True Immortal Fate

True Immortal Romance Volume 6: Chaos in the Human World Chapter 1655: A Tree Stump

This is really amazing...

I saw a huge tree trunk in front of me, and at first glance it looked like a huge wall. Li Xiaoya's spiritual sense swept over and saw that it was a huge tree stump, a thousand feet long, and it looked like it was cut in half, hundreds of feet high... There were countless blue and green interlaced runes on the surface, slowly surging... The whole thing was deep into the metal ground, and it looked like it was planted on the metal ground...

The amazing blue-green life breath was constantly gushing out, and the entire space of hundreds of feet was full of amazing life breath surging...

What shocked Li Xiaoya even more was not these, but the fact that this huge tree stump was full of various weapons and treasures. Li Xiaoya took a quick look and was horrified... Among those treasures, there were hundreds of real immortal treasures, and a few treasures of the beginning of the world were also seen. The number of treasures was really amazing. ...

No wonder Li Xiaoya was a little surprised when he saw it...

"Tsk tsk! With so many treasures, no wonder Xu Shaogui and the others wanted to take action!" After all, Li Xiaoya's cultivation was extraordinary, so his state of mind would not be affected by any fluctuations. He said with a tsk tsk, but he did not rush in, but looked around, lest there were other dangers...

However, Li Xiaoya was overthinking. The entire secret room was a cylindrical space, terrifyingly high, with strands of blue-green light shining from the sky. Apart from that, there was only this huge tree stump...

"Swoosh!" Li Xiaoya moved and suddenly flew up, slowly flew into this space and looked down at the tree stump from above. He saw that there was no treasure inserted on the place where the tree stump was cut in half. There were countless circles of blue-green light runes on it, emitting bursts of spiritual light, which looked like a square flat ground...

"Hmm? The runes?" Li Xiaoya looked at the countless blue-green runes on the tree stump. Suddenly, he hesitated, and slowly flew down to the tree stump below, landing on the tree stump without any danger...

The moment Li Xiaoya landed on the tree stump...

"Whoosh!" A burst of blue-green spiritual energy rolled towards Li Xiaoya frantically. Although Li Xiaoya had the Five Elements Shield on him, the blue-green spiritual energy ignored the defense of the Five Elements Shield and instantly penetrated into Li Xiaoya's body...

"What an amazing life breath!" Li Xiaoya was surprised again. The moment these blue-green spiritual energies penetrated into his body, the cells of his entire body felt an incomparable joy and excitement, and they were constantly recovering from the injuries to his body... Although Li Xiaoya successfully killed the three monks, he actually consumed a lot of mana and burned a lot of life breath, which was why he used the small Five Elements Dragon Wave. Otherwise, That can't be so easy... However, to deal with three powerful people, Li Xiaoya doesn't have to use all his strength...

"These runes... actually contain the natural law of life?" Li Xiaoya suddenly squatted down, looked at the runes on the ground carefully, and muttered to himself...

Not bad!

When Li Xiaoya squatted down and looked at the countless blue-green runes on the surface, he suddenly felt that the blue-green runes contained the breath of the natural law of life. Obviously, this tree stump may be a tree demon with more amazing cultivation. Otherwise, it is impossible to have such amazing natural law of life runes...

"If I can comprehend these law of life runes thoroughly! Then my law of life will definitely increase dramatically!" Li Xiaoya observed for a while, and muttered in great joy in his heart...

Thinking so in his heart...


"Buzz buzz buzz!" The entire tree stump suddenly burst into a burst of blue-green spiritual light, and the blue-green runes on the entire tree stump became brighter...

In an instant... an even more amazing blue-green spiritual light rippled...

"Ka Ka Ka!" There was a sound of sound, and the countless treasures inserted in the tree stump were constantly trembling, followed by a dull sound of "pa pa pa", and the treasures were suddenly automatically pulled out of the tree stump, and a burst of spiritual light was strong... A burst of amazing sound of breaking through the air whistled out. All these treasures flew out and flew up to the sky above the hall...

"Buzz!" Li Xiaoya was startled by this sudden situation. He used several defensive treasures in succession and activated more than a dozen Five Elements Shields. He looked at the scene in amazement...

At this time...

"Swish, swish, swish!" A burst of amazing colorful spiritual light flashed, and countless treasures flew up in the sky above the hall like meteors, constantly spinning on it...

"Whoosh!" The entire tree stump was whistling with an amazing blue-green spiritual light. The whole hall was filled with an indescribable and amazing breath of life...

"Hmm?" Li Xiaoya looked like he didn't seem to be in any danger, but suddenly he seemed to have discovered something. He couldn't help but say in surprise and looked at the ground. I saw countless blue-green spiritual runes on the ground were actually changing constantly... Seeing this scene made Li Xiaoya feel horrified, thinking to himself: "These life law runes can actually change... This is not easy to deal with...!" Thinking so in his heart, he looked at the countless treasures flying in the sky above the hall, and looked a little puzzled...

And at this time...

“Buzz buzz buzz!” Suddenly, a burst of blue-green light spots swirled in the void, gathering in the void. Soon, four more fairyland characters appeared in the air...

“Huh? One treasure for each person?” Li Xiaoya carefully identified it, and muttered to himself with a thought in his mind. He instantly knew what it meant. He frowned and thought to himself, “Could it be that a cultivator can only take one treasure?” He thought so in his mind, looking at the treasures flying in the sky... He looked a little hesitant...

If it is true that one person can only take one treasure, then it must be the treasure of the Creation of Heaven. However, he spent so much energy to get to this place, and he can only take one treasure. That would be too much of a loss... If so many treasures cannot be taken, then wouldn’t it be a pity to return empty-handed?

Naturally, Li Xiaoya couldn't accept it...

"Tsk! Let's see the situation first!" However, Li Xiaoya's own treasures are enough. He came to this illusion sea not for treasures, but to find a way out. Since he can only take one, it may be that his chance has not come yet... Thinking so in his heart, Li Xiaoya secretly said...


"It's you!" Li Xiaoya seemed to have set his eyes on some treasures. The cold light in his eyes suddenly burst out. His body moved violently, and his whole body suddenly flew into the sky. The speed was amazing. He grabbed the void with his big hand, and a buzzing of colorful spiritual light came out. A colorful spiritual light hand directly grabbed a flying red light...

"Bang!" With a muffled explosion, the red light seemed to hit Li Xiaoya's hand directly, and instantly fell on Li Xiaoya's colorful spiritual light hand...

"Go!" Li Xiaoya's arm grabbed another flying orange spiritual light. In the past...

This will be completely ineffective...

"Pah!" A burst of muffled explosions occurred, and the orange spiritual light actually turned into countless orange spiritual lights and spread out..., turning into a piece of orange light, and flew directly towards the tree stump below...

The same was true for the other flying treasures, rushing madly towards the tree stump below... The sky was full of colorful spiritual lights and treasures, and the scene was extremely spectacular...

In an instant...

"Pah pah pah!" A burst of muffled explosions like a storm erupted, and those treasures were directly inserted back into the tree stump...

No After a while, the entire tree stump was filled with a breathtaking blue-green light... After a while, it returned to the state that Li Xiaoya saw at the beginning...

Li Xiaoya looked at the treasure in his hand, and then looked at the tree stump below that had returned to its original state. His face became solemn, and he murmured, "Tsk, can I really only take one?" After that, Li Xiaoya moved and landed next to the tree stump again. With a flash of spiritual light on his hand, he put away the treasure in his hand...

"Go!" Suddenly, Li Xiaoya flew to a treasure inserted into the tree stump and grabbed it fiercely. The colorful spiritual light on his hand suddenly burst out, and a colorful spiritual light hand rushed towards The tree stump treasure grabbed it...

"Snap!" With a muffled sound, Li Xiaoya's colorful spiritual light seemed to have grabbed the long sword on the tree stump... With a sudden force...

"Buzz buzz buzz!" A burst of colorful spiritual light burst out from the colorful spiritual light hand, and it was obvious that Li Xiaoya wanted to pull out the treasure...


"Snap!" With a muffled sound, the long sword stuck in the tree stump was easily pulled out by Li Xiaoya at once, which was not what Li Xiaoya expected, that it would be difficult to pull the long sword out of the tree stump at once...


A scene that made Li Xiaoya dumbfounded appeared...

"Puff!!" When Li Xiaoya pulled out the long sword treasure, the long sword instantly exploded, and directly turned into countless green light spots and flew away, making Li Xiaoya unable to catch it...

"Snap!" With a muffled sound, the long sword instantly returned to its original position...


This long sword treasure that was pulled out cannot be owned by a cultivator...

"Tsk! This thing!" Li Xiaoya looked helpless as he watched this scene. If this long sword was difficult to pull out, it would be fine, but this one was pulled out very easily... Obviously it cannot be taken out by brute force. Can it really only take one treasure?

Thinking so in his heart, Li Xiaoya looked a little unconvinced, and moved his body to grab another treasure...

The same scene appeared. This treasure was pulled out very easily, but it instantly drilled into the tree stump. It was obviously a waste of effort...

"Tsk! It seems that it is still difficult to take the treasure!" Li Xiaoya frowned as he watched this scene and continued to look at the tree stump. Suddenly, Li Xiaoya seemed to have discovered something and said in surprise: "I got it...!" (To be continued.)

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