True Immortal Fate

Volume 3 Lingguang Lake Fairy Meeting Volume 4 Chapter 106 Heartache

(It’s extremely cold in the south during the Chinese New Year this year. I’ve never had chilblains before. I also got chilblains. My typing speed was much slower than usual!

"Boom!" Donggu Girl didn't stop after blocking the door. The dozen or so remaining formation flags in her hand quickly shot out and stuck on the ground. Suddenly, everyone was surrounded by a shimmering light shield.

"Huh! This is an isolation array. Although it is not very useful for monks, it should still be useful for evading the monster!" After setting up the array, Donggu Girl said with a sigh of relief as cold sweat broke out on her forehead.

"Huh? There are so many powerful monster auras!" Huang Hua suddenly exclaimed.

"Could it be a sixth-order monster?" Ma Weiqi also sensed it, his face changed and he exclaimed.

"Put me down!" Suddenly, Li Xiaoya interrupted their conversation and said weakly.

"Oh! Junior Brother Li! Are you okay?" Huang Hua quickly put down Li Xiaoya and asked with concern.

"You can't die yet!" Li Xiaoya said in a daze. Instead of meditating to heal his injuries, he just lay down on the ground and tears flowed out silently.

"...!" Everyone looked at each other in confusion when they saw this. They didn't know what to say. Although everyone was used to the cruel battles in the world of immortality, and monks died every day, it was really their turn. My close relatives and friends died in the same family, and I still feel bad. Although the immortals are ruthless, how can humans be ruthless if they are not grass and trees? In ancient times, the immortals and Taoists were trapped in love. Although Liu Qingshan and most of the people here only have a relationship, but He was killed suddenly in front of everyone. The bones were all broken into pieces and there was no whole body. It was really sad.

"Junior brother Li...Junior brother Li!" There was a look of sadness in Zhang Hong's eyes. He hesitated for a long time, and then he spoke softly and persuaded: "We all feel very sorry for what happened to junior brother Liu, but you It's useless to be so sad now. It's hurting yourself. The most important thing for you now is to heal your wounds. Just now you went crazy and almost followed Junior Brother Liu's footsteps. You'd better cheer up, recover from your injuries and make plans!"

"Yes...yeah!" Huang Hua also didn't expect that Zhang Hong, who had always been known as the Iceberg Fairy in Tiandao Sect, would ask such gentle questions to persuade Li Xiaoya, and hurriedly agreed: "People can't be resurrected after death, Junior Brother Li, what are you doing now?" The injury can't be delayed for a long time. Once the injury is healed, we'll go find Sun Xing to settle the score!"

"Yes, Junior Brother Li! Don't hurt your mind and spirit. Then we are still waiting for Junior Brother Li to open the way!" Li Xiangxiang also echoed, but unexpectedly everyone rolled their eyes. You should be called Senior Brother, right?

"Isn't it just someone who died! Look at you crying like this, you look like a man, so ugly! Stop crying and heal your wounds! Otherwise, you also..." But the Donggu girl She said coldly and heartlessly, but could not hide her concern. She was so frightened that Li Xiangxiang quickly grabbed her sleeve to prevent her from continuing.

"If only I...had been stronger!" Li Xiaoya listened to everyone's chaotic advice, and suddenly covered his face with his hands and sobbed, "If...I had been stronger..., I Brother Liu... I just... won't... die... I'm so... so useless, even a small... .......Sun Xing...But I'm so useless...Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!" Having said this, Li Xiaoya couldn't help but burst into tears. His cry was desolate and sad, which made everyone feel very uncomfortable after hearing it. Eyes red.

"This...Junior Brother Li is crying's not good to attract the attention of monsters, right?" Ma Weiqi couldn't help but send a message to the Donggu girl.

"Don't worry! This isolation array can completely cut off spiritual consciousness, smell and sound!" The Donggu woman rolled her eyes at him and said without bothering to transmit the message.

"Uh... Haha! That's good, that's good!" Ma Weiqi was disgusted when he saw the Donggu girl's ugly face. He also knew that he had asked a stupid question and touched the back of his head in embarrassment. said.

"Idiot!" Donggu Nu cursed secretly when she saw this.

"Boom!!!!" Just as Li Xiaoya was howling and crying sadly, a stronger vibration suddenly came from the ground. Although the isolation array can isolate the sound from outside, similarly, the sound from outside cannot be transmitted in. Until then, The shock was really too great, and only then did everyone react.

"No! Those monster beasts are nearby. Everyone, please be careful to restrain your magic aura!" Donggu Nu's face changed drastically and she said to everyone. Although there was an isolation array, it was still two questions whether she could avoid the powerful monster sensors. Say it, say it, quickly use your magical power to control your aura!

"Woooooooooooooo!!" But Li Xiaoya was still crying bitterly.

"Why are you crying! You want to cause us to fall too, don't you?!" Suddenly Zhang Hong squatted in front of Li Xiaoya, grabbed Li Xiaoya's shoulders, shook him hard and cursed.

"I... Wuwu!! Wu..." Li Xiaoya pushed her hands away, turned his back to her, sobbed a few times, suddenly stopped crying, and slowly his breathing began to calm down. .

"Huh!!" Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If Li Xiaoya continued like this, the possibility of being discovered would greatly increase. Everyone looked at Zhang Hong with admiration, but found that Zhang Hong's eyes were red and a tear was flowing from the corner of her eyes. Seeing everyone looking at her, she turned her back to everyone and her mana fluctuations slowly subsided.

Everyone hurriedly restrained their breath when they saw this. Although the isolation array restrained the mana breath, everyone was still a little uneasy.

However, the place where everyone was just now was surrounded by countless monsters. These monsters were huge and all had black shapes. There were all kinds of monsters with black air. These monsters seemed to be restless and looked around as if they were looking for something.

"Swoosh!" Suddenly, a small black shadow flew out from the group of monsters with a swoosh sound, and stood on the head of a very tall, black clawed beast with black gas.

"Roar!!" When the thing stood on the head of the clawed beast, the clawed beast was stunned, roared, and quickly knelt down.

I saw that this little thing was only the size of a calf, with black dragon scales all over its body, limbs like cow legs and sharp hooves, surrounded by thick scales. If you look at its head, it is even more shocking. The whole thing is a real dragon head, dragon whiskers, dragon horns, and dragon teeth!!!!

This is clearly the appearance of the legendary Qilin.

"Roar!!!!!!!!!!" The black Qilin roared loudly, and the sound was dozens of times louder than the thunder, shaking the entire Ancient Monster Mountain.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!!" The monsters around heard the roar, and they all roared to the sky, turned around, and ran towards the direction where Sun Xing and others fled.

{Piaotian Literature

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