True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Human World Chaos Chapter 1166 The Eighth Floor

I saw Li Xiaoya's feet glaring fiercely!

"Bang bang!!" There was a sound of heavy footsteps, and he flew away across the ice bridge!


"Click!" With a sound, Li Xiaoya's foot suddenly slipped! .

"Bang bang bang!" Li Xiaoya, a great monk in the Qiankun period who has been practicing for thousands of years, actually slipped on the ground. His whole body tumbled, and he fell into a big somersault and slid hundreds of feet. distance, leaving a long ice mark on the ground...

"Bang!" Li Xiaoya stretched out his hand and pressed it on the ground, and his whole body stood up abruptly, but! Click, click, click! ! There was a strange rhythm coming from the ice surface...

"Hey!" Li Xiaoya felt his feet slip again, and he was about to fall to the ground again, boom! A burst of orange light burst out all over his body, and the rock armor on Li Xiaoya instantly exploded with a piece of extremely tough stone thorns...

"Ding ding ding!!" I saw Li Xiaoya turning around in the air, and those stone thorns sounded like an astonishing sound of metal collision. The spikes on Li Xiaoya's armor were directly nailed into the tough flesh. Only then did he stand firmly on the ice bridge!

"Hey! Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise it would have been extremely embarrassing!" Li Xiaoya started to sweat on his head, looked around, and murmured in his mouth, if people knew that he, a great cultivator of the Qiankun period, actually threw himself to the ground, That's really embarrassing... However, Li Xiaoya noticed the clue immediately. He saw that the knock on the door was rising and falling slowly, as if he was on a boat on the river. His face moved and he said in surprise: "This Will the damn bridge tilt?" Then he looked down and saw that the ice on the bridge was slowly surging like running water. As the water aura slowly surged, Li Xiaoya felt that his figure was also slowly flowing...

"Uh! So that's it!" Li Xiaoya was stunned when he saw this. It was obviously these water auras that were causing trouble. He shook his head helplessly and moved his feet.

He pulled out the stone thorns that had penetrated the bridge and continued to run forward...


"Ding ding ding!!" A burst of harsh and crisp footsteps burst out, and countless ice shards were splashed across the entire bridge deck. The stone thorns on Li Xiaoya's feet were continuously nailed into the ground, and he flew forward quickly. And rise. But this speed is not too fast. Who knows what else is weird about this place?


It is worth mentioning that knowing that the water layer is the same as the fire layer, this divine sense can only sense the appearance of one mile around the body. Obviously, there is also a restriction on the sensing range of the divine sense...

And although the bridge deck is tilting and swaying more and more severely. Sometimes, Li Xiaoya thought that the bridge deck was going to flip over...


If Li Xiaoya was on guard, he would be thrown down in disgrace. In a short time, he passed this dozens of miles long ice bridge that was specially designed to play tricks on monks. Having arrived at the foot of this huge iceberg, he paused and saw that his whole body was already covered with a thick layer of ice. He raised his head and looked up at the huge iceberg. I couldn't see the appearance of the top, but there was a burst of mysterious and wonderful blue light surging in the sky. My heart moved, and I looked at the steps in front, and an orange light surged throughout my body. There was a loud bang, and circles of orange light shook out all over the body, shaking the ice on the body into ice shards and scattering in all directions...

"Bang!" Li Xiaoya didn't waste any time and stepped up to the first step...

"Huh?" Li Xiaoya suddenly noticed that there was something unusual about the strength of his feet and looked down!

And this time!

"Crash!!" The steps Li Xiaoya stepped on were filled with ice splashes, and they looked very careless. It immediately broke into countless ice cubes and scattered the ice pick fragments. After a while, it turned into a burst of blue light in the air and disappeared...

"Uh! This is a rip-off!" Li Xiaoya's expression changed upon seeing this, he shrugged and landed on the bridge. He frowned and murmured to himself: "Is it possible that this ladder will fall once you go up one step?" He said this and pointed his finger. An orange light ball flew out, and the orange light ball instantly turned into a rock ball on the ground. "Bang!" There was a muffled sound, and it hit the steps heavily!

"Crash!" I saw a burst of muffled explosion on the ice staircase, and the whole thing shattered and fell to the ground...

"Uh! That's really it!" Li Xiaoya frowned when he saw this. From this point of view, you can only go up the stairs in one breath without stopping. It is estimated that it is quite difficult to go up on the ice. Li Xiaoya With this thought in mind, I touched the iceberg wall on one side of the icy staircase...


"Clang Clang Clang!!" I saw a surge of water spiritual energy on the mountain wall, and suddenly there was an explosion of ice on the mountain wall, a burst of spiritual light flashed, and I saw dozens of ice spikes exploding from the mountain wall. come out……

"Hmph!" Of course, such things can't hurt Li Xiaoya. Li Xiaoya snorted coldly, a burst of golden light surged on his hand, and the skin on his hand suddenly became as hard as diamond!

