True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1167: Spirit of Ice (asking for mon

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A huge and incomparable head of a blue light icicle monster appeared in the sky. This monster had countless huge horns like ice shoots on its head, a pair of huge blue light eyes, emitting a scorching blue light that was shining, and a huge mouth full of icicle teeth, exhaling a series of amazing blue light water spirits. .  ..  .

"There is this thing?" Li Xiaoya was frightened by the sudden appearance of the huge monster head, but it had a great impact on Li Xiaoya's brows. His heart moved, and he exclaimed in his heart, but his feet continued to run up the stairs in front of him, and he looked unaffected. A red light flashed in his hand, and a long stick with a glittering silver light appeared in his hand. It was the giant spirit weapon, the real fairy treasure. After several refining and transformations in the second update, the power change was even more amazing, and it was naturally very powerful...

In Li Xiaoya's opinion, this huge monster naturally could not appear on the top of the mountain for no reason. Maybe this is the final test of the eighth floor!

Sure enough!

Li Xiaoya just took out the giant spirit weapon!


"Crack, crack, crack!!" The blue light in the eyes of this giant ice monster's head suddenly surged, and a burst of blue light rune formations vibrated out from the top of the head. The big mouth sucked up fiercely, and countless blue lights rushed into the big mouth of the ice monster, making a piercing sound of howling wind, and the whole head and big mouth continued to gather spiritual energy, making a crackling sound of ice condensing, and the big mouth looked like thicker and thicker ice was condensing...


"Ah!!!" The head of this ten thousand feet big ice monster suddenly leaned down, and the big mouth sprayed fiercely, and the whole sky was stirred up with circles of amazing and suffocating light. The whole sky was a circle of blue light suddenly bursting out, and the void was amazingly wriggling, and countless blue light frost storms gushed out from the huge mouth of this ice monster. It rumbled down to the top of the entire mountain, heading straight for Li Xiaoya...

"Boom boom boom!"

"Crack crack crack!" The blue light frost storm almost covered the entire mountain top, and the air in the place where it passed was rolling and condensing wildly, making a shocking muffled explosion sound and the explosion of frost condensation...

"Hoo hoo hoo!" Li Xiaoya felt that there was an extremely shocking frost everywhere he looked. The entire mountaintop seemed to be frozen. The rumbling tilt came, and the temperature of the entire space suddenly dropped a lot. The frost that had already begun to condense on Li Xiaoya's body condensed even more...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya did not let the blue light frost storm hit him, and his hands were dazzling and quickly pinched. The giant spirit weapon in front of him was a dazzling silver light rune emerging, and it changed rapidly. In an instant, it turned into a huge and extremely sharp silver shield. He pointed his finger heavily at the void in front of him and shouted coldly.

"Buzz!" The giant spirit weapon shook violently and emitted a circle of amazing silver light. It blocked the way forward!

"Boom! Whoosh! Snap! Snap!" The blue light frost storm whistled and hit the giant spirit weapon that had turned into a sharp giant shield. With a shocking explosion, countless frost hail directly hit the giant spirit weapon's shield. A series of crackling collisions broke out, and the entire giant spirit weapon shook violently and stopped in the air for a while...


"Buzz!" An astonishing buzzing sound instantly erupted from the giant spirit weapon, and the entire giant spirit weapon burst into silver light, and it was forcibly blasted forward...

"Boom boom boom!" The blue light frost storm that hit the giant spirit weapon was forcibly broken by the giant spirit weapon, and it spurted out wildly in both directions...

"Pah pah pah! Clang clang clang!" The spurting ice and frost slammed into the mountain wall on the side and the stairs below. The entire ice stairs and mountain wall were a burst of amazing crackling explosions, and the sound of metal colliding and fighting broke out. The iceberg mountain wall and the ice stairs were madly condensed with thick and tough frost...

"Hum!" At this time, Li Xiaoya was running fast under his feet, snorting coldly, and the silver light giant shield transformed by the giant spirit weapon was blocked in front of him. He shot forward at an extremely alarming speed against the icy wind and frost. After a while, he pushed forward against the wind and frost, and drove straight into the blue light icy storm. The blue light icy storm was stirred up crazily...


