True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 25 Fierce Battle with Iron-armed Ape

"Hey! How did this monster get in?" Mu Qilong and Li Xiaoya walked to a small secret room in the middle of the passage, sat down, and said in a very tangled way.

"Maybe it came down from the cliff?" Li Xiaoya guessed.

"This!" Mu Qilong heard it and clapped his hands and said, "Not bad! Why didn't I think of it! There were monsters coming in before, but they were all low-level monsters. This sixth-level monster is the first time I have seen it!"

"Uh! The problem is!" Li Xiaoya shrugged and said, "What should we do now? Should we go back?"

"This!" Mu Qilong choked when he heard it, and his face became embarrassed. He didn't expect that the things that were sure to be done would go wrong one after another, and he also lost Mu Dingping, a cultivator in the Condensation Dan stage. If he still returned empty-handed, he would become a sinner of the family.

"Hey! How about this!" Li Xiaoya suddenly had an idea in his mind, and suddenly said to Mu Qilong, "I have a way!"

"Really!" Mu Qilong was happy when he heard it.

"Of course!" Li Xiaoya said confidently: "Let's plan it first!"

Half an hour later, the two of them finished their discussion and preparations. Li Xiaoya and Namu Qilong walked towards the valley one after the other. They saw that the iron-armed ape had stopped attacking the ban. The sixth-level monster's intelligence was not low. Seeing that it could not break through, it did not waste its energy, but did not return to the Jade God Tree. Instead, it sat directly at the entrance of the cave to guard.

Li Xiaoya made a gesture to Namu Qilong to stop, and then patted the storage bag. The Fire Dragon Sword appeared in his hand, and the red and yellow light appeared, and it suddenly enlarged. Then he took out a dozen small flags from the storage bag, grabbed them in his hand, and a green light appeared on his body. He immediately performed a wind control technique on himself, and then winked at Namu Qilong.

"Come on! Damn monster!" Li Xiaoya roared, and his figure flashed out of the cave. The Fire Dragon Sword in his hand swung repeatedly, and a series of flaming knives flew out and shot at the iron-armed ape sitting cross-legged on the ground.

"Ah!!!" The iron-armed ape roared and jumped up from the ground. The thick arm swung and swept all the flaming knives in the air at once. The flaming knives all exploded at once, but the arm was fine, only some fur was blown off.

"Hehe! It's really powerful!" Li Xiaoya laughed, but his feet were not slow. He quickly jumped to the other side and flew more than ten feet away from the iron-armed ape in a few strokes.

"Ah!" The iron-armed ape had been enraged for a long time. He lowered his body, kicked his feet, and leaped up with a bang. This huge monster was like a hill and smashed towards Li Xiaoya.

"Hmph!" Li Xiaoya snorted coldly, and swung the Fire Dragon Sword several times. Dozens of cross-shaped fire blades flew out and shot towards the eyes of the iron-armed ape. His feet were not slow either, and he quickly dodged to the side, leaving afterimages in the air, as if there were countless Li Xiaoyas.

"Bang bang!" With two sounds, the iron-armed ape was famous for its flexibility. It flicked its huge tail to the ground, dodging the two cross-shaped fire blades, and angrily punched Li Xiaoya hard at the place where he was standing.

"Bang! Bang!" With two sounds, the cross-shaped fire blade that was dodged turned and exploded on the head of the iron-armed ape, causing the iron-armed ape to stagger and shake its head vigorously. Its green eyes turned red, and it roared angrily, but found that Li Xiaoya's figure was already twenty feet away.

"Roar!" The iron-armed ape opened its bloody mouth and quickly chased after Li Xiaoya. Its heavy footsteps seemed to make the ground tremble like an earthquake.

Li Xiaoya ran away quickly, shooting the flags in all directions.

The huge iron-armed ape ran a few steps but did not find Li Xiaoya. It became even more angry and kept attacking, but it kept missing and circling in place!

"Quick! Success! This guy has been trapped in the illusion array. Go and get the spirit-restoring liquid!" Li Xiaoya shouted loudly.

I saw that Mu Qilong had come out at some point, and now he was looking for something near Mu Dingping's body. Hearing this, he shouted without turning his head: "I'm looking for the jade pendant! I can't go in without the jade pendant...! Haha! I found it!" Mu Qilong wanted to say something, but suddenly laughed excitedly, picked up the jade pendant and ran towards the Jade God Tree, shouting loudly while running: "Junior Brother Li! I need a quarter of an hour! You have to hold on!"

"Uh! Okay!" Li Xiaoya choked when he heard the words, and hurriedly agreed. But he secretly groaned in his heart, because although the monster was trapped, it was flying around randomly, which still put him under a lot of pressure, and he was afraid that it would attack his formation flag.

"Ah!!!!!!!!!!" Seeing that he hadn't hit anyone for a long time, the iron-armed ape suddenly stretched out his hand and emitted a red light. He slapped his chest vigorously, and an earth-shaking roar was emitted. A wave of sound waves was visible to the naked eye, and the surrounding area of ​​dozens of feet was covered by the sound waves

, and sand and stones were flying.

"Ah!" Li Xiaoya screamed, a blue light flashed on his body, and he was knocked away by the sound wave. The illusion array disappeared instantly!

Li Xiaoya's face turned pale, and he hurriedly ran towards the passage.

"Ah!" The iron-armed ape roared in the dust and mist, jumped high, and smashed towards Li Xiaoya.

"Fire spirit silk!" Li Xiaoya waved his hand, and several fire spirit silks flew out, snapping and stabbing the iron-armed ape's body.

"Boom boom boom!" The iron-armed ape was frozen in the air and fell down all of a sudden.

Li Xiaoya's figure did not retreat but advanced, with a burst of black light emanating from his body. He kicked his feet, and a big hole was kicked out on the ground. He flew towards the falling iron-armed ape, aiming directly at the throat of the iron-armed ape.

"Ah!" The iron-armed ape roared, raised his huge arm high, and slapped Li Xiaoya in the air. The speed was nearly times faster than before. As long as Li Xiaoya was hit, he would be dead.

"Not good!" Li Xiaoya roared, and slapped his hand behind him. Boom! With a sound, a large piece of flames sprayed out. Li Xiaoya's figure suddenly became several times faster, and he barely avoided the iron-armed ape's powerful slap. His figure immediately arrived in front of the iron-armed ape's neck and roared: "Die!" He swung the Fire Dragon Sword in his hand vigorously, and the Fire Dragon Sword was shining red and yellow, slashing towards the throat of the iron-armed ape.

But the iron-armed ape's neck shrank back. Although it dodged the sword, its mouth was cut open. Scarlet blood spurted out and it screamed. It stretched out its giant hand and grabbed Li Xiaoya in the air.

"Come again!" Li Xiaoya refused to give up. He waved the Fire Dragon Sword again. The light of the Fire Dragon Sword became brighter, and it almost blinded people. The sword light on the sword suddenly grew five or six feet longer. The black light on its body was brighter, and its body suddenly grew several circles larger. It swung the Fire Dragon Sword vigorously. Puff! With a sound, the iron-armed ape's movement to grab Li Xiaoya suddenly froze and it was fixed in the air.

{Piaotian Literature

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