True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6 Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1654 Instant Killing of Three Cultiv


"Boom!!" A hundred-foot-long colorful sword light exploded past in a flash. The White Snake Fairy had no time to react. Her whole head was shaken violently, and she was unable to move for an instant...


"Bearing!!" The boundless multicolored spiritual light flames rushed out from the White Snake Fairy's neck, and a multicolored spiritual light filament burst out from the White Snake Fairy's snow-white jade neck, then rolled up and headed towards the White Snake Fairy. The magical power of his head swept over, and in an instant, Fairy White Snake turned into a flaming man burning the colorful spiritual light and flames...

"Ah!!" The White Snake Fairy let out a shrill scream...

"Boom, boom, boom!" A burst of colorful spiritual light and flames burst out. In an instant, the entire body of Fairy White Snake was transformed into colorful spiritual light and flames, turning into ashes... not even a trace of her soul was left...

It all happened too fast...

Although it sounds like a lot to talk about, that feeling is actually just one thousandth of a breath away. It feels like Li Xiaoya waved his hand with the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash, and the White Snake Fairy turned into a piece of colorful spiritual light and flames. , was burned to ashes...

At the moment when Li Xiaoya killed the White Snake Fairy, the golden wings of the storm behind him flapped violently, causing an astonishing burst of colorful spiritual light to rush out. Li Xiaoya's entire figure instantly disappeared into the air...

next moment!

"Boom!" A burst of colorful spiritual light rushed out, and Li Xiaoya's figure instantly appeared behind Fairy Hanling. However, this was just one hundredth of a breath away, but Fairy Hanling had a slight reaction. On the occasion...

"Spare my life! I was forced!" The Hanling Fairy begged for mercy with a pale face. At the same time, a blood-red light burst out from her hand, and a ball of blood light like an evil ghost rushed out in an instant, heading towards Then Li Xiaoya blasted over...

"Boohoo!" Li Xiaoya looked expressionless, and in an instant, the Dragon Horned Bone Dragon slashed out thousands of sword lights. It transformed into the shape of a huge lotus and covered the spirit-containing fairy...


"Bang bang bang!!" A burst of blood-red light exploded, and the evil ghost blood light released by Hanling Fairy was instantly cut into nothingness. The huge sword-glow lotus instantly swept up Hanling Fairy like a tornado. Spirit fairy...

In an instant!

"Clang, Clang, Clang!!" A shocking sound of metal collision erupted in the sky. The defensive armor worn by Fairy Hanling was instantly smashed into pieces, and countless blood flew everywhere...

Apparently he has followed in the footsteps of the White Snake Fairy...


"Boom, boom, boom!" The storm golden light wings behind Li Xiaoya continued, the five-color spiritual light flashed, and his body turned into a stream of light and exploded towards Xu Shaogui...

And this time...

"Bang!!" was a loud and muffled sound. Xu Shaogui's body that was blown away directly hit the other side of the metal wall a hundred miles away. His whole body was shaken violently, and the protective shield on his body instantly cracked and exploded. Xu Shaogui couldn't bear it. He opened his mouth and spat out a large mouthful of blood, his eyes widening in horror. Just in time to see Fairy Hanling being chopped into pieces by Li Xiaoya...

"Wait! Fellow Taoist Long! Misunderstanding!" Xu Shaogui shouted in extreme horror. When he saw Li Xiaoya charging towards him with an expressionless face, he struck out with the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Sword in his hand. ...I also knew that the iron plate was mentioned this time...A burst of gray light suddenly exploded on my body, and my figure disappeared instantly...

"Clang, clang, clang!" I saw countless colorful spiritual lights and sword rays impacting out, leaving countless sword lights and cold rays on the metal wall. The whole void was filled with a crazy sound of metal collision. The metal wall The molten metal liquid was blown up. It left countless extremely sharp grooves thousands of feet long...


"Boom!" A burst of gray light burst out, and Xu Shaogui's figure instantly appeared dozens of miles away, with an ugly face...


Li Xiaoya's reaction was so astonishing, and his figure suddenly appeared with colorful auras. It instantly turned into a stream of light and charged towards Xu Shaogui... The Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash in his hand burst out with a burst of shocking sword energy, obviously about to perform the next move...

"Wait! Wait! Kill me! You will never get the treasure inside!" Xu Shaogui knew that Li Xiaoya was no match for him in a head-to-head confrontation, so he suddenly roared angrily, with a flash of light on his hand. An object appeared in his hand... He shouted angrily at Li Xiaoya... The object in his hand was the key to getting the treasure from the treasure cave, except for his best friend Blue Devil. Fairy Hanling and Fairy White Snake knew a little bit, but they didn’t tell anyone...

I can't care about anything else right now, as long as I can survive...


"Really?" Li Xiaoya's figure instantly arrived dozens of feet in front of Xu Shaogui. He narrowed his eyes and suddenly flashed a cold light in his eyes, revealing a hint of contempt. He shouted coldly. While speaking, his eyes A burst of dazzling colorful auras burst out from his eyes and he looked towards Xu Shaogui's eyes. At the same time, the dragon horn bone dragon in his hand burst out with a burst of colorful auras...