"Crack, crack, crack!" Li Xiaoya didn't have time to be surprised. The frost condensed on the icy stairs in front of him was too thick, and the ice cones and ice blocks bombarded in the blue light icy storm... actually cracked by themselves. It actually began to break!

"Damn it!" Li Xiaoya cursed angrily when he saw this. This eighth floor is really tormenting!

Sure enough!

Li Xiaoya just finished cursing!

"Bang! Bang, bang!" The icy stairs finally couldn't bear it. The stairs in front of Li Xiaoya and the icy stairs under his feet all exploded, and they all cracked at the same time, and fell down crazily...

"Hoo!!" Li Xiaoya's foot was in the air, and his whole body was smashed downwards. It didn't matter if he hit it, Li Xiaoya wouldn't be seriously injured or anything, but in this way, his hard work ahead of him would not have been in vain. Well, looking around, I could see that on the iceberg hundreds of feet below, the icy stairs that Li Xiaoya had dashed past had collapsed and disappeared. Waves of blue water aura were emerging, and they were gradually condensing...

And this time!

"Whoosh whoosh!" Li Xiaoya's figure was just exposed within the scope of the giant silver shield transformed into the giant spirit weapon, and the astonishing blue light frost storm roared towards Li Xiaoya...


"Bang!" Li Xiaoya, who was in the air, was caught off guard. The blue light frost storm was sprayed twice, and ice condensed rapidly all over his body. His whole body was shaken violently, and he was directly blasted away for dozens of times. Zhang, fell downwards...

at the same time!

"Huh?!" The astonishing air restriction also came into effect. Li Xiaoya's body instantly became extremely heavy and stiff, and he fell towards the ground like a huge ice stone...

Li Xiaoya saw this situation in the air and understood. It was obvious that he had fallen down. He had to run up from the foot of the mountain again. It had already taken Li Xiaoya several days to get up from the foot of this huge iceberg. If he fell down, it might take even longer...

Li Xiaoya naturally doesn't want to have to do it all over again!


"Drink!" Li Xiaoya, who was in mid-air, roared fiercely. Golden light suddenly burst out all over his body. The rock armor all over his body instantly transformed into golden metal, emitting a dazzling golden light, boom! ! An astonishing sound of muffled explosion erupted, and several feet of frost condensed on Li Xiaoya's body exploded with a shocking muffled explosion. Li Xiaoya's whole body was shaken by a circle of astonishing golden light. The ice block was directly shattered by the shock, and the golden light burst out from his big hand, and he struggled to grab the iceberg wall!

"Boom!!" An astonishing muffled sound suddenly erupted, and as Li Xiaoya grabbed it, Li Xiaoya grabbed a giant hand of golden light. He grabbed the iceberg wall forcefully!

at the same time!

"Hoo! Clang, Clang, Clang!!" The giant shield transformed into a giant spirit weapon burst out with silver light, and instantly blocked Li Xiaoya's side. The huge mouth of the huge ice monster continued to spurt out shocking blue light. The frost storm roared and spewed in the direction of Li Xiaoya. Fortunately, the giant silver shield transformed into a giant spirit weapon completely blocked it!

And this time!

"Clang, Clang, Clang!!" Li Xiaoya released his giant golden hand and was about to grab it on the iceberg wall, when a burst of blue light burst out from the iceberg wall, and countless ice cones several feet long shot out instantly. It shot toward the giant golden hand, but the golden arm was so hard. The countless ice picks bombarded the giant golden melon hand, making a series of clashing sounds of gold and iron, exploding crazily, and countless icy icicles splashing and scattering in all directions...

"Boom!!" With a shocking explosion, the giant golden hand was like a sharp sword, forcefully grabbing into the iceberg wall. Countless frosty ice cubes splashed everywhere...

"Drink!" And this time! Li Xiaoya shouted angrily, and his whole body rolled and flew towards the iceberg wall, and flew over...


"Buzz!" There was a crazy surge of blue light water aura on the iceberg mountain wall, and countless blue lights were seen spreading in the direction of Li Xiaoya's giant golden hand grasped on the mountain wall. In an instant, countless blue lights spread crazily along the giant golden hand. I remembered a series of crackling explosions of ice condensation, and saw that the entire giant golden hand was condensed with countless ice, spreading rapidly in the direction of Li Xiaoya!