"Clang, Clang, Clang!!" I saw those ice picks explode into Li Xiaoya's hand, making a sound like metal clashing, and a burst of ice pick fragments flying everywhere...

"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya's heart moved when he saw this. Although the ice cone could not hurt Li Xiaoya, the force it transmitted was not small, and a trace of cold air drilled into Li Xiaoya's hand. If he was not prepared, he might be blasted down from the sky...

At this time!



"Crash!" A series of cracking sounds came from behind Li Xiaoya...

"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya was stunned and turned his head to look. It was not a big deal to look at it, but he started to curse: "Tsk! Don't play like this!"


The originally good ice bridge suddenly broke and shattered rapidly. The front section broke and fell down. There was a no-fly ban in this place, which still cut off Li Xiaoya's retreat. Although Li Xiaoya had to go up, he was naturally a little unhappy, as if he was being forced to do something...


"Go to hell!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly, and golden light flashed on his feet. Suddenly, he stomped heavily on the bridge. Boom! ! With a shocking explosion that shook the earth, the entire bridge surface was shaking wildly. A huge hole was directly stepped out of the bridge surface by Li Xiaoya's foot. The entire bridge surface was shaking violently, and the bridge surface was cracking wildly in all directions...

"Boom! Boom!" The entire front end was directly stomped by Li Xiaoya's foot, causing the entire bridge surface to collapse, and countless ice cones and ice cubes splashed everywhere...

And at this time!

"Swoosh!" Li Xiaoya's figure seemed to have directly jumped hundreds of feet high. A very heavy restraining force came from the air, causing Li Xiaoya's entire figure to fall heavily downward. He fell on the icy stairs!

Li Xiaoya naturally stomped on the bridge surface on purpose. Just to vent his dissatisfaction, this thing is too annoying...

"Bang!" With a muffled explosion, the icy stairs that Li Xiaoya stepped on were shattered in an instant, and Li Xiaoya's figure quickly rushed forward. Wherever he passed, the icy stairs continued to break and shatter, as if the broken icy stairs were chasing Li Xiaoya...

Of course, this was because Li Xiaoya was too fast...


And just as Li Xiaoya was running quickly forward on the mountain on the eighth floor...

In the illusion of the sixth floor!

"Swish, swish, swish!" More and more monks appeared on the sixth floor, and there was another flash of spiritual light in the air. Zi Yan appeared in the air...

After spending more time than Li Xiaoya and others, she finally pieced together the Magic Cube of Ten Thousand Beasts...

"It turned out to be an illusion!" Zi Yan smiled slightly after listening to the story of the red token. Suddenly, she tapped her slender jade fingers, and a purple-red scarf treasure with a mysterious purple-red light appeared in her hand. She covered her face, directly covering her eyes and the whole face, and then flew forward...


The purple-red scarf is also a treasure that can easily block illusions!


And at this time!

In a corner of the sixth floor!

"Brother! Do we really want to do this?" The burly man of the Red Barbarians and the female monk were hiding in a cave, and the female monk said to the burly man.

"Well! Now that things have come to this, we have no choice but to fight to the death! You must not reveal any traces!" The burly man gnashed his teeth and said...

When the two thought that the master of the lower level would call them back. The guy with the human bird body gave them another order, asking them to continue to make trouble and kill monks...

The two were naturally dissatisfied after hearing this. Although they were captured by the black ghost and made slaves, they were still Qiankun period monks. The black ghost trusted them, but this time he treated them like this, so he was naturally dissatisfied...

At this moment, he thought in his heart, just end it all. Find a way to steal a few monks' red tokens and teleport them out directly. I don't believe that the black ghost has the courage to leave this hell tower...

However, the two did not dare to say it clearly, but turned a blind eye, because the damned one was still staring at them... Of course! The two now knew that the magical powers of the cultivators who came in first were stronger than those of ordinary cultivators, so they waited patiently and waited for the cultivators with lower cultivation to come in, and then it would be better to take action...


The two actually knew that the cultivators who could enter the sixth floor had magical powers that were also in the middle and upper levels among the Qiankun period cultivators in the Dongxia Continent, and they were not so easy to deal with. However, both of them were in the late Qiankun period. Although they were not as good as Di Long and Yun Yi, they were also very powerful, and they were still confident in dealing with ordinary cultivators...

Time passed little by little...

"Haha! It's coming!" Li Xiaoya stepped on the icy stairs and kept running forward. From a distance, he could see the peak of the iceberg...


"Boom!" With a thunderous sound, a blue light suddenly rose from the mountain peak, illuminating the entire mountain...

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