"Uh!" Xu Shaogui never expected that Li Xiaoya would not be intimidated. His eyes stung, and his consciousness came from the colorful aura in Li Xiaoya's eyes. In this one-thousandth moment of breathing, , looking stagnant...

However, just one thousandth of a breath...

"Puff!!" A piece of colorful spiritual light and sword light swept over, and Xu Shaogui's figure was pierced by the boundless multicolored sword light in an instant... The armor's protective light shield instantly turned into countless fragments. Scattered around...

"...!" Xu Shaogui's eyes suddenly opened wide with a look of reluctance on his face. Countless cracks followed and cracked open from Xu Shaogui's face... There was an astonishing splash of blood. When he came out, Xu Shaogui's whole body turned into countless pieces of broken flesh and scattered towards something...

And the object in Xu Shaogui's hand also fell down with his severed hand...


With a sound of "Pa!", a big hand reached out and grabbed the object, which looked exactly like Li Xiaoya's hand... Then Li Xiaoya swept his hand away, and the white snake fairy who was burned to ashes and the spirit-containing fairy who was chopped into powder, There was a flash of spiritual light in front of Xu Shaogui, and dozens of treasures, as well as a dozen storage bracelets, rings and other things flew over...

Li Xiaoya was actually able to kill these three monks and at the same time leave behind the treasures stored in these three monks. Obviously, the control of the power of magic and magical powers has reached the wonderful state of being able to send and receive freely...

"Huh! Maybe this is the nature of a monk!" Li Xiaoya looked at the treasures in his hands and those treasures, let out a sigh of relief, and murmured...

After experiencing countless reincarnations, Li Xiaoya's state of mind has almost reached a perfect state, but that does not mean that he no longer has murderous intentions. He understands the hearts of monks better. He has always restrained the treasure and did not expose it. In fact, he is not afraid of ordinary monks snatching it. With his current magical power With his cultivation level, few monks at the same level can take anything away from him...


He didn't expose it everywhere. After all, monks are all greedy and he has used such amazing magical powers. Then Xu Shaogui and other monks can't help but deal with him...

Obviously, these guys came with good luck, and secondly, their treasures were so amazing that they made these three monks greedy, especially the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash and Yin Yang Chaos Divine Cauldron used by Li Xiaoya. The attraction of the Dragon Horn Bone Dragon Slash, the heaven-opening treasure, is too astonishing, and the Yin Yang Chaos Divine Cauldron has such frightening defensive power that even a fool can see that it is at least an artifact level treasure...

In addition to the Jinyang Gourd that was used before, although Xu Shaogui and other monks have not asked about it, they have always taken it to heart... It must be a divine weapon...

Although Li Xiaoya rescued these old guys once, in the eyes of these old monsters who have been practicing for tens of thousands of years, this kind of life-saving grace is nothing compared to the artifact.


As early as when they were at the Holy King, the monks had already agreed to find the right opportunity to destroy Li Xiaoya and Jade Pan... and they could seize the treasure and share more treasures, so why not do it?

And Li Xiaoya also had some speculation in his mind that Yupan was also a smart guy, so he might as well find someone else to plot against Xu Shaogui and his group of monks...

However, no matter which aspect, it was disturbed by an outsider like Li Xiaoya...

After all, it was just the treasures that caused the trouble...

"This thing is...!" And Li Xiaoya didn't care. He pointed his finger and opened his hand to look at the object that Xu Shaogui finally took out. He saw that it looked like a bronze key, with serrations all over it, and countless other things. The extremely small talisman looked very extraordinary... Li Xiaoya looked at it carefully and then murmured: "It seems that this thing must have opened some secret room inside, right?" After that, it was wrinkled. He frowned, looked around, and finally looked at the entrance where blue-green life energy was constantly surging out. He murmured: "It seems that I am the only one to go in and take a look!" After that, he moved towards the entrance. Flying over...

As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the cave, astonishing waves of life rushed toward Li Xiaoya in horror, making Li Xiaoya's injuries feel better...

"Go!" There was a flash of light on Li Xiaoya's body, and a figure flew out. It looked like another clone. As Li Xiaoya pointed his finger, the clone blurred and disappeared into the air... Apparently he had some backup. It seems that once the body is injured, there will be a clone here to respond...

This place is so weird, it's better to be careful... Li Xiaoya thought in his heart, and carefully flew forward along the passage...

In this passage, an astonishing blue-green spiritual light spurted out. The more it flew forward, the more shocking the aura of life became. It almost seemed like Li Xiaoya was about to break through the boundaries of life...


This passage was obviously much safer and shorter than Li Xiaoya imagined. He carefully flew for dozens of miles... and finally arrived at the end of the passage...

"Isn't this... so amazing?" Li Xiaoya looked at the amazing scene in front of him and couldn't help but exclaimed...

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