"Yeah!" Li Xiaoya's face changed when he saw this, his figure suddenly shook in the void, countless golden lights burst out, and he grabbed it with his big hand!

"Bang!!" A shocking and muffled sound suddenly erupted, and Li Xiaoya's entire body rolled violently on the giant golden hand, and his body flew up a few feet...


"Drink!" Li Xiaoya shouted angrily, a burst of golden light burst out from his feet, and he stepped on the giant golden hand that had instantly condensed into a popsicle...

"Bang bang bang!" I saw a series of heavy footsteps. Li Xiaoya followed the giant hand of condensed golden light of ice and shot towards the mountain wall quickly. Wherever he passed, the golden light The giant hand exploded crazily...

Li Xiaoya's figure was already on the side of the mountain wall in an instant. He roared, and the golden light suddenly burst out from his big hands. There were two golden swords in his hands, and he thrust them hard into the iceberg wall...

"Clang, Clang, Clang!" Countless blue light ice cones burst out, and the two golden swords in Li Xiaoya's hands were swept out by the violent wind and rain. The countless ice cones were instantly crushed to pieces...

at the same time!

"Qiang Qiang Qiang!"

"Boom, boom, boom!" Golden light burst out from Li Xiaoya's feet, and he stepped up the mountain in a series of heavy steps on the iceberg wall. Countless ice cones of cold light bombarded out, hitting Li Xiaoya's feet. Li Xiaoya let the ice Crazy bursts of shooting, running directly towards the top of the mountain...

And this time!

"Ouch!!" The ice monster on the top of the mountain was obviously deliberately against Li Xiaoya. With an earth-shattering buzzing roar, it directly turned its huge head in the direction of Li Xiaoya and spewed out an even more astonishing blue light frost storm!

"Damn it!" Li Xiaoya narrowed his eyes when he saw this, and suddenly he roared in anger. Suddenly, the golden sword in his hand made an amazing buzzing sound, and the other giant sword turned into countless golden lights to protect his feet, while the giant spirit weapon on the other side turned into a silver giant shield, blocking it to the side, preventing the blue light frost storm from getting close...

"Swish, swish, swish!" Li Xiaoya was seen running up the mountain wall on the top of the mountain. The mountain wall was constantly cracking and exploding. One hand was protecting his feet with a golden sword, and the other hand was pointing to the sky. Circles of amazing golden light rushed out, and the golden light in his hand... The giant sword seemed to be gathering spiritual energy crazily. The whole giant sword was growing crazily. Circles of golden light vortexes were constantly rotating around the golden sword...


"Clang clang clang!" The blue light frost storm gushing out from the head of the giant ice monster bombarded the growing golden sword. Countless frosts were swept into it by the golden whirlwind and were constantly crushed into pieces...

"Swish, swish, swish!" The golden sword was still growing crazily. After a while, it had grown to a length of ten thousand feet, which was comparable to the giant ice monster...

And at this time!

"Go!" Li Xiaoya shouted angrily, and the ten thousand feet long golden sword in his hand soared into the sky, turning into a shocking golden light that swirled up and directly blasted towards the head of the huge ice monster...

"Boom!" The ice monster's reaction was obviously very slow, and before he could stop it, the ten thousand feet long golden sword was already in front of him. With a deafening explosion, the ten thousand feet long golden sword directly pierced through the head of the ice monster, and the whole thing burst out with amazing cold light and madly dissipated in all directions. It opened, and dazzling blue light splashed everywhere...

"Ah!!" The huge ice monster roared, and its huge mouth stopped spewing the shocking blue light frost storm. It howled in pain, and its huge head slowly hid towards the huge mountain...

"Hmph! It's what you deserve!" Li Xiaoya was surprised to see that the huge ice monster was still alive after its head was pierced, and there was no blood or anything. Obviously, this ice monster was not a creature like a demon beast. He snorted and cursed.

Although Li Xiaoya didn't need to use this magical power to blast the huge ice monster, he directly bypassed the blue light frost storm spewed out by the ice monster and went up from the side of the iceberg that the ice monster couldn't spray...


This damn ice monster really made Li Xiaoya angry. In a rage, he directly blasted this guy to vent his anger...

Without the obstruction of the ice monster, Li Xiaoya was much easier to go up, and the distance of a thousand feet was just a few breaths...

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