True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 24 Sixth-level Monster

The scene in front of him stunned Li Xiaoya. He saw that this small valley was a circular valley, surrounded by stone walls thousands of feet high, with colorful clouds floating on the top, and the top could not be seen. The colorful sunlight shone through the clouds, and in the center of the valley was a special Jade God Tree. The reason why it was special was that this Jade God Tree was much smaller than the huge Jade God Tree outside, and it was only tens of feet high. The most important thing was that this Jade God Tree was different from the fiery red Jade God Tree outside. This Jade God Tree was mixed with emerald green and crystal clear, and it emitted emerald green light in the sun. The moment he saw this Jade God Tree, he was immediately attracted by this strange scene.

"Haha! Junior Brother Li! This is the real Jade God Tree of our Mu family! Those outside are actually ordinary trees. They have been affected by the breath of this Jade God Tree for a long time, and only occasionally produce a little God-restoring liquid!" Mu Qilong said quite complacently.

"Oh! So that's it!" Li Xiaoya suddenly realized after hearing this.

"Okay, nephew Ping, go get that divine liquid! Otherwise, the night will be long and dreams will be many!" Mu Qilong said, and threw a green jade pendant to Mu Dingping.

"Okay!" Mu Dingping took it and ran quickly to the Jade God Tree.

"Wait! Junior Brother Li! Don't go over there, there is a ban there, you can't get in without the jade pendant!" Li Xiaoya also wanted to go over, but Mu Qilong stopped him.

"Oh! So! No wonder my divine sense can't detect it!"

As soon as Li Xiaoya finished speaking, Mu Dingping suddenly radiated a green light, and a green barrier suddenly appeared in front of him. He saw his figure flash, and he appeared in front of the Jade God Tree.

Suddenly! Mu Dingping felt that his eyes were dark! A huge figure jumped out of the Jade God Tree. Mu Dingping didn't have time to look up, and hurriedly stepped on the ground.

"Boom!" The huge figure fell like a huge rock, and with a loud noise, it hit the ground fiercely, and sand and stones flew everywhere, raising a large cloud of dust.

Mu Dingping barely dodged it, and was about to look back to see what was in the dust and fog. Suddenly, a black giant hand swept out from the fog, and Mu Dingping hit it right away. Bang! With a sound, Mu Dingping was slapped away by the giant hand.

"Not good! Nephew Ping!" Mu Qilong's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he hurriedly shouted, flying towards the flying Mu Dingping, stretched out his hand to catch it, and suddenly a huge force came, his chest was stuffy, and his body fell backwards involuntarily.

"Pah!" Suddenly he felt a soft force coming from behind him, and his body slowed down and stopped. Needless to say, it was Li Xiaoya.

"Nephew Ping! How are you?" Mu Qilong didn't care about Li Xiaoya, and hurriedly looked at Mu Dingping in his arms, and his heart suddenly sank.

He saw that Mu Dingping's body was limp, his eyes were wide open, blood was flowing from his pores, and he had no breath at all. That slap was so powerful? It killed a cultivator in the Condensation Stage in seconds?

"Sixth-level demon beast Iron Arm Ape?" Li Xiaoya on the side took a breath and said in disbelief.

"What?" Mu Qilong hurriedly looked up and saw that the black giant ape under the Jade God Tree was black all over, with huge arms, black spikes on its head, and a pair of blue eyes. It was the sixth-level demon beast Iron Arm Ape.

"Ahhh!" The Iron Arm Ape suddenly roared to the sky, slapped his chest fiercely with his fists, and his body shrank. The huge body jumped out of the sky above Li Xiaoya and Mu Qilong, with an extremely terrifying momentum.

"How can there be a sixth-level monster?" Mu Qilong exclaimed in disbelief, and his body flashed and rushed to the exit. Li Xiaoya reacted faster, leaping high, and with a backhand palm, a large ball of flames sprayed out. With the help of the thrust, Li Xiaoya's body speed increased rapidly, and he arrived in front of the entrance in an instant.

Boom! The iron-armed ape fell to the place where they were just now like a meteorite, and the entire ground sank several feet. The huge arm swept and slapped Mu Qilong who was about to reach the entrance.

Mu Qilong saw that he was about to end up like Mu Dingping, and his face suddenly changed, but he had no way out. Suddenly, he saw Li Xiaoya, who was several feet away in front of him, suddenly flashed a red light in his hand. Mu Qilong only felt his waist tighten, and Li Xiaoya had a yellow and red rope in his hand, which was the fire spirit silk.

"Come here!" Li Xiaoya shouted angrily, kicked his feet, pulled the rope with one hand, and slapped with the other hand. A large ball of flames sprayed out of the bear, and his figure flew into the entrance.

Mu Qilong also flew in, barely avoiding the slap of the iron-armed ape's giant hand! The strong wind swept by the giant hand made his back hurt, and he was so scared that he broke into a cold sweat.

"Ah!" Seeing this, the iron-armed ape roared again, and the huge arm grabbed the cave entrance. Bang! With a sound, the cave entrance emitted a dazzling white light, which blocked the iron-armed ape's

A muffled sound was made. I didn't expect that there was a ban at the cave entrance, which just saved the lives of two people.

"Huh!" Seeing this, Li Xiaoya breathed a sigh of relief and sat down.

"Huff, huff, huff!" Mu Qilong also sat down breathlessly, and said with lingering fear: "How could there be a monster in this place, and it's a demon beast? If it weren't for Junior Brother Li's rescue, I would have followed in Nephew Ping's footsteps. Alas! It's such a pity for Nephew Ping!" As he spoke, Mu Qilong became a little depressed.

"Uh! What should we do now? The sixth-level monster is not something we, the cultivators of the Condensation Dan stage, can deal with!" Li Xiaoya sighed when he heard this. This cultivator was still alive, but he was gone just like that.

"Uh! This!" Mu Qilong didn't know what to say when he heard this. He sighed for a while and said, "Is it really God's will to destroy our Mu family?" After that, he punched the ground hard and said angrily, "How can there be a sixth-level monster in this place? There are cliffs all around, and there is a restriction at the entrance of the cave!"

"Boom!" Suddenly, another deafening sound came, and the two of them looked back in shock. It turned out that the iron-armed ape was still unwilling to give up. The giant hand punched the restriction, and then punched the dodged restriction one after another, shaking the whole valley.

"Uh! Let's leave here first!" Mu Qilong said with a pale face when he saw this.

"Okay!" Li Xiaoya also nodded and said, and then the two of them walked straight out of the passage.

Although Li Xiaoya can deal with fifth-order monsters, fifth-order monsters are not at the same level as sixth-order monsters. Sixth-order monsters are equivalent to Jindan-stage cultivators. Moreover, this iron-armed ape is the most powerful top-level monster among the sixth-order monsters. Ordinary Jindan-stage cultivators may not be his opponents!

{Piaotian Literature

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