" Li Xiaoya hit his head in frustration, walked out from behind the tree with a smile on his face, scratched the back of his head, and said with a smile: "Hehe! Senior Brother Liu Hang! I'm back!"

"Huh! Where did you run off to? You're back now?" Liu Hang snorted coldly and said with a sullen face. He looked at him and suddenly said with some surprise: "Huh? Your skills have broken through to the fourth level?"

"Yes! Yes! Senior Brother Liu, my skills have broken through to the early to middle stage of cultivation!" Li Xiaoya saw his happy expression and was immediately relieved, and nodded and answered. He was even more confused: "Could it be that the person in the Monster Valley is not Brother Liu Hang? Who could it be?"

"Ahem!" Liu Hang seemed to realize that he was a little too happy. He coughed twice and said with a dark face: "Do you know that leaving without the permission of the elders of the sect will be punished according to the rules of the sect? Huh? You disappeared for so many days without saying anything? Tell me the truth, where have you been these days?"

"Huh? Brother, don't you know?" Li Xiaoya saw that Liu Hang was clearly concerned about him and was waiting for him here, and he was psychologically He was deeply moved and whispered back: "I was... I went to the Monster Valley at the foot of the mountain?"

"What?!" Liu Hang was shocked and exclaimed: "You went to the Monster Valley? Don't you know that it is very dangerous for a cultivator like you who has practiced the third level of cultivation? How come..." At this point, Liu Hang hesitated and suddenly changed his words: "Why did you go there?"

"Uh! I'm back safe, aren't I? Senior Brother Liu Hang!" Li Xiaoya said embarrassedly when he saw him so nervous.

"Forget it! I'm back safely!" Liu Hang sighed and waved his hand. But his face immediately darkened again, and he said solemnly: "However! Starting tomorrow, I will punish you to face the wall for a month. You are too bold and dare to go anywhere! Remember?"

"Got it!" Li Xiaoya replied dejectedly. Although Senior Brother Liu Hang is usually easy to talk to, once he gets angry, he is also very scary. Besides, Senior Brother Liu Hang is angry now. This time, he is really wrong, so he has to pinch his nose and admit it.

"Well! That's it! Go back and wash up, go to bed early at night, and go to my place early tomorrow morning! Got it?" Seeing this, Liu Hang's face looked a little better, and he said lightly.

"Got it! Senior Brother Liu!" Li Xiaoya replied weakly. He also planned to get a flying magic weapon tomorrow and go to Caixia Peak to find Liu Xianer. It seems that he can only survive this month.

"Okay! I'm going back!" Liu Hang said, and then he slowly walked along the road. When he came to Li Xiaoya, he looked at him with a smile, patted his shoulder and said, "Next time you go there, remember to tell Senior Brother to avoid any accidents! You must know that you have a heavy responsibility." After that, he slowly left step by step.

Li Xiaoya touched the place where Senior Brother Liu Hang had patted, and he was a little confused. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. He watched Senior Brother Liu Hang leave.

"Ah~~~! It's so comfortable to sleep!" Li Xiaoya stretched and sat up. After Senior Brother Liu Hang left yesterday, he washed up casually. He didn't even have time to count the materials he had harvested in the past few days. He fell asleep on the bed tiredly. If he hadn't had to report to Senior Brother Liu Hang early in the morning, he would still be sleeping now.

After meditating for a week, he felt that his spirit had recovered almost completely, so he washed up and went out. Since he advanced to the fourth level of the technique, his spirit and recovery speed have been much faster, which is a good surprise.

After breakfast, he went to Brother Liu Hang's place. As soon as he entered the study, he saw Brother Liu Hang standing in the study reading a book.

"Brother Liu, good morning! I'm here!" Li Xiaoya greeted him.

"Yes! Sit down!" Liu Hang looked at the book and waved his hand.

"Yes!" Li Xiaoya sat in his seat, waiting for Brother Liu Hang's criticism, but found that Brother Liu Hang was looking at him with a smile, which made him feel creepy.

However, Liu Hang did not scold him any more. Instead, he gave him some advice on how to practice and gave him a bottle of Qi-gathering powder, a first-class elixir that could improve his magic power. He said it would help him stabilize his state and let him live here for the next month. This made Li Xiaoya secretly think of some nice words and excuses. He begged for a day off but Liu Hang did not agree. His idea of ​​buying a flying magic tool to find Xian'er fell through.

Li Xiaoya had no choice but to follow Liu Hang's instructions and sit in his practice room to meditate and practice.

Before he knew it, a month had passed.

Li Xiaoya's skills were greatly improved by the pills given by Senior Brother Liu Hang, and they were raised to the fifth level, and even to the peak of the fifth level. This made Li Xiaoya sigh at the powerful benefits of the pills, and gradually feel the benefits of the profound skills. For example, when he used the fireball spell, it was several times more powerful than before. The fireballs he sent out were as big as a person's head. The power was also much greater. This made him look down on the so-called martial arts masters more and more. Compared with the magic of the immortal cultivators, the martial arts of the martial arts masters were nothing. This made him understand more and more why the immortal cultivators looked down on those mortals in the secular world. This was simply because of the powerful strength of the immortal cultivators.

Although he was asked to face the wall and reflect on his mistakes for a month, Li Xiaoya still secretly counted some of the things he had harvested in the Monster Valley. Not to mention anything else, there were a lot of green and yellow fruits and apricot grass, the main ingredients for the second-level pills. If they were all refined into pills, seven or eight bottles of pills could be refined.

{Piaotian Literature